
By: | 5,059 downloads | Last Updated: 12/17/2018 | Latest Version: 1.4

Decline several Update Types in Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). For example Beta and Preview Updates, Updates for Itanium, Drivers, Dell Hardware, Surface Hardware, SharePoint Updates in Office Channel, Language on Demand Feature updates and superseded updates. The scrips send, if configured a list of the decliened updates.

By: | 401 downloads | Last Updated: 3/12/2019 | Latest Version: 1.58

PowerShell script to periodically back up the Group Policy and documentation of version using HTML reports. Ideal as a scheduled task to perform regular backups of the GPO. Each backup creates a new subfolder with a time stamp. The script does not require Administrative privileges. If the script runs with Administrative privileges, it will write st... More info