

The Cofl.OSDManagment module for Windows Powershell allows the management of computers in an MDT/Active Directory system coupled with a WDS server set to use Active Directory authorization, and an MSSQL server running the MDT Database.

For more information, please visit the README on the project page.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Cofl.OSDManagement -RequiredVersion 4.0.7

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Cofl.OSDManagement -Version 4.0.7

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2018 Christian LaCourt.

Package Details


  • Christian LaCourt


MDT MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit Utility


Get-OSDComputer Get-OSDMakeModel Get-OSDTaskSequence Connect-OSD Disconnect-OSD Invoke-ReimageComputer New-OSDComputer New-OSDMakeModel Remove-OSDComputer Remove-OSDMakeModel Reset-OSDComputer Set-OSDComputer Set-OSDComputerState Set-OSDMakeModel Test-OSDComputer Update-OSDAutoCompleteCache Update-OSDConfiguration




This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

# 4.0.7
- Broadened the regex `Invoke-ReimageComputer` uses to search for network boot devices.
- Added some error handling to `Invoke-ReimageComputer`

# 4.0.6
- Added `Invoke-ReimageComputer`

# 4.0.5
- Fixed the duplicate check in New-OSDMakeModel.

# 4.0.4
- Fixed a formatting issue where OSDComputers would not show their MacAddress

# 4.0.3
- Fixed a bug where the MacAddress of a computer could not be updated with Set-OSDComputer.
- Fixed a bug where a computer with a value of DBNull for the MacAddress could not be accessed or modified.
- Corrected documentation for `Set-OSDComputerState -State`.
- Added additional switches `-Staged` and `-Unstaged` to Set-OSDComputerState.

# 4.0.2
Removed ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName for all parameters on Set-OSDComputer, Set-OSDComputerState, and Set-OSDMakeModel.

# 4.0.1
Fixed a bug where Get-OSDComputer would throw an error from SQL while trying to get all computers.

# 4.0.0
Renamed the module Cofl.OSDManagement and removed references to the old module name.
Introduced a cleaner workflow.
- Initialize-OSD has been renamed to Connect-OSD
  - The -Path parameter is now mandatory and has the alias MDTSharePath.
  - The -UseConfiguredPath parameter has been added.
  - The -Refresh parameter has been removed.
  - The -DefaultOU and -ComputerNameTemplate parameters have been added.
  - An [OSDAlreadyConnectedException] will be thrown if already connected, and -Force is not specified.
  Default values for -Path, -DefaultOU, and -ComputerNameTemplate are configurable, see below.
- Disconnect-OSD has been added as a counterpart to Connect-OSD.
  - Disconnect-OSD is called automatically on module remove.
- All cmdlets except for Connect-OSD, Disconnect-OSD and Update-OSDConfiguration will now throw an [OSDNotConnectedException] if Connect-OSD has not been run or failed to connect.
Added a dependency on the Configuration module.
- Default values can be configured using the Configuration module. See Configuration.psd1 at the module root for an example.
- Added the Update-OSDConfiguration cmdlet for help with updating your configuration.
- Configuration is no longer done from the module data (🎉)
- An option is available for auto initialize on import, which is now disabled by default.
- Added the about_Cofl.OSDManagement_Configuration help article.
- Replaced the OSD* types with *Binding types in parameters.
- Changed -Folder to -Group in Get-OSDTaskSequence
- Added Set-OSDMakeModel (provides similar functionality to Set-OSDComputer for MakeModels)
- Added Remove-OSDMakeModel (removes MakeModels like Remove-OSDComputer removes computers)
- Added Set-OSDComputerState (unifies ActiveDirectory state cmdlets and provides more flexibility)
- Removed Set-OSDMakeModelTaskSequence (use Set-OSDMakeModel)
- Removed Set-OSDMakeModelDriverGroup (use Set-OSDMakeModel)
- Removed Set-OSDComputerStaged (use Set-OSDComputerState -State Staged)
- Removed Set-OSDComputerDestaged (use Set-OSDComputerState -State Unstaged)
- Renamed Update-OSDAutoCompleteCaches to Update-OSDAutoCompleteCache (PSScriptAnalyzer recommendation)
- Merged Test-OSDComputerExists and Test-OSDComputerStaged into Test-OSDComputer with either the -Exists or -Staged switch.
- New-OSDComputer will now no longer create ADComputer objects by default (effectively, -MDTOnly is now the default.)
  - The -MDTOnly switch has been removed.
  - Added switches -CreateADComputerIfMissing, -MoveADComputer, and -Stage
- Removed all aliases for Get-OSDComputer -Identity as they were misleading and archaic
- Renamed Set-OSDComputer -Computer to Set-OSDComputer -Identity
- Renamed Remove-OSDComputer -Computer to Remove-OSDComputer -Identity
- Removed the about_Cofl.OSDManagement_classes help article.
- Removed OSDMacAddress. It has been replaced by MacAddressBinding.
- Renamed OSDTaskSequenceFolder to OSDTaskSequenceGroup (this is the proper name)
Add properties:
- OSDComputer.Description (references the identity table description)
- OSDComputer.SerialNumber (references the identity table SerialNumber)
- OSDMakeModel.InternalID (references the internal database ID)
Changed properties:
- OSDComputer.OSDComputerName -> OSDComputer.ComputerName
- OSDComputer.ID -> OSDComputer.InternalID
- OSDComputer.InTmpSetup -> OSDComputer.IsInDefaultOU
- OSDComputer.ADComputerPresent -> OSDComputer.IsADComputerPresent
Changed aliases:
- OSDComputer.ComputerName -> OSDComputer.OSDComputerName (ComputerName is now the property name)
Removed aliases:
- OSDComputer.MAC (use OSDComputer.MacAddress)
- OSDComputer.InTempSetup (use OSDComputer.IsInDefaultOU)
- OSDComputer.Staged (use OSDComputer.IsStaged)
- OSDComputer.TS (use OSDComputer.TaskSequence)
- OSDMakeModel.DG (use OSDMakeModel.DriverGroup)
- OSDMakeModel.TS (use OSDMakeModel.TaskSequence)
Updated Type and Format data:
- OSDComputer.Name is now OSDComputer.ComputerName in the default display property set.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
4.0.9 280 10/1/2020
4.0.8 48 5/3/2020
4.0.7 (current version) 41 3/10/2020
4.0.6 37 2/19/2020
4.0.5 48 11/26/2019
4.0.4 74 4/24/2019
4.0.3 31 4/10/2019
4.0.2 33 4/5/2019
4.0.0 49 2/14/2019
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