
By: | 354,879 downloads | Last Updated: 11/12/2016 | Latest Version:

This script creates an availability set of 1-4 Windows Server 2016 VMs with Network Security Groups for RDP access. In this script, these machines will be deployed with using the ABC[DC]## convention, where ABC is the 3 letter airport code of the location, DC indicates that these machines can subsequently be configured as domain controllers, and #... More info

By: | 4,234 downloads | Last Updated: 10/12/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.22

A collection of fuctions to simplify and facilitate common tasks that are required for automated deployments to Azure using a combinatin of PowerShell scripts and ARM templates. The following features are implemented as functions of this module. Please note that the "Az" module is a required dependency for this module. 1. Create a new script he... More info

By: | 4,006 downloads | Last Updated: 1/27/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.4

An automation module consisting of functions that can provide the following features: 1. Create a new azure automation run as service principal 2. Publish automation account runbook scripts from a local filesystem or share. 3. Import automation account modules. 4. Format automation account runbook schedules with a time zone offset based on the ... More info

By: | 2,613 downloads | Last Updated: 1/22/2019 | Latest Version: 1.1.1

A collection of fuctions to simplify logging output in a variety of formats, which includes: a) Logging simultaneously to the console and a specified log file; b) Logging to the console and a log file with a time-stamp index at each line; c) Logging output to only the specified log file. The Write-ToConsoleAndLog function displays the specified... More info

By: | 773 downloads | Last Updated: 1/24/2019 | Latest Version: 2.3.4

A module with a set of commonly used functions to get PowerShellGallery modules, create log files, add headers, footers, prompts and calculate elapsed time for a script.