
By: | 1,312,859 downloads | Last Updated: 1/29/2020 | Latest Version: 1.1

A handy function for creating a temporary array ($blah) from a list of arbitrary data (i.e. email addresses), useful for running a loop against. After loading the function (or adding to your PowerShell profile), execute the function by typing 'blah' then pasting in a list of data that you want to perform a common command against. For example, from... More info

By: | 162 downloads | Last Updated: 3/18/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0

Have a distribution list with a bunch of nested groups? Want to get a flattened member list? This is what you need. ################################################################################# # Get-NestedDLMembers.ps1 # # This will expand and flatten a Distribution List with nested groups into a # single global array ... More info