

PowerShell script packaging, profiling, installer creation, Windows Forms design and code conversion cmdlets.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PowerShellProTools -RequiredVersion 5.6.2

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PowerShellProTools -Version 5.6.2

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Ironman Software, LLC

Package Details


  • PowerShellProTools.nuspec
  • Common.dll
  • Common.pdb
  • FormDesigner.Generator.dll
  • FormDesigner.Generator.pdb
  • Licensing.dll
  • Licensing.pdb
  • log4net.dll
  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll
  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.dll
  • Microsoft.CSharp.dll
  • Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll
  • MoreLinq.dll
  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • PowerShellProTools.psd1
  • PowerShellProTools.psm1
  • PowerShellProTools.VSCode.dll
  • PowerShellProTools.VSCode.pdb
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.deps.json
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.dll
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.dll.config
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.Installer.dll
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.Installer.pdb
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.pdb
  • PowerShellToolsPro.CodeConversion.dll
  • PowerShellToolsPro.CodeConversion.dll.config
  • PowerShellToolsPro.CodeConversion.pdb
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Packager.dll
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Packager.dll.config
  • PowerShellToolsPro.Packager.pdb
  • SixLabors.Core.dll
  • SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll
  • System.AppContext.dll
  • System.Buffers.dll
  • System.Collections.Concurrent.dll
  • System.Collections.Immutable.dll
  • System.Collections.NonGeneric.dll
  • System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
  • System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll
  • System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll
  • System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.dll
  • System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl.dll
  • System.Linq.dll
  • System.Linq.Expressions.dll
  • System.Management.Automation.dll
  • System.Memory.dll
  • System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.dll
  • System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
  • System.ObjectModel.dll
  • System.Reflection.Emit.dll
  • System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll
  • System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll
  • System.Reflection.Metadata.dll
  • System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.dll
  • System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
  • System.Runtime.Numerics.dll
  • System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.dll
  • System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll
  • System.Security.AccessControl.dll
  • System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl.dll
  • System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll
  • System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll
  • System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll
  • System.Threading.dll
  • System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
  • System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll
  • System.Threading.Thread.dll
  • System.Threading.ThreadPool.dll
  • System.ValueTuple.dll
  • System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll
  • System.Xml.XDocument.dll
  • System.Xml.XmlDocument.dll
  • System.Xml.XPath.dll
  • System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll
  • cs\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • cs\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • de\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • de\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • en-US\PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.dll-Help.xml
  • en-US\PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.Installer.dll-Help.xml
  • es\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • es\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • FormDesigner\PSScriptPad.exe
  • fr\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • fr\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • it\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • it\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • ja\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • ja\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • ko\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • ko\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • pl\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • pl\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • pt-BR\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • pt-BR\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • ru\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • ru\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • tr\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • tr\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • Wix\bin\candle.exe
  • Wix\bin\candle.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\darice.cub
  • Wix\bin\dark.exe
  • Wix\bin\dark.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\difxapp_x64.wixlib
  • Wix\bin\difxapp_x86.wixlib
  • Wix\bin\heat.exe
  • Wix\bin\heat.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\insignia.exe
  • Wix\bin\insignia.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\LICENSE.TXT
  • Wix\bin\light.exe
  • Wix\bin\light.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\lit.exe
  • Wix\bin\lit.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\lux.exe
  • Wix\bin\lux.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\lux.targets
  • Wix\bin\LuxTasks.dll
  • Wix\bin\melt.exe
  • Wix\bin\melt.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\mergemod.cub
  • Wix\bin\mergemod.dll
  • Wix\bin\Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.Cab.dll
  • Wix\bin\Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.dll
  • Wix\bin\Microsoft.Deployment.Resources.dll
  • Wix\bin\Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll
  • Wix\bin\Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Package.dll
  • Wix\bin\mspatchc.dll
  • Wix\bin\nit.exe
  • Wix\bin\nit.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\pyro.exe
  • Wix\bin\pyro.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\retina.exe
  • Wix\bin\retina.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\shine.exe
  • Wix\bin\shine.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\smoke.exe
  • Wix\bin\smoke.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\ThmViewer.exe
  • Wix\bin\torch.exe
  • Wix\bin\torch.exe.config
  • Wix\bin\wconsole.dll
  • Wix\bin\winterop.dll
  • Wix\bin\wix.dll
  • Wix\bin\wix.targets
  • Wix\bin\wix200x.targets
  • Wix\bin\wix2010.targets
  • Wix\bin\WixBalExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixComPlusExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixCop.exe
  • Wix\bin\WixDependencyExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixDifxAppExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixDirectXExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixFirewallExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixGamingExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixHttpExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixIIsExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixLuxExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixMsmqExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixNetFxExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixPSExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixSqlExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixTagExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixTasks.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixUIExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixUtilExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixVSExtension.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixVSExtension.MSBuild12.dll
  • Wix\bin\WixVSExtension.MSBuild14.dll
  • Wix\bin\x86\burn.exe
  • zh-Hans\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • zh-Hans\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll
  • zh-Hant\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.resources.dll
  • zh-Hant\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.resources.dll

Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2024.7.0 18,441 7/5/2024
2024.3.0 11,760 3/19/2024
2023.12.0 7,674 1/9/2024
2023.9.0 3,055 9/7/2023
2023.8.0 205 8/13/2023
2023.7.1 267 7/17/2023
2023.7.0 74 7/11/2023
2023.6.0 208 6/20/2023
2023.3.0 1,008 3/14/2023
2023.1.0 506 1/10/2023
2022.12.2 41 1/5/2023
2022.12.1 173 12/17/2022
2022.12.0 48 12/13/2022
2022.11.1 245 11/14/2022
2022.11.0 69 11/9/2022
2022.10.0 292 10/11/2022
2022.9.0 266 9/13/2022
2022.8.0 337 8/9/2022
2022.7.0 303 7/12/2022
2022.6.0 232 6/14/2022
2022.5.0 310 5/10/2022
2022.4.0 264 4/12/2022
2022.3.0.0 267 3/9/2022
2022.2.1 224 2/10/2022
2022.2.0 60 2/8/2022
2022.1.0 223 1/11/2022
2021.12.3 134 12/28/2021
2021.12.2 80 12/21/2021
2021.12.1 44 12/20/2021
2021.12.0 77 12/14/2021
2021.11.0 254 11/9/2021
2021.10.0 210 10/12/2021
2021.9.0 227 9/14/2021
5.9.3 384 7/27/2021
5.9.2 59 7/22/2021
5.9.1 26 7/21/2021
5.9.0 24 7/21/2021
5.8.11 107 7/8/2021
5.8.10 332 6/3/2021
5.8.9 23 6/2/2021
5.8.8 121 5/17/2021
5.8.6 219 4/26/2021
5.8.5 37 4/23/2021
5.8.4 51 4/21/2021
5.8.2 93 4/14/2021
5.8.1 77 4/7/2021
5.8.0 450 3/1/2021
5.7.5 199 2/11/2021
5.7.4 53 2/9/2021
5.7.3 43 2/8/2021
5.7.2 244 1/15/2021
5.7.1 269 12/10/2020
5.7.0 276 12/9/2020
5.6.8 66 12/3/2020
5.6.7 138 11/16/2020
5.6.6 129 11/4/2020
5.6.5 58 10/30/2020
5.6.4 61 10/26/2020
5.6.3 64 10/16/2020
5.6.2 (current version) 38 9/28/2020
5.6.1 40 9/17/2020
5.6.0 38 9/16/2020
5.5.2 1,241 7/16/2020
5.5.1 829 7/14/2020
5.5.0 1,172 5/29/2020
5.4.7 163 5/6/2020
5.4.4 348 3/27/2020
5.4.3 331 2/10/2020
5.4.2 119 1/30/2020
5.4.1 48 1/28/2020
5.4.0 72 1/22/2020
5.3.1 43 1/21/2020
5.3.0 35 1/20/2020
5.1.0 196 12/20/2019
5.0.7 129 12/11/2019
5.0.6 238 11/8/2019
5.0.5 41 11/7/2019
5.0.2 57 11/5/2019
4.9.1 490 8/26/2019
4.9.0 129 8/13/2019
4.8.2 295 7/1/2019
4.8.1 40 6/29/2019
4.8.0 25 6/28/2019
4.7.1 97 6/18/2019
4.7.0 47 6/17/2019
4.6.1 280 5/10/2019
4.5.2 33 5/9/2019
4.5.0 148 4/23/2019
4.4.0 73 4/18/2019
4.3.2 35 4/17/2019
4.3.0 73 4/11/2019
4.2.2 115 3/28/2019
4.2.1 185 3/5/2019
4.2.0 56 3/1/2019
4.1.8 188 2/7/2019
4.1.7 49 2/5/2019
1.12.0 181 1/14/2019
1.11.0 150 12/25/2018
1.10.0 592 11/21/2018
1.9.0 224 11/13/2018
1.8.0 163 11/3/2018
1.7.0 1,187 9/26/2018
1.6.0 217 8/18/2018
1.5.1 372 5/31/2018
1.5.0 75 5/20/2018
1.4.0 290 3/20/2018
1.3.0 1,586 2/5/2018
1.2.1 238 12/26/2017
1.0.270 241 11/6/2017
1.0.215 152 9/21/2017
1.0.192 129 8/24/2017
1.0.189 26 8/23/2017
1.0.183 54 8/15/2017
1.0.180 24 8/15/2017
1.0.179 27 8/15/2017
1.0.176 33 8/11/2017
1.0.173 90 8/4/2017
1.0.167 39 8/3/2017
1.0.164 41 8/3/2017
1.0.161 26 8/3/2017
1.0.158 24 8/3/2017
1.0.155 25 8/3/2017
1.0.152 30 8/3/2017
1.0.149 24 8/3/2017
1.0.146 27 8/3/2017
1.0.95 68 6/28/2017
1.0.93 26 6/27/2017
1.0.91 22 6/27/2017
1.0.74 89 5/21/2017
1.0.72 263 5/14/2017
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