

PowerShell script to periodically back up the Group Policy and documentation of version using HTML reports. Ideal as a scheduled task to perform regular backups of the GPO. Each backup creates a new subfolder with a time stamp.
The script does not require Administrative privileges. If the script runs with Administrative privileges, it will write status information to
PowerShell script to periodically back up the Group Policy and documentation of version using HTML reports. Ideal as a scheduled task to perform regular backups of the GPO. Each backup creates a new subfolder with a time stamp.
The script does not require Administrative privileges. If the script runs with Administrative privileges, it will write status information to the event log.
Based opon the german blog article contained in the link. Get the actual Script version from Microsoft TechNet:
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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name get-GPOBackup

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Fabian Niesen 2018

Package Details


  • Fabian Niesen (


GPO Grouppolicy Backup


This script has no dependencies.

Release Notes

Add Centralstore Policy Definition with the Switch -PolicyDefinition to the script. It is supported on DC and non-DC computer


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.58 (current version) 352 3/12/2019
1.56 49 12/17/2018