

A Windows PowerShell module for enhancing the commandline experience

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name GenXdev.Console -RequiredVersion 1.120.2025

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name GenXdev.Console -Version 1.120.2025

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright 2021-2025 GenXdev

Requires License Acceptance

View License.txt

Package Details


  • genXdev


Console Shell GenXdev


Add-SpotifyNewPlaylist Add-SpotifyTracksToLiked Add-SpotifyTracksToPlaylist Connect-SpotifyApiToken Enable-Screensaver Get-IsSpeaking Get-SpotifyActiveDevice Get-SpotifyApiToken Get-SpotifyCurrentlyPlaying Get-SpotifyDevice Get-SpotifyLikedTrack Get-SpotifyLyrics Get-SpotifyPlaylistIdsByName Get-SpotifyPlaylistTrack Get-SpotifyTrackAudioFeatures Get-SpotifyTrackById Get-SpotifyUserPlaylists Move-SpotifyLikedTracksToPlaylist New-MicrosoftShellTab Now Open-MediaFile Open-VlcMediaPlayer Open-VlcMediaPlayerLyrics Remove-SpotifyTracksFromLiked Remove-SpotifyTracksFromPlaylist SayDate SayTime Search-Spotify Search-SpotifyAndEnqueue Search-SpotifyAndPlay Set-LocationParent Set-LocationParent2 Set-LocationParent3 Set-LocationParent4 Set-LocationParent5 Set-MonitorPowerOff Set-MonitorPowerOn Set-SpotifyActiveDevice Set-SpotifyApiToken Set-SpotifyNext Set-SpotifyPause Set-SpotifyPlaylistDetails Set-SpotifyPlaylistOrder Set-SpotifyPrevious Set-SpotifyRepeatContext Set-SpotifyRepeatOff Set-SpotifyRepeatSong Set-SpotifyShuffleOff Set-SpotifyShuffleOn Set-SpotifyStart Set-SpotifyStop Set-VLCPlayerFocused Start-TextToSpeech Start-VlcMediaPlayerNextInPlaylist Start-VlcMediaPlayerPreviousInPlaylist Stop-TextToSpeech Switch-VlcMediaPlayerMute Switch-VlcMediaPlayerPaused Switch-VlcMediaPlayerRepeat UtcNow





Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.126.2025 6 3/11/2025
1.124.2025 7 3/11/2025
1.122.2025 5 3/10/2025
1.120.2025 (current version) 6 3/10/2025
1.118.2025 7 3/9/2025
1.116.2025 22 2/15/2025
1.114.2025 8 2/15/2025
1.112.2025 7 2/12/2025
1.110.2025 9 2/11/2025
1.108.2025 6 2/11/2025
1.106.2025 8 2/10/2025
1.104.2025 7 2/8/2025
1.102.2025 5 2/2/2025
1.100.2025 6 2/2/2025
1.98.2025 8 2/1/2025
1.96.2025 6 2/1/2025
1.94.2025 5 2/1/2025
1.92.2025 7 2/1/2025
1.90.2025 18 1/12/2025
1.88.2025 7 1/11/2025
1.86.2025 6 1/11/2025
1.84.2025 7 1/10/2025
1.82.2024 7 1/10/2025
1.80.2024 20 12/8/2024
1.78.2024 6 12/8/2024
1.76.2024 12 11/23/2024
1.74.2024 6 11/23/2024
1.72.2024 5 11/23/2024
1.64.2024 6 11/23/2024
1.62.2024 6 11/23/2024
1.60.2024 4 11/21/2024
1.58.2024 5 11/21/2024
1.56.2024 6 11/21/2024
1.54.2024 5 11/19/2024
1.52.2024 5 11/16/2024
1.50.2024 4 11/15/2024
1.49.2024 5 11/6/2024
1.48.2024 7 9/11/2024
1.45.2024 9 8/19/2024
1.44.2024 10 6/7/2024
1.42.2024 7 6/7/2024
1.40.2024 6 6/7/2024
1.38.2024 6 6/7/2024
1.35.2022 36 11/9/2022
1.34.2022 15 11/5/2022
1.33.2022 36 5/28/2022
1.32.2021 38 10/10/2021
1.31.2021 27 9/29/2021
1.30.2021 24 9/28/2021
1.29.2021 27 8/3/2021
1.28.2021 21 8/2/2021
1.27.2021 23 7/28/2021
1.26.2021 22 7/28/2021
1.25.2021 22 7/28/2021
1.24.2021 22 7/28/2021
1.23.2021 22 7/28/2021
1.20.0 23 7/28/2021
1.15.0 22 7/26/2021
1.14.0 21 7/26/2021
1.13.0 25 7/11/2021
1.12.0 22 7/9/2021
1.11.0 21 7/9/2021
1.10.0 22 7/9/2021
1.9.0 23 7/7/2021
1.8.0 22 7/7/2021
1.7.0 21 6/26/2021
1.6.0 23 6/26/2021
1.5.0 21 6/26/2021
1.4.0 22 6/25/2021
1.3.0 21 6/24/2021
1.2.0 21 6/22/2021
1.1.2025 5 1/10/2025
1.1.0 22 6/22/2021
1.0.10 22 6/22/2021
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