

Module for PowerShell Universal.

This is a prerelease version of Universal.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Universal -RequiredVersion 3.0.0-beta2 -AllowPrerelease

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Universal -Version 3.0.0-beta2 -Prerelease

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2022 Ironman Software. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Ironman Software


universal universal-dashboard universal-automation


Add-PSUScriptTag New-PSUDashboard New-PSUDashboardComponent New-PSUDashboardFramework Clear-PSUCache ConvertTo-JsonEx Get-PSUDashboardEndpointRunspace Connect-PSUServer Get-PSUEndpoint Get-PSUAppToken Get-PSUComputer Get-PSEnvironment Get-PSUFolder Get-PSUGitStatus Get-PSUIdentity Get-PSuJob Get-PSUJobFeedback Get-PSUJobOutput Get-PSUJobParameter Get-PSUJobPipelineOutput Get-PSULicense Get-PSURole Get-PSUSchedule Get-PSUScript Get-PSUScriptHistory Get-PSUScriptParameter Get-PSUScriptTag Get-PSUSetting Get-PSUStats Get-PSUTag Get-PSUVariable Get-PSUTerminal Get-PSUDashboard Get-PSUDashboardFramework Get-PSUTerminalInstance Grant-PSUAppToken Invoke-PSUScript Invoke-UDEndpoint Invoke-PSUTerminalCommand Import-PSUTemplate New-PSUApiResponse New-PSUAuthenticationResult New-PSUAuthorizationClaim New-PSUEnvironment Get-PSUEnvironment New-PSUEndpoint New-PSUHotkey New-PSURole New-PSUScript New-PSUSystemEvent New-PSUTerminal Start-PSUTerminalInstance Stop-PSUTerminalInstance Show-PSUPage New-PSUFolder New-PSUIdentity New-PSUProtocolHandler New-PSUPage New-PSUFileAssociation New-PSUSchedule New-PSUTag New-PSUVariable New-UDElement New-UDEndpoint New-UDEndpointSchedule New-UDHtml New-PSUPublishedFolder New-PSURateLimit New-PSUValidationResult Measure-PSUBlock Out-PSUPipeline Remove-PSUEndpoint Remove-PSUIdentity Remove-PSUEnvironment Remove-PSUSchedule Remove-PSUScript Remove-PSUScriptTag Remove-PSUTag Remove-PSUVariable Remove-UDEndpoint Rename-PSUScript Revoke-PSUAppToken Set-PSUAuthenticationMethod Set-PSUIdentity Set-PSUJobFeedback Set-PSULicense Set-PSUEnvironment Set-PSUScript Set-PSUSetting Set-PSUTag Set-PSUVariable Start-PSUDashboard Stop-PSUJob Stop-PSUDashboard Sync-PSUComponent Sync-PSUConfiguration Wait-PSUJob Wait-PSUDashboardEndpoint New-PSUTrigger Set-PSUTrigger Get-PSUTrigger Remove-PSUTrigger New-PSULoginPage Set-PSUCache Get-PSUCache New-PSUAccessControl New-PSULoginPageLink


Install-PSUServer Resolve-Variable Start-PSUServer Update-PSUServer Remove-PSUServer


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes



  • Universal.nuspec
  • Flurl.dll
  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
  • Universal.psd1
  • Flurl.Http.dll
  • Nito.AsyncEx.Context.dll
  • System.ObjectModel.dll
  • Universal.psm1
  • Hangfire.AspNetCore.dll
  • Nito.AsyncEx.Coordination.dll
  • System.Private.ServiceModel.dll
  • UniversalAutomation.Common.dll
  • Hangfire.Core.dll
  • Nito.AsyncEx.Interop.WaitHandles.dll
  • System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.dll
  • UniversalAutomation.Common.pdb
  • Hangfire.SqlServer.dll
  • Nito.AsyncEx.Oop.dll
  • System.Reflection.Emit.dll
  • UniversalDashboard.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.dll
  • Nito.AsyncEx.Tasks.dll
  • System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll
  • UniversalDashboard.pdb
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Abstractions.dll
  • Nito.Cancellation.dll
  • System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll
  • ca\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Core.dll
  • Nito.Collections.Deque.dll
  • System.Reflection.Metadata.dll
  • cs\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.dll
  • Nito.Disposables.dll
  • System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.dll
  • de\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.Internal.dll
  • NodaTime.dll
  • System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
  • de\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Abstractions.dll
  • PowerShellUniversal.dll
  • System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll
  • es\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.dll
  • PowerShellUniversal.pdb
  • System.Security.AccessControl.dll
  • es\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions.dll
  • Quartz.dll
  • System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.dll
  • fa\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Buffers.dll
  • System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll
  • fr\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Collections.Concurrent.dll
  • System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll
  • fr\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.dll
  • System.Collections.Immutable.dll
  • System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.dll
  • it\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.dll
  • System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll
  • System.Security.Permissions.dll
  • ja\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.dll
  • System.ComponentModel.dll
  • System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll
  • ko\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.dll
  • System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll
  • System.ServiceModel.dll
  • nb\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
  • System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll
  • System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll
  • nl\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Data.Common.dll
  • System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll
  • pl\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Data.SqlClient.dll
  • System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
  • pt\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
  • System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll
  • pt-BR\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll
  • System.Threading.dll
  • pt-BR\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll
  • System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
  • pt-PT\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool.dll
  • System.Formats.Asn1.dll
  • System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll
  • ru\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Options.dll
  • System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.dll
  • Universal-help.xml
  • tr\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.dll
  • System.Linq.dll
  • Universal.Cmdlets.deps.json
  • zh\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders.dll
  • System.Linq.Expressions.dll
  • Universal.Cmdlets.dll
  • zh-Hans\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.dll
  • System.Management.Automation.dll
  • Universal.Cmdlets.pdb
  • zh-Hant\System.Private.ServiceModel.resources.dll
  • Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll
  • System.Memory.dll
  • zh-TW\Hangfire.Core.resources.dll
  • MiniProfiler.Shared.dll

Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
5.1.2 19,088 12/17/2024
5.1.1 1,608 12/16/2024
5.1.0 4,549 12/11/2024
5.0.16 18,223 11/18/2024
5.0.15 7,443 11/5/2024
5.0.14 2,597 10/31/2024
5.0.13 3,981 10/22/2024
5.0.12 2,134 10/18/2024
5.0.11 1,279 10/15/2024
5.0.10 3,797 10/8/2024
5.0.9 3,734 9/30/2024
5.0.8 3,764 9/23/2024
5.0.7 4,171 9/16/2024
5.0.6 3,476 9/9/2024
5.0.5 2,722 9/3/2024
5.0.4 2,532 8/28/2024
5.0.3 114 8/28/2024
5.0.2 134 8/27/2024
5.0.1 1,704 8/23/2024
5.0.0 1,383 8/20/2024
4.5.0 26 12/10/2024
4.4.1 143 10/1/2024
4.4.0 99 9/4/2024
4.3.4 8,079 7/29/2024
4.3.3 1,720 7/22/2024
4.3.2 3,648 7/2/2024
4.3.1 1,172 6/26/2024
4.3.0 1,637 6/17/2024
4.2.21 7,429 5/6/2024
4.2.20 1,222 4/29/2024
4.2.19 1,375 4/22/2024
4.2.18 986 4/15/2024
4.2.17 1,119 4/8/2024
4.2.16 400 4/5/2024
4.2.15 1,275 3/28/2024
4.2.14 919 3/22/2024
4.2.13 3,969 3/6/2024
4.2.12 8,071 2/1/2024
4.2.11 2,374 1/22/2024
4.2.10 441 1/20/2024
4.2.9 2,466 1/10/2024
4.2.6 4,496 12/10/2023
4.2.5 2,362 12/4/2023
4.2.4 3,576 11/24/2023
4.2.3 1,012 11/21/2023
4.2.2 367 11/20/2023
4.2.1 600 11/16/2023
4.2.0 685 11/14/2023
4.1.10 65 11/16/2023
4.1.9 300 11/13/2023
4.1.8 1,291 10/30/2023
4.1.7 243 10/23/2023
4.1.6 326 10/16/2023
4.1.5 275 10/9/2023
4.1.4 263 10/2/2023
4.1.3 13 10/2/2023
4.1.2 229 9/25/2023
4.1.1 190 9/18/2023
4.1.0 155 9/13/2023
4.0.12 241 8/31/2023
4.0.11 97 8/28/2023
4.0.10 352 8/14/2023
4.0.9 337 7/30/2023
4.0.8 194 7/24/2023
4.0.7 173 7/17/2023
4.0.6 156 7/11/2023
4.0.5 268 7/5/2023
4.0.4 70 7/4/2023
4.0.3 47 7/2/2023
4.0.2 186 6/25/2023
4.0.1 334 6/14/2023
4.0.0 158 6/13/2023
3.10.5 45 2/1/2024
3.10.4 9 1/20/2024
3.10.3 40 12/13/2023
3.10.2 81 11/16/2023
3.9.21 10 10/23/2023
3.9.20 12 10/16/2023
3.9.19 9 10/2/2023
3.9.18 31 9/25/2023
3.9.17 51 8/28/2023
3.9.16 20 8/14/2023
3.9.15 19 7/24/2023
3.9.14 23 7/24/2023
3.9.13 24 7/17/2023
3.9.12 35 7/11/2023
3.9.11 14 7/5/2023
3.9.10 10 7/4/2023
3.9.9 22 7/3/2023
3.9.8 17 6/25/2023
3.9.7 57 6/14/2023
3.9.6 65 6/12/2023
3.9.5 300 6/5/2023
3.9.4 474 5/23/2023
3.9.3 108 5/22/2023
3.9.2 366 5/15/2023
3.9.1 207 5/10/2023
3.9.0 67 5/9/2023
3.8.12 443 4/30/2023
3.8.11 307 4/24/2023
3.8.10 277 4/18/2023
3.8.9 416 4/10/2023
3.8.8 375 4/3/2023
3.8.7 176 3/29/2023
3.8.6 121 3/28/2023
3.8.5 106 3/27/2023
3.8.4 49 3/26/2023
3.8.3 394 3/17/2023
3.8.2 151 3/14/2023
3.8.1 45 3/14/2023
3.8.0 35 3/14/2023
3.7.14 530 3/2/2023
3.7.13 285 2/24/2023
3.7.12 60 2/23/2023
3.7.11 363 2/15/2023
3.7.10 404 2/4/2023
3.7.9 314 1/29/2023
3.7.8 133 1/26/2023
3.7.7 288 1/20/2023
3.7.6 254 1/17/2023
3.7.5 78 1/16/2023
3.7.4 100 1/13/2023
3.7.3 80 1/12/2023
3.7.2 26 1/11/2023
3.7.1 92 1/10/2023
3.7.0 16 1/10/2023
3.6.5 6 1/12/2023
3.6.4 328 12/30/2022
3.6.3 165 12/24/2022
3.6.2 312 12/15/2022
3.6.1 118 12/13/2022
3.6.0 27 12/13/2022
3.5.5 1,002 11/17/2022
3.5.4 163 11/14/2022
3.5.3 68 11/14/2022
3.5.2 119 11/10/2022
3.5.1 74 11/9/2022
3.5.0 33 11/9/2022
3.4.7 6 11/14/2022
3.4.6 342 11/2/2022
3.4.5 100 10/31/2022
3.4.4 241 10/25/2022
3.4.3 196 10/20/2022
3.4.2 85 10/19/2022
3.4.1 171 10/16/2022
3.4.0 291 10/11/2022
3.3.7 199 10/6/2022
3.3.6 400 9/27/2022
3.3.5 238 9/22/2022
3.3.4 137 9/20/2022
3.3.3 122 9/19/2022
3.3.2 110 9/16/2022
3.3.1 200 9/14/2022
3.3.0 111 9/13/2022
3.2.8 815 8/28/2022
3.2.7 75 8/27/2022
3.2.6 149 8/25/2022
3.2.5 313 8/19/2022
3.2.4 103 8/18/2022
3.2.3 124 8/16/2022
3.2.2 107 8/15/2022
3.2.1 202 8/11/2022
3.2.0 248 8/9/2022
3.1.6 536 7/27/2022
3.1.5 184 7/25/2022
3.1.4 483 7/19/2022
3.1.3 224 7/15/2022
3.1.2 94 7/14/2022
3.1.1 141 7/13/2022
3.1.0 179 7/12/2022
3.0.6 573 6/30/2022
3.0.5 277 6/26/2022
3.0.4 54 6/26/2022
3.0.3 451 6/17/2022
3.0.2 96 6/16/2022
3.0.1 234 6/14/2022
3.0.0-beta2 (current version) 53 6/14/2022
2.12.6 51 11/14/2022
2.12.5 56 9/1/2022
2.12.4 49 8/19/2022
2.12.3 51 8/18/2022
2.12.2 72 6/16/2022
2.12.1 69 6/14/2022
2.12.0 87 6/14/2022
2.11.1 1,296 5/12/2022
2.11.0 196 5/10/2022
2.10.2 884 4/21/2022
2.10.1 249 4/18/2022
2.10.0 378 4/12/2022
2.9.3 801 3/26/2022
2.9.2 671 3/11/2022
2.9.0 309 3/8/2022
2.8.3 876 2/22/2022
2.8.2 453 2/15/2022
2.8.1 357 2/10/2022
2.8.0 276 2/8/2022
2.7.4 200 2/4/2022
2.7.3 521 1/21/2022
2.7.2 268 1/17/2022
2.7.1 128 1/14/2022
2.7.0 245 1/11/2022
2.6.2 716 12/17/2021
2.6.1 136 12/15/2021
2.6.0 130 12/14/2021
2.5.5 718 11/24/2021
2.5.4 486 11/15/2021
2.5.3 264 11/12/2021
2.5.2 74 11/11/2021
2.5.1 160 11/10/2021
2.5.0 133 11/9/2021
2.4.1 733 10/22/2021
2.4.0 443 10/12/2021
2.3.2 322 10/2/2021
2.3.1 514 9/17/2021
2.3.0 193 9/14/2021
2.2.1 1,143 8/10/2021
2.2.0 357 8/2/2021
2.1.4 186 7/28/2021
2.1.3 118 7/27/2021
2.1.2 683 7/7/2021
2.1.1 287 7/1/2021
2.1.0 157 6/30/2021
2.0.3 561 6/10/2021
2.0.2 206 6/7/2021
2.0.1 169 6/4/2021
2.0.0 191 6/2/2021
1.5.19 550 5/14/2021
1.5.18 338 5/7/2021
1.5.17 145 5/6/2021
1.5.16 689 4/19/2021
1.5.15 526 4/5/2021
1.5.14 1,189 3/4/2021
1.5.13 598 2/19/2021
1.5.12 422 2/11/2021
1.5.11 143 2/10/2021
1.5.10 408 2/1/2021
1.5.9 699 1/14/2021
1.5.7 1,027 12/18/2020
1.5.6 366 12/12/2020
1.5.5 75 12/11/2020
1.5.4 391 12/4/2020
1.5.3 406 11/26/2020
1.5.2 283 11/22/2020
1.5.1 192 11/20/2020
1.5.0 272 11/17/2020
1.4.0 182 10/1/2020
1.3.1 200 8/27/2020
1.3.0 158 7/30/2020
1.2.0 268 6/9/2020
1.0.2 116 5/21/2020
1.0.1 65 5/21/2020
1.0.0 74 5/20/2020
1.0.0-beta3 63 5/20/2020
Show less