
By: | 18,389 downloads | Last Updated: 8/30/2023 | Latest Version: 1.2.5

scoop tab completion.The data of completion comes from json,and you can modify the json file to change the completion as required. For more information, please visit the project: https://github.com/abgox/PS-completions

By: | 5,253 downloads | Last Updated: 8/30/2023 | Latest Version: 1.3.2

npm tab completion.The data of completion comes from json,and you can modify the json file to change the completion as required. For more information, please visit the project: https://github.com/abgox/PS-completions

By: | 4,731 downloads | Last Updated: 8/30/2023 | Latest Version: 1.2.2

pnpm tab completion.The data of completion comes from json,and you can modify the json file to change the completion as required. For more information, please visit the project: https://github.com/abgox/PS-completions

By: | 739 downloads | Last Updated: 8/30/2023 | Latest Version: 1.1.1

Python tab completion.The data of completion comes from json,and you can modify the json file to change the completion as required. For more information, please visit the project: https://github.com/abgox/PS-completions

By: | 159 downloads | Last Updated: 8/30/2023 | Latest Version: 1.1.3

nvm(nvm-window) tab completion.The data of completion comes from json,and you can modify the json file to change the completion as required. For more information, please visit the project: https://github.com/abgox/PS-completions

By: | 121 downloads | Last Updated: 8/30/2023 | Latest Version: 1.3.2

chfs(CuteHttpFileServer) tab completion.The data of completion comes from json,and you can modify the json file to change the completion as required. For more information, please visit the project: https://github.com/abgox/PS-completions

By: | 85 downloads | Last Updated: 8/30/2023 | Latest Version: 1.2.4

Volta tab completion.The data of completion comes from json,and you can modify the json file to change the completion as required. For more information, please visit the project: https://github.com/abgox/PS-completions