
By: | 596 downloads | Last Updated: 1/7/2016 | Latest Version: 1.20

Provisions a new Amazon Web Services (AWS) Virtual Machine ToDO: Change the default values for the following parameters if they do not match with yours: AWSRegion, EC2ImageName, MinCount, MaxCount,InstanceType Create an Azure Automation Asset called "AwsCred" Turn on Log verbose records and optionally Log progress records under the runbook setti... More info

By: | 451 downloads | Last Updated: 3/16/2016 | Latest Version: 1.2

OMS Search API Azure Automation sample runbook using native PowerShell cmdlets TODO: $dynamicQuery - Enter your custom query here $StartDateAndTime - Provide your start date and time $EndDateAndTime - Provide your end date and time $AutomationCredentialAssetName - Provide the name for your Azure Active Directory account $ResourceGroupName - Provid... More info