
By: | 2,198,103 downloads | Last Updated: 1/5/2025 | Latest Version: 1.0.15

Compiles Powershell scripts to executables. Overworking of the great script of Ingo Karstein with GUI support. 'Invoke-ps2exe script.ps1' (or 'ps2exe script.ps1') compiles to script.exe. Several control parameters available. Or use Win-PS2EXE as a graphical front end to the compiler.

By: | 432,993 downloads | Last Updated: 1/4/2022 | Latest Version: 1.1.1

Firewall-Manager is a module to manage firewall rules. * Export-FirewallRules to export firewall rules to a CSV or JSON file * Import-FirewallRules to import firewall rules from a CSV or JSON file * Remove-FirewallRules to remove firewall rules according to a CSV or JSON file

By: | 149,910 downloads | Last Updated: 3/3/2025 | Latest Version: 1.5.10

VirtualDesktop is a module that provides commandlets to manage virtual desktops of Windows 10 and 11. * New-Desktop, Switch-Desktop, Remove-Desktop to control desktops * Get-DesktopCount, Get-CurrentDesktop, Get-Desktop and others to query desktops * Move-Window, (Un)Pin-Window, (Un)Pin-Application to control windows on desktops * only Window... More info

By: | 20,725 downloads | Last Updated: 12/12/2020 | Latest Version: 1.1.4

SysAdminsFriends is a module that provides some tools that are useful for system administrators. * Export-FirewallRules, Import-FirewallRules, Remove-FirewallRules for firewall rules * Get-Sessions retrieves information on logon sessions * Start-Webserver is a Powershell web server without IIS * ConvertTo-Batch converts short Powershell scripts... More info

By: | 14,879 downloads | Last Updated: 2/3/2024 | Latest Version: 1.0.7

Powershell WebServer is a module that starts a webserver (without the need for IIS). Powershell command execution, script execution, upload, download and other functions are implemented. * Start-Webserver starts a webserver listening on port 8080 with binding to localhost only * Start-Webserver "http://+:8080/" "C:\Data" starts a webserver on po... More info

By: | 4,768 downloads | Last Updated: 9/11/2019 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

CredentialLocker is a module that provides commandlets to manage credentials in the password vault. It can handle stored credentials of IE and Edge and it is a secure password safe for your application. * Get-VaultCredential and Show-VaultCredentials to display credentials * Add-VaultCredential and Remove-VaultCredential to manage credentials ... More info