
function Start-Logging {
    param (
        # will try to find a log folder in the current or parent folder that we have permission to write to, otherwise will write to the users temporary folder
        $PreferredFolder = 'log',



        # Allows passing in a caller Callstack from another process (e.g. when we call from Invoke-BuildDeploy)


    try {
        if (-not $NoRemoveLog) {
            Remove-Log -PreferredFolder $PreferredFolder -ApplicationName $ApplicationName
    } catch {
        # our mission is to start-logging, so if we can't cleanup - not the end of the world
        $_ | Get-Error | Out-String | Write-Warning

    # check if we have permissions - otherwise don't log
    $logPath = (Get-LogPath -PreferredFolder $PreferredFolder -CommandName $CommandName -ApplicationName $ApplicationName)
    try {
        $null = Start-Transcript -LiteralPath $logPath -NoClobber -IncludeInvocationHeader
        # get the original command line being executed so it is at the top of the log

        if (-not $CallStack) {
            $CallStack = (Get-PSCallStack | Foreach-Object {$_.InvocationInfo.Line})

        $StackString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

        for ($i = -2; #
            $i -ge $CallStack.Length * -1; # exclude ourselves
            $i-- ) {
            $null = $StackString.Append(" > $($CallStack[$i])")

        if ($CallStackRootLine) {
            "EXECUTING ROOT COMMAND LINE : $($CallStackRootLine)" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
        } else {
            "EXECUTING COMMAND LINE $([Environment]::NewLine)$($StackString.ToString())" | Write-Host  -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
        "LOGGING TO : $logPath" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
    } catch {
        Write-Warning "Unable to Start-Transcript for $logPath. $($_.Exception.Message)"