A set of PowerShell commands that use the Bluesky API. You can skeet and upload images from a PowerShell prompt. This module is written for PowerShell 7 and uses features like $PSStyle.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c)2024-2025 JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc.
Package Details
- Jeff Hicks
Add-BskyImage Find-BskyUser Get-BskyAccountDID Get-BskyBlockedList Get-BskyBlockedUser Get-BskyFeed Get-BskyFollowers Get-BskyFollowing Get-BskyLiked Get-BskyNotification Get-BskyProfile Get-BskySession Get-BskyModuleInfo Get-BskyTimeline New-BskyPost Open-BskyHelp Publish-BskyPost Repost-BskyPost Start-BskySession Update-BskySession
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
## [2.2.0] - 2025-01-10
### Added
- Added command `Publish-BskyPost` with an alias of `Repost-BskyPost` which can be used to quote or repost. [[Issue #25](]
- Added command `Get-BskyBlockedList` and associated format file. [[Issue #27](]jdhitsolutions/PSBluesky/issues/27)]
- Added command `Get-BskyBlockedUser` and associated format file.
- Added command `Get-BskyLiked` and associated format file.
- Added `-Today` parameter to `Get-BskyNotification` to only show notifications from the current day.
- Imported [PR #30]( from [@jhoneill]( to improve piping to `New-BskyPost`.
- Added properties `CID` to output from `Get-BskyLiked`,`Get-BskyNotification`,`Get-BskyTimeline`, and `Get-BskyFeed`. This is to support new commands for reposting and quoting.
- Added properties `URI` to output from `Get-BskyNotification`,`Get-BskyTimeline`, and `Get-BskyFeed`. This is to support new commands for reposting and quoting.
- Added a custom view called `Liked` to the `PSBlueskyTimelinePost.format.ps1xml`, `PSBlueskyLiked.format.ps1xml`, and `PSBlueskyFeed.format.ps1xml' files.
### Changed
- Changed output property `aturi` in `Get-BskyLiked` and `Get-BskyFeed` to `URI`. This is to support new commands for reposting and quoting. __This is a potential breaking change__
- Added support for gif files as an image upload type. The image will be static in the current release of Bluesky.
- Updated formatting files for `Get-BskyTimeline`, `Get-BskyLiked`, and `Get-BskyFeed` to highlight the number of likes.
- Help updates.
- Updated ``.
### Removed
- Removed files previously marked as deprecated.
### Fixed
- Fixed a bug with loading localized help. [[Issue #29](]
- Fixed image layout problems in the help PDF file.
- PSBlueSky.nuspec
- images\find-bskyuser.png
- images\module-commands.png
- PSBlueSky.psm1
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\
- formats\PSBlueskyBlockedList.format.ps1xml
- formats\PSBlueskyLiked.format.ps1xml
- formats\PSBlueskySearchResult.format.ps1xml
- functions\Find-PSBlueSkyUser.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkyDID.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkyNotification.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkyTimeline.ps1
- functions\psblueskychat.ps1
- images\bluesky-apppassword.png
- images\bsky-feed.png
- images\bsky-moduleinfo.png
- images\bsky-timeline.png
- images\get-bskymoduleinfo.png
- images\PSBluesky-HelpPDF.png
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\
- formats\PSBlueskyBlockedUser.format.ps1xml
- formats\PSBlueskyModuleInfo.format.ps1xml
- formats\PSBlueskySession.format.ps1xml
- functions\Get-ModuleInfo.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkyFollower.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkyPosts.ps1
- functions\helpers.ps1
- functions\Publish-PSBlueskyPost.ps1
- images\BlueskyLogo-icon.png
- images\bsky-follower.png
- images\bsky-notification.png
- images\create-appPassword.png
- images\liked-customview.png
- images\settings-appPasswords.png
- PSBlueSky-Help.pdf
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\
- en-US\PSBluesky-help.xml
- formats\PSBlueskyFeed.format.ps1xml
- formats\PSBlueskyNotification.format.ps1xml
- formats\PSBlueSkyTimelinePost.format.ps1xml
- functions\Get-PSBlueskyBlockList.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkyFollowing.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkyProfile.ps1
- functions\New-PSBlueSkyPost.ps1
- functions\Start-PSBlueSkySession.ps1
- images\BlueskyLogo-medium.png
- images\bsky-following.png
- images\bsky-profile.png
- images\custom-verbose.png
- images\markdown-links.png
- types\PSBlueSky.types.ps1xml
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\
- en-US\PSBluesky.psd1
- formats\PSBlueskyFollower.format.ps1xml
- formats\PSBlueskyProfile.format.ps1xml
- functions\Add-PSBlueSkyImage.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueskyBlockUser.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkyLikes.ps1
- functions\Get-PSBlueSkySession.ps1
- functions\Open-README.ps1
- functions\Update-PSBlueskySession.ps1
- images\BlueskyLogo-small.png
- images\bsky-information.png
- images\bsky-repost.png
- images\find-bskyuser-topic.png
- PSBlueSky.psd1
- docs\
- docs\
- docs\