Some of the interesting functions:
- Add-AzureAppUserConsent - grant permission consent on behalf of another user
- Get-AzureAccountOccurrence - get all occurrences of specified account in your Azure environment
- Get-AzureAppVerificationStatus - get Azure app publis
Some of the interesting functions:
- Add-AzureAppUserConsent - grant permission consent on behalf of another user
- Get-AzureAccountOccurrence - get all occurrences of specified account in your Azure environment
- Get-AzureAppVerificationStatus - get Azure app publisher verification status
- Get-AzureAppConsentRequest - get all application admin consent requests
- Get-AzureDevOpsOrganizationOverview - list of all DevOps organizations
- Grant-AzureServicePrincipalPermission - grant application/delegated permission(s) for selected resource to selected account
- New-AzureAutomationModule - import/update module with dependencies to Azure Automation Account
- Remove-AzureAccountOccurrence - remove specified account from various Azure environment sections and optionally replace it with other user and inform him. Should be used with Get-AzureAccountOccurrence.
- Remove-AzureAppUserConsent - remove user consent
- Revoke-AzureServicePrincipalPermission - revoke granted application/delegated permissions from selected account
- Set-AzureAppCertificate - create (or replace existing) authentication certificate for selected Application
- ...
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) 2022 @AndrewZtrhgf. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- @AndrewZtrhgf
Azure PowerShell Monitoring Audit Security Graph Runbook
Add-AzureAppUserConsent Add-AzureGuest Disable-AzureGuest Get-AzureAccountOccurrence Get-AzureAppConsentRequest Get-AzureAppRegistration Get-AzureAppVerificationStatus Get-AzureAssessNotificationEmail Get-AzureAuthenticatorLastUsedDate Get-AzureCompletedMFAPrompt Get-AzureDeviceWithoutBitlockerKey Get-AzureEnterpriseApplication Get-AzureGroupMemberRecursive Get-AzureGroupSettings Get-AzureManagedIdentity Get-AzureResource Get-AzureRoleAssignments Get-AzureServiceAccount Get-AzureServicePrincipalBySecurityAttribute Get-AzureServicePrincipalOverview Get-AzureServicePrincipalPermissions Get-AzureServicePrincipalUsersAndGroups Get-AzureSkuAssignment Get-AzureSkuAssignmentError Get-AzureUserAuthMethodChanges Grant-AzureServicePrincipalPermission New-AzureAutomationModule Open-AzureAdminConsentPage Remove-AzureAccountOccurrence Remove-AzureAppUserConsent Remove-AzureUserMemberOfDirectoryRole Revoke-AzureServicePrincipalPermission Set-AzureAppCertificate Set-AzureDeviceExtensionAttribute Set-AzureRingGroup Start-AzureSync
- Az.Accounts
- Az.Automation
- Az.Resources
- ExchangeOnlineManagement
- Microsoft.Graph.Applications
- Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
- Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications
- Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.SignIns
- Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Reports
- Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users
- Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement.Enrollment
- Microsoft.Graph.DirectoryObjects
- Microsoft.Graph.Groups
- Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement
- Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Governance
- Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns
- Microsoft.Graph.Reports
- Microsoft.Graph.Users
- Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions
- MSGraphStuff
- PnP.PowerShell
Release Notes
* 1.0.0
* Initial release. Some functions are migrated from now deprecated AzureADStuff module, some are completely new.
* 1.0.1
New-AzureAutomationModule - better output, added support to override module version (overridePSGalleryModuleVersion)
- AzureStuff.nuspec
- AzureStuff.psd1
- AzureStuff.psm1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
2.0.0 | 57 | 1/17/2024 |
1.0.1 (current version) | 13 | 1/16/2024 |
1.0.0 | 8 | 1/16/2024 |