Divide a root network range into it's component subnets
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Luke Arp and Chris Martin
Networking VirtualNetworking Subnet Subnetting IP IPAddress
Clear-SCContext Get-SCContext Get-SCSubnet Set-SCContext Test-SCNetworkIsValid
Import-SCContext Export-SCContext
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
Added PowerShellVersion = '6.0' to the manifest. This was always a requirement because of the root DLL, but now you get an explict error message instead of a message telling you that a .dll can't be loaded.
Added DotNetFrameworkVersion= '5.0' to the manifest. This was always a requirement because of the root DLL, but now you get an explict error message instead of a message telling you that a .dll can't be loaded.
Added Tags to manifest
Added PowerShellGallery URI as ProjectUri in the manifest
Removed "ValidateCountInRange" attribute as it was the developer reinventing the wheel. Replaced with the stock "ValidateRange" attribute.
Changed parameter -Context to -ContextName in the Get-SCSubnet cmdlet. -Context is still supported as an alias.
Created several parameter aliases so the cmdlets are easier to call.
Moved .NET logic to new package, called qIPAM. PSSubnetCarver will take a dependency on qIPAM, then the root code can be built on outside PowerShell.
Made a default context name of "default". This will make the package easier to use if you're only carving a single net, while leaving options open to carve more than one still.
- PSSubnetCarver.nuspec
- help\
- help\
- PSGetModuleInfo.xml
- PSSubnetCarver.psm1
- help\
- help\
- PSSubnetCarver.dll
- PSSubnetCarver.Tests.ps1
- help\
- help\
- qIPAM.dll
- PSSubnetCarver.psd1
- en-US\PSSubnetCarver.dll-Help.xml