

Lightweight army of helpers for general powershell activities

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PSEasy.Utility -RequiredVersion 1.13.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PSEasy.Utility -Version 1.13.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) Brett Gerhardi. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Brett Gerhardi


Compress-ArchiveFolder Invoke-CpuArtificialWorkload Get-CredentialSilently Get-Type Out-DataTable Clear-EnvironmentVariable Get-EnvironmentVariable Set-EnvironmentVariable Get-CleanErrorString Set-ErrorViewIfPossible Invoke-GenericMethod Get-Hash Add-HashtableItem Get-HashtableSubset Remove-HashtableItem Set-HashTableItem Add-PerformanceRecord Complete-PerformanceRecord Get-PerformanceRecord Get-PerformanceStore Measure-Command2 Get-ObjectProperty Get-ObjectPropertyValue Get-ObjectTokenPath Merge-Object Set-ObjectProperty Test-ObjectPropertyPathIsSafe Update-ObjectWithTokenReplacement Add-MemberIfNotExist ConvertTo-Array ConvertTo-Array2 ConvertTo-Array3 ConvertTo-FlatObject ConvertTo-Hashtable ConvertTo-HashtableBased Edit-ConvertDateTimePropertyToString Remove-Property Test-HasProperty Add-PSSessionEntry Initialize-PSSessionVariable Test-PSSessionEntry ConvertTo-AesKey Test-SecureStringEmpty Add-SqlParameterTvp Get-HashtableFromRemainingArgument Get-NullIf Get-NullIfDBNull Out-HostSmartAnsi Format-Xml Test-ContentNoPassword Test-ContentNoTab Get-FileLockProcess Test-FileLock Find-Item Rename-FileWithRegex Rename-GitFileWithRegex Get-LogPath Remove-Log Start-Logging Stop-Logging Get-Assembly Build-Module Get-ModuleUserFolder Get-ModuleVersion Install-ModuleFromFolder Invoke-ModuleFunction Set-ModuleVersion Uninstall-ModuleFromFolder Add-ModuleManifestExport Get-ScriptContent Test-Script Invoke-CommandAs Invoke-PwshAs Invoke-RunAs Start-Impersonate Stop-Impersonate Test-UserPrivilegeAdmin





Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.13.1 69 3/10/2025
1.13.0 (current version) 151 2/28/2025
1.12.0 158 2/6/2025
1.11.2 1,270 11/27/2024
1.11.1 11 11/27/2024
1.11.0 13 11/27/2024
1.10.1 206 11/8/2024
1.10.0 104 10/31/2024
1.9.0 88 10/25/2024
1.8.2 18 10/24/2024
1.8.1 50 10/17/2024
1.8.0 49 10/10/2024
1.7.5 345 9/11/2024
1.7.4 64 9/4/2024
1.7.3 329 8/15/2024
1.7.2 103 8/10/2024
1.7.1 9 8/9/2024
1.7.0 5 8/9/2024
1.6.1 35 8/7/2024
1.6.0 38 8/2/2024
1.5.10 2,806 2/27/2024
1.5.9 2,109 11/13/2023
1.5.8 1,723 8/31/2023
1.5.7 8 8/31/2023
1.5.6 342 8/22/2023
1.5.5 74 8/18/2023
1.5.4 128 8/16/2023
1.5.3 12 8/16/2023
1.5.2 49 8/15/2023
1.5.1 29 8/15/2023
1.5.0 196 8/9/2023
1.4.9 3,195 3/10/2023
1.4.8 24 3/10/2023
1.4.7 526 2/23/2023
1.4.6 155 2/16/2023
1.4.5 486 1/27/2023
1.4.4 62 1/26/2023
1.4.3 8 1/26/2023
1.4.2 36 1/24/2023
1.4.1 10 1/24/2023
1.4.0 125 1/21/2023
1.3.0 8 1/19/2023
1.2.0 43 1/18/2023
1.1.1 66 1/15/2023
1.1.0 10 1/15/2023
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