

[PRERELEASE] The EC2 module of AWS Tools for PowerShell lets developers and administrators manage Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) from the PowerShell scripting environment. In order to manage each AWS service, install the corresponding module (e.g. AWS.Tools.EC2, AWS.Tools.S3...).
The module AWS.Tools.Installer (
[PRERELEASE] The EC2 module of AWS Tools for PowerShell lets developers and administrators manage Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) from the PowerShell scripting environment. In order to manage each AWS service, install the corresponding module (e.g. AWS.Tools.EC2, AWS.Tools.S3...).
The module AWS.Tools.Installer ( makes it easier to install, update and uninstall the AWS.Tools modules.
This product is provided as prerelease software for testing purposes, please provide feedback at A generally available version of this product can be found at
This version of AWS Tools for PowerShell is compatible with Windows PowerShell 5.1+ and PowerShell Core 6+ on Windows, Linux and macOS. When running on Windows PowerShell, .NET Framework 4.7.2 or newer is required. An alternative module, AWSPowerShell, provides support for older versions of Windows PowerShell and .NET Framework.
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.EC2 -RequiredVersion 3.3.618.1

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name AWS.Tools.EC2 -Version 3.3.618.1

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright 2012-2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Package Details


  • Inc


AWS cloud Windows Linux MacOS


Add-EC2CapacityReservation Add-EC2ClassicLinkVpc Add-EC2InternetGateway Add-EC2NetworkInterface Add-EC2SecurityGroupToClientVpnTargetNetwork Add-EC2Volume Add-EC2VpnGateway Approve-EC2VpcPeeringConnection Confirm-EC2EndpointConnection Confirm-EC2ProductInstance Confirm-EC2ReservedInstancesExchangeQuote Confirm-EC2TransitGatewayVpcAttachment Copy-EC2FpgaImage Copy-EC2Image Copy-EC2Snapshot Deny-EC2EndpointConnection Deny-EC2TransitGatewayVpcAttachment Deny-EC2VpcPeeringConnection Disable-EC2EbsEncryptionByDefault Disable-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation Disable-EC2VgwRoutePropagation Disable-EC2VpcClassicLink Disable-EC2VpcClassicLinkDnsSupport Dismount-EC2ClassicLinkVpc Dismount-EC2InternetGateway Dismount-EC2NetworkInterface Dismount-EC2Volume Dismount-EC2VpnGateway Edit-EC2CapacityReservation Edit-EC2ClientVpnEndpoint Edit-EC2EbsDefaultKmsKeyId Edit-EC2EndpointServicePermission Edit-EC2Fleet Edit-EC2FpgaImageAttribute Edit-EC2Host Edit-EC2IdentityIdFormat Edit-EC2IdFormat Edit-EC2ImageAttribute Edit-EC2InstanceAttribute Edit-EC2InstanceCapacityReservationAttribute Edit-EC2InstanceCreditSpecification Edit-EC2InstanceEventStartTime Edit-EC2InstancePlacement Edit-EC2LaunchTemplate Edit-EC2NetworkInterfaceAttribute Edit-EC2ReservedInstance Edit-EC2SnapshotAttribute Edit-EC2SpotFleetRequest Edit-EC2SubnetAttribute Edit-EC2TrafficMirrorFilterNetworkService Edit-EC2TrafficMirrorFilterRule Edit-EC2TrafficMirrorSession Edit-EC2TransitGatewayVpcAttachment Edit-EC2Volume Edit-EC2VolumeAttribute Edit-EC2VpcAttribute Edit-EC2VpcEndpoint Edit-EC2VpcEndpointConnectionNotification Edit-EC2VpcEndpointServiceConfiguration Edit-EC2VpcPeeringConnectionOption Edit-EC2VpcTenancy Edit-EC2VpnConnection Edit-EC2VpnTunnelCertificate Edit-EC2VpnTunnelOption Enable-EC2EbsEncryptionByDefault Enable-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation Enable-EC2VgwRoutePropagation Enable-EC2VolumeIO Enable-EC2VpcClassicLink Enable-EC2VpcClassicLinkDnsSupport Export-EC2ClientVpnClientCertificateRevocationList Export-EC2ClientVpnClientConfiguration Export-EC2Image Export-EC2TransitGatewayRoute Get-EC2AccountAttribute Get-EC2Address Get-EC2AggregateIdFormat Get-EC2AvailabilityZone Get-EC2BundleTask Get-EC2ByoipCidr Get-EC2CapacityReservation Get-EC2CapacityReservationUsage Get-EC2ClassicLinkInstance Get-EC2ClientVpnAuthorizationRule Get-EC2ClientVpnConnection Get-EC2ClientVpnEndpoint Get-EC2ClientVpnRoute Get-EC2ClientVpnTargetNetwork Get-EC2ConsoleOutput Get-EC2ConsoleScreenshot Get-EC2CreditSpecification Get-EC2CustomerGateway Get-EC2DhcpOption Get-EC2EbsDefaultKmsKeyId Get-EC2EbsEncryptionByDefault Get-EC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayList Get-EC2ElasticGpu Get-EC2EndpointConnection Get-EC2EndpointConnectionNotification Get-EC2EndpointServiceConfiguration Get-EC2EndpointServicePermission Get-EC2ExportImageTask Get-EC2ExportTask Get-EC2FleetHistory Get-EC2FleetInstanceList Get-EC2FleetList Get-EC2FlowLog Get-EC2FpgaImage Get-EC2FpgaImageAttribute Get-EC2Host Get-EC2HostReservation Get-EC2HostReservationOffering Get-EC2HostReservationPurchasePreview Get-EC2IamInstanceProfileAssociation Get-EC2IdentityIdFormat Get-EC2IdFormat Get-EC2Image Get-EC2ImageAttribute Get-EC2ImageByName Get-EC2ImportImageTask Get-EC2ImportSnapshotTask Get-EC2Instance Get-EC2InstanceAttribute Get-EC2InstanceMetadata Get-EC2InstanceStatus Get-EC2InternetGateway Get-EC2KeyPair Get-EC2LaunchTemplateData Get-EC2MovingAddress Get-EC2NatGateway Get-EC2NetworkAcl Get-EC2NetworkInterface Get-EC2NetworkInterfaceAttribute Get-EC2NetworkInterfacePermission Get-EC2PasswordData Get-EC2PlacementGroup Get-EC2PrefixList Get-EC2PrincipalIdFormat Get-EC2PublicIpv4Pool Get-EC2Region Get-EC2ReservedInstance Get-EC2ReservedInstancesExchangeQuote Get-EC2ReservedInstancesListing Get-EC2ReservedInstancesModification Get-EC2ReservedInstancesOffering Get-EC2RouteTable Get-EC2ScheduledInstance Get-EC2ScheduledInstanceAvailability Get-EC2SecurityGroup Get-EC2SecurityGroupReference Get-EC2Snapshot Get-EC2SnapshotAttribute Get-EC2SpotDatafeedSubscription Get-EC2SpotFleetInstance Get-EC2SpotFleetRequest Get-EC2SpotFleetRequestHistory Get-EC2SpotInstanceRequest Get-EC2SpotPriceHistory Get-EC2StaleSecurityGroup Get-EC2Subnet Get-EC2Tag Get-EC2Template Get-EC2TemplateVersion Get-EC2TrafficMirrorFilter Get-EC2TrafficMirrorSession Get-EC2TrafficMirrorTarget Get-EC2TransitGateway Get-EC2TransitGatewayAttachment Get-EC2TransitGatewayAttachmentPropagation Get-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTable Get-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTableAssociation Get-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTablePropagation Get-EC2TransitGatewayVpcAttachment Get-EC2Volume Get-EC2VolumeAttribute Get-EC2VolumeModification Get-EC2VolumeStatus Get-EC2Vpc Get-EC2VpcAttribute Get-EC2VpcClassicLink Get-EC2VpcClassicLinkDnsSupport Get-EC2VpcEndpoint Get-EC2VpcEndpointService Get-EC2VpcPeeringConnection Get-EC2VpnConnection Get-EC2VpnGateway Grant-EC2ClientVpnIngress Grant-EC2SecurityGroupEgress Grant-EC2SecurityGroupIngress Import-EC2ClientVpnClientCertificateRevocationList Import-EC2Image Import-EC2KeyPair Import-EC2Snapshot Move-EC2AddressToVpc New-EC2Address New-EC2ClientVpnEndpoint New-EC2ClientVpnRoute New-EC2CustomerGateway New-EC2DefaultSubnet New-EC2DefaultVpc New-EC2DhcpOption New-EC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway New-EC2Fleet New-EC2FlowLog New-EC2FpgaImage New-EC2Host New-EC2HostReservation New-EC2Image New-EC2Instance New-EC2InstanceBundle New-EC2InstanceExportTask New-EC2InternetGateway New-EC2KeyPair New-EC2LaunchTemplate New-EC2LaunchTemplateVersion New-EC2NatGateway New-EC2NetworkAcl New-EC2NetworkAclEntry New-EC2NetworkInterface New-EC2NetworkInterfacePermission New-EC2PlacementGroup New-EC2ReservedInstance New-EC2ReservedInstancesListing New-EC2Route New-EC2RouteTable New-EC2ScheduledInstance New-EC2ScheduledInstancePurchase New-EC2SecurityGroup New-EC2Snapshot New-EC2SnapshotBatch New-EC2SpotDatafeedSubscription New-EC2Subnet New-EC2Tag New-EC2TrafficMirrorFilter New-EC2TrafficMirrorFilterRule New-EC2TrafficMirrorSession New-EC2TrafficMirrorTarget New-EC2TransitGateway New-EC2TransitGatewayRoute New-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTable New-EC2TransitGatewayVpcAttachment New-EC2Volume New-EC2Vpc New-EC2VpcEndpoint New-EC2VpcEndpointConnectionNotification New-EC2VpcEndpointServiceConfiguration New-EC2VpcPeeringConnection New-EC2VpnConnection New-EC2VpnConnectionRoute New-EC2VpnGateway Register-EC2Address Register-EC2ByoipCidr Register-EC2ClientVpnTargetNetwork Register-EC2DhcpOption Register-EC2IamInstanceProfile Register-EC2Image Register-EC2Ipv6AddressList Register-EC2PrivateIpAddress Register-EC2RouteTable Register-EC2SubnetCidrBlock Register-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTable Register-EC2VpcCidrBlock Remove-EC2Address Remove-EC2CapacityReservation Remove-EC2ClientVpnEndpoint Remove-EC2ClientVpnRoute Remove-EC2CustomerGateway Remove-EC2DhcpOption Remove-EC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway Remove-EC2EndpointConnectionNotification Remove-EC2EndpointServiceConfiguration Remove-EC2Fleet Remove-EC2FlowLog Remove-EC2FpgaImage Remove-EC2Host Remove-EC2Instance Remove-EC2InternetGateway Remove-EC2KeyPair Remove-EC2LaunchTemplate Remove-EC2NatGateway Remove-EC2NetworkAcl Remove-EC2NetworkAclEntry Remove-EC2NetworkInterface Remove-EC2NetworkInterfacePermission Remove-EC2PlacementGroup Remove-EC2QueuedReservedInstance Remove-EC2Route Remove-EC2RouteTable Remove-EC2SecurityGroup Remove-EC2Snapshot Remove-EC2SpotDatafeedSubscription Remove-EC2Subnet Remove-EC2Tag Remove-EC2TemplateVersion Remove-EC2TrafficMirrorFilter Remove-EC2TrafficMirrorFilterRule Remove-EC2TrafficMirrorSession Remove-EC2TrafficMirrorTarget Remove-EC2TransitGateway Remove-EC2TransitGatewayRoute Remove-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTable Remove-EC2TransitGatewayVpcAttachment Remove-EC2Volume Remove-EC2Vpc Remove-EC2VpcEndpoint Remove-EC2VpcPeeringConnection Remove-EC2VpnConnection Remove-EC2VpnConnectionRoute Remove-EC2VpnGateway Request-EC2SpotFleet Request-EC2SpotInstance Reset-EC2EbsDefaultKmsKeyId Reset-EC2FpgaImageAttribute Reset-EC2ImageAttribute Reset-EC2InstanceAttribute Reset-EC2NetworkInterfaceAttribute Reset-EC2SnapshotAttribute Restart-EC2Instance Restore-EC2AddressToClassic Revoke-EC2ClientVpnIngress Revoke-EC2SecurityGroupEgress Revoke-EC2SecurityGroupIngress Search-EC2TransitGatewayRoute Send-EC2DiagnosticInterrupt Send-EC2InstanceStatus Set-EC2IamInstanceProfileAssociation Set-EC2NetworkAclAssociation Set-EC2NetworkAclEntry Set-EC2Route Set-EC2RouteTableAssociation Set-EC2TransitGatewayRoute Start-EC2ByoipCidrAdvertisement Start-EC2Instance Start-EC2InstanceMonitoring Stop-EC2BundleTask Stop-EC2ByoipCidrAdvertisement Stop-EC2ClientVpnConnection Stop-EC2ExportTask Stop-EC2ImportTask Stop-EC2Instance Stop-EC2InstanceMonitoring Stop-EC2ReservedInstancesListing Stop-EC2SpotFleetRequest Stop-EC2SpotInstanceRequest Unregister-EC2Address Unregister-EC2ByoipCidr Unregister-EC2ClientVpnTargetNetwork Unregister-EC2IamInstanceProfile Unregister-EC2Image Unregister-EC2Ipv6AddressList Unregister-EC2PrivateIpAddress Unregister-EC2RouteTable Unregister-EC2SubnetCidrBlock Unregister-EC2TransitGatewayRouteTable Unregister-EC2VpcCidrBlock Update-EC2SecurityGroupRuleEgressDescription Update-EC2SecurityGroupRuleIngressDescription


Desktop Core


Release Notes


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
4.1.586 145 5/23/2024
4.1.585 3,563 5/22/2024
4.1.584 3,633 5/21/2024
4.1.583 3,747 5/20/2024
4.1.582 9,936 5/17/2024
4.1.581 3,804 5/16/2024
4.1.580 3,501 5/15/2024
4.1.579 3,430 5/14/2024
4.1.578 4,827 5/13/2024
4.1.577 8,348 5/10/2024
4.1.576 3,400 5/10/2024
4.1.575 4,149 5/8/2024
4.1.574 3,324 5/7/2024
4.1.573 3,229 5/6/2024
4.1.572 7,911 5/3/2024
4.1.571 3,483 5/2/2024
4.1.570 3,816 5/1/2024
4.1.569 4,627 4/30/2024
4.1.568 3,676 4/29/2024
4.1.567 8,325 4/26/2024
4.1.566 3,887 4/25/2024
4.1.565 4,005 4/24/2024
4.1.564 4,845 4/23/2024
4.1.563 5,317 4/22/2024
4.1.562 11,172 4/19/2024
4.1.561 4,535 4/18/2024
4.1.560 4,887 4/17/2024
4.1.559 4,741 4/16/2024
4.1.558 15,392 4/12/2024
4.1.557 4,473 4/11/2024
4.1.556 4,490 4/10/2024
4.1.555 4,763 4/9/2024
4.1.554 5,053 4/8/2024
4.1.553 10,656 4/5/2024
4.1.552 4,377 4/4/2024
4.1.551 3,827 4/3/2024
4.1.550 4,022 4/2/2024
4.1.549 4,039 4/1/2024
4.1.548 10,221 3/29/2024
4.1.547 3,270 3/28/2024
4.1.546 3,704 3/27/2024
4.1.545 3,456 3/26/2024
4.1.544 3,733 3/25/2024
4.1.543 8,665 3/22/2024
4.1.542 4,108 3/21/2024
4.1.541 5,034 3/20/2024
4.1.540 4,766 3/19/2024
4.1.539 5,123 3/18/2024
4.1.538 11,680 3/15/2024
4.1.537 12,923 3/14/2024
4.1.536 4,332 3/13/2024
4.1.535 4,276 3/12/2024
4.1.534 4,391 3/11/2024
4.1.533 11,526 3/8/2024
4.1.532 4,242 3/7/2024
4.1.531 5,547 3/6/2024
4.1.530 4,658 3/5/2024
4.1.529 4,790 3/4/2024
4.1.528 12,804 3/1/2024
4.1.527 5,099 2/29/2024
4.1.526 4,157 2/28/2024
4.1.525 4,108 2/27/2024
4.1.524 4,568 2/26/2024
4.1.523 10,247 2/23/2024
4.1.522 3,906 2/22/2024
4.1.521 5,013 2/21/2024
4.1.520 3,518 2/20/2024
4.1.519 3,817 2/19/2024
4.1.518 9,127 2/16/2024
4.1.517 3,071 2/15/2024
4.1.516 3,523 2/14/2024
4.1.515 3,608 2/13/2024
4.1.514 3,935 2/12/2024
4.1.513 8,122 2/9/2024
4.1.512 3,621 2/8/2024
4.1.511 3,118 2/7/2024
4.1.510 3,016 2/6/2024
4.1.509 2,958 2/5/2024
4.1.508 6,450 2/2/2024
4.1.507 3,112 2/1/2024
4.1.506 3,636 2/1/2024
4.1.505 3,238 1/30/2024
4.1.504 3,182 1/29/2024
4.1.503 7,894 1/26/2024
4.1.502 2,585 1/26/2024
4.1.501 3,127 1/25/2024
4.1.500 3,380 1/24/2024
4.1.499 3,566 1/22/2024
4.1.498 6,664 1/19/2024
4.1.497 3,518 1/18/2024
4.1.496 2,999 1/17/2024
4.1.495 3,117 1/16/2024
4.1.494 6,713 1/14/2024
4.1.493 2,902 1/12/2024
4.1.492 2,816 1/11/2024
4.1.491 2,821 1/10/2024
4.1.490 5,691 1/8/2024
4.1.489 6,501 1/5/2024
4.1.488 2,487 1/5/2024
4.1.487 2,731 1/3/2024
4.1.486 12,919 12/29/2023
4.1.485 2,741 12/28/2023
4.1.484 2,746 12/27/2023
4.1.483 2,778 12/26/2023
4.1.482 9,308 12/22/2023
4.1.481 2,991 12/21/2023
4.1.480 3,175 12/20/2023
4.1.479 3,644 12/19/2023
4.1.478 3,079 12/18/2023
4.1.477 6,349 12/15/2023
4.1.476 2,605 12/14/2023
4.1.475 2,877 12/14/2023
4.1.474 2,767 12/12/2023
4.1.473 2,800 12/11/2023
4.1.472 6,665 12/8/2023
4.1.471 2,875 12/7/2023
4.1.470 2,661 12/7/2023
4.1.469 2,935 12/6/2023
4.1.468 2,653 12/5/2023
4.1.467 7,081 12/2/2023
4.1.466 2,844 12/1/2023
4.1.465 1,987 11/30/2023
4.1.464 864 11/30/2023
4.1.463 3,093 11/29/2023
4.1.462 2,037 11/28/2023
4.1.461 1,153 11/28/2023
4.1.460 2,023 11/27/2023
4.1.459 11,093 11/23/2023
4.1.458 3,761 11/22/2023
4.1.457 3,471 11/21/2023
4.1.456 9,314 11/18/2023
4.1.455 3,731 11/17/2023
4.1.454 3,825 11/16/2023
4.1.453 3,712 11/14/2023
4.1.452 3,540 11/14/2023
4.1.451 8,545 11/11/2023
4.1.450 3,451 11/10/2023
4.1.449 2,585 11/9/2023
4.1.448 747 11/9/2023
4.1.447 3,452 11/8/2023
4.1.446 4,024 11/7/2023
4.1.445 8,517 11/3/2023
4.1.444 3,348 11/2/2023
4.1.443 3,211 11/1/2023
4.1.442 2,711 11/1/2023
4.1.441 4,355 10/30/2023
4.1.440 8,526 10/27/2023
4.1.439 3,227 10/27/2023
4.1.438 3,403 10/26/2023
4.1.437 4,163 10/24/2023
4.1.436 3,628 10/23/2023
4.1.435 9,766 10/21/2023
4.1.434 4,147 10/20/2023
4.1.433 4,823 10/18/2023
4.1.432 5,609 10/17/2023
4.1.431 8,480 10/16/2023
4.1.430 32,431 10/12/2023
4.1.429 34,785 10/6/2023
4.1.428 4,351 10/5/2023
4.1.427 5,746 10/4/2023
4.1.426 4,889 10/3/2023
4.1.425 4,714 10/2/2023
4.1.424 130,356 9/28/2023
4.1.423 4,509 9/27/2023
4.1.422 4,611 9/26/2023
4.1.421 4,790 9/25/2023
4.1.420 10,078 9/22/2023
4.1.419 8,929 9/21/2023
4.1.418 4,540 9/19/2023
4.1.417 4,602 9/18/2023
4.1.416 10,874 9/15/2023
4.1.415 3,527 9/15/2023
4.1.414 6,048 9/13/2023
4.1.413 5,014 9/12/2023
4.1.412 4,779 9/11/2023
4.1.411 9,683 9/8/2023
4.1.410 4,456 9/8/2023
4.1.409 4,915 9/6/2023
4.1.408 4,534 9/5/2023
4.1.407 15,380 9/1/2023
4.1.406 3,704 9/1/2023
4.1.405 4,246 8/30/2023
4.1.404 4,573 8/29/2023
4.1.403 4,483 8/28/2023
4.1.402 11,872 8/25/2023
4.1.401 3,778 8/25/2023
4.1.400 4,844 8/23/2023
4.1.399 4,270 8/23/2023
4.1.398 5,250 8/21/2023
4.1.397 11,673 8/18/2023
4.1.396 3,893 8/17/2023
4.1.395 4,093 8/16/2023
4.1.394 4,152 8/15/2023
4.1.393 3,841 8/14/2023
4.1.392 10,319 8/11/2023
4.1.391 3,709 8/10/2023
4.1.390 3,930 8/9/2023
4.1.389 3,829 8/8/2023
4.1.388 3,721 8/7/2023
4.1.387 8,366 8/4/2023
4.1.386 2,865 8/3/2023
4.1.385 2,875 8/2/2023
4.1.384 3,218 8/1/2023
4.1.383 3,353 7/31/2023
4.1.382 9,805 7/28/2023
4.1.381 2,981 7/28/2023
4.1.380 953 7/27/2023
4.1.379 3,719 7/26/2023
4.1.378 3,782 7/25/2023
4.1.377 4,008 7/24/2023
4.1.376 9,842 7/21/2023
4.1.375 3,477 7/20/2023
4.1.374 2,637 7/20/2023
4.1.373 1,386 7/19/2023
4.1.372 3,816 7/18/2023
4.1.371 3,576 7/17/2023
4.1.370 12,058 7/13/2023
4.1.369 8,615 7/11/2023
4.1.368 9,848 7/7/2023
4.1.367 3,309 7/6/2023
4.1.366 3,463 7/5/2023
4.1.365 5,209 7/3/2023
4.1.364 7,049 6/30/2023
4.1.363 2,759 6/29/2023
4.1.362 2,926 6/28/2023
4.1.361 2,967 6/27/2023
4.1.360 3,158 6/26/2023
4.1.359 8,396 6/23/2023
4.1.358 9,709 6/22/2023
4.1.357 3,714 6/21/2023
4.1.356 3,242 6/21/2023
4.1.355 24,473 6/19/2023
4.1.354 7,196 6/16/2023
4.1.353 3,334 6/15/2023
4.1.352 7,092 6/14/2023
4.1.351 3,777 6/12/2023
4.1.350 9,519 6/9/2023
4.1.349 3,470 6/8/2023
4.1.348 4,868 6/7/2023
4.1.347 5,054 6/6/2023
4.1.346 5,019 6/6/2023
4.1.345 12,185 6/2/2023
4.1.344 4,727 6/1/2023
4.1.343 4,769 5/31/2023
4.1.342 4,232 5/30/2023
4.1.341 8,913 5/26/2023
4.1.340 2,407 5/25/2023
4.1.339 2,629 5/24/2023
4.1.338 3,013 5/23/2023
4.1.337 3,137 5/22/2023
4.1.336 7,263 5/19/2023
4.1.335 3,288 5/18/2023
4.1.334 8,686 5/16/2023
4.1.333 4,639 5/15/2023
4.1.332 104,793 5/11/2023
4.1.331 5,997 5/10/2023
4.1.330 5,994 5/9/2023
4.1.329 6,242 5/8/2023
4.1.328 14,707 5/6/2023
4.1.327 4,599 5/5/2023
4.1.326 4,565 5/3/2023
4.1.325 3,309 5/2/2023
4.1.324 13,001 5/1/2023
4.1.323 43,968 4/29/2023
4.1.322 18,174 4/27/2023
4.1.321 17,038 4/26/2023
4.1.320 17,135 4/25/2023
4.1.319 9,415 4/25/2023
4.1.318 58,805 4/21/2023
4.1.317 14,580 4/21/2023
4.1.316 21,573 4/19/2023
4.1.315 34,470 4/17/2023
4.1.314 45,058 4/14/2023
4.1.313 15,107 4/13/2023
4.1.312 15,778 4/12/2023
4.1.311 17,023 4/11/2023
4.1.310 18,002 4/10/2023
4.1.309 50,080 4/7/2023
4.1.308 16,421 4/6/2023
4.1.307 16,782 4/5/2023
4.1.306 17,063 4/4/2023
4.1.305 17,379 4/3/2023
4.1.304 49,841 3/31/2023
4.1.303 16,907 3/30/2023
4.1.302 17,075 3/29/2023
4.1.301 17,130 3/28/2023
4.1.300 17,450 3/27/2023
4.1.299 49,699 3/24/2023
4.1.298 16,856 3/23/2023
4.1.297 16,930 3/22/2023
4.1.296 16,663 3/21/2023
4.1.295 17,026 3/20/2023
4.1.294 49,575 3/17/2023
4.1.293 16,595 3/16/2023
4.1.292 17,695 3/15/2023
4.1.291 16,616 3/14/2023
4.1.290 16,958 3/13/2023
4.1.289 47,932 3/10/2023
4.1.288 13,917 3/9/2023
4.1.287 13,759 3/8/2023
4.1.286 9,364 3/7/2023
4.1.285 11,041 3/6/2023
4.1.284 25,168 3/3/2023
4.1.283 8,999 3/2/2023
4.1.282 9,158 3/1/2023
4.1.281 8,843 2/28/2023
4.1.280 8,835 2/27/2023
4.1.279 25,851 2/24/2023
4.1.278 8,712 2/23/2023
4.1.277 9,538 2/22/2023
4.1.276 9,099 2/22/2023
4.1.275 9,615 2/20/2023
4.1.274 26,160 2/17/2023
4.1.273 8,628 2/17/2023
4.1.272 9,447 2/16/2023
4.1.271 9,920 2/15/2023
4.1.270 9,847 2/13/2023
4.1.269 25,748 2/10/2023
4.1.268 8,848 2/9/2023
4.1.267 8,710 2/8/2023
4.1.266 8,254 2/7/2023
4.1.265 8,178 2/6/2023
4.1.264 23,035 2/3/2023
4.1.263 7,998 2/2/2023
4.1.262 8,502 2/1/2023
4.1.261 8,046 1/31/2023
4.1.260 8,256 1/30/2023
4.1.259 22,831 1/27/2023
4.1.258 8,134 1/26/2023
4.1.257 8,148 1/25/2023
4.1.256 8,124 1/24/2023
4.1.255 8,185 1/23/2023
4.1.254 22,949 1/20/2023
4.1.253 7,053 1/20/2023
4.1.252 9,544 1/18/2023
4.1.251 8,054 1/17/2023
4.1.250 28,358 1/13/2023
4.1.249 1,942 1/12/2023
4.1.248 2,281 1/11/2023
4.1.247 3,019 1/10/2023
4.1.246 2,312 1/9/2023
4.1.245 9,690 1/6/2023
4.1.244 2,303 1/5/2023
4.1.243 2,102 1/4/2023
4.1.242 2,109 1/3/2023
4.1.241 7,656 12/30/2022
4.1.240 1,998 12/29/2022
4.1.239 2,156 12/28/2022
4.1.238 2,171 12/27/2022
4.1.237 7,688 12/23/2022
4.1.236 1,989 12/22/2022
4.1.235 2,458 12/22/2022
4.1.234 2,472 12/20/2022
4.1.233 2,583 12/19/2022
4.1.232 7,317 12/16/2022
4.1.231 2,552 12/15/2022
4.1.230 3,303 12/14/2022
4.1.229 2,970 12/13/2022
4.1.228 2,421 12/12/2022
4.1.227 7,227 12/9/2022
4.1.226 2,755 12/8/2022
4.1.225 1,888 12/8/2022
4.1.224 338 12/8/2022
4.1.223 600 12/7/2022
4.1.222 2,592 12/7/2022
4.1.221 2,757 12/5/2022
4.1.220 6,715 12/2/2022
4.1.219 2,417 12/1/2022
4.1.218 2,680 11/30/2022
4.1.217 2,457 11/29/2022
4.1.216 1,112 11/29/2022
4.1.215 3,000 11/28/2022
4.1.214 8,292 11/23/2022
4.1.213 2,641 11/22/2022
4.1.212 2,727 11/22/2022
4.1.211 9,842 11/19/2022
4.1.210 3,270 11/17/2022
4.1.209 3,215 11/16/2022
4.1.208 3,485 11/15/2022
4.1.207 3,571 11/14/2022
4.1.206 10,033 11/11/2022
4.1.205 2,973 11/10/2022
4.1.204 2,382 11/9/2022
4.1.203 3,609 11/8/2022
4.1.202 2,749 11/7/2022
4.1.201 5,736 11/4/2022
4.1.200 2,376 11/3/2022
4.1.199 2,672 11/2/2022
4.1.198 2,372 11/1/2022
4.1.197 2,147 10/31/2022
4.1.196 10,320 10/28/2022
4.1.195 1,996 10/27/2022
4.1.194 2,289 10/26/2022
4.1.193 3,008 10/25/2022
4.1.192 2,338 10/24/2022
4.1.191 5,217 10/21/2022
4.1.190 2,349 10/20/2022
4.1.189 2,166 10/19/2022
4.1.188 2,229 10/18/2022
4.1.187 2,308 10/17/2022
4.1.186 6,282 10/14/2022
4.1.185 2,331 10/13/2022
4.1.184 13,720 10/7/2022
4.1.183 2,280 10/6/2022
4.1.182 2,411 10/5/2022
4.1.181 2,303 10/4/2022
4.1.180 2,107 10/3/2022
4.1.179 5,627 9/30/2022
4.1.178 2,234 9/29/2022
4.1.177 4,300 9/27/2022
4.1.176 2,790 9/26/2022
4.1.175 7,130 9/23/2022
4.1.174 2,719 9/22/2022
4.1.173 3,169 9/21/2022
4.1.172 2,374 9/20/2022
4.1.171 2,362 9/19/2022
4.1.170 8,082 9/16/2022
4.1.169 2,496 9/15/2022
4.1.168 4,391 9/14/2022
4.1.167 2,190 9/13/2022
4.1.166 1,879 9/12/2022
4.1.165 4,857 9/9/2022
4.1.164 2,275 9/8/2022
4.1.163 3,007 9/7/2022
4.1.162 3,095 9/6/2022
4.1.161 12,078 9/2/2022
4.1.160 3,139 9/1/2022
4.1.159 3,013 8/31/2022
4.1.158 2,732 8/31/2022
4.1.157 3,179 8/29/2022
4.1.156 9,370 8/26/2022
4.1.155 2,885 8/25/2022
4.1.154 2,787 8/24/2022
4.1.153 1,778 8/23/2022
4.1.152 1,618 8/22/2022
4.1.151 5,565 8/19/2022
4.1.150 3,132 8/18/2022
4.1.149 2,712 8/17/2022
4.1.148 4,648 8/16/2022
4.1.147 2,867 8/15/2022
4.1.146 5,660 8/12/2022
4.1.145 2,202 8/11/2022
4.1.144 3,389 8/10/2022
4.1.143 2,358 8/9/2022
4.1.142 2,312 8/8/2022
4.1.141 8,042 8/4/2022
4.1.140 2,135 8/3/2022
4.1.139 1,695 8/2/2022
4.1.138 1,772 8/1/2022
4.1.137 4,795 7/29/2022
4.1.136 3,016 7/28/2022
4.1.135 4,095 7/27/2022
4.1.134 3,338 7/26/2022
4.1.133 3,276 7/25/2022
4.1.132 4,854 7/22/2022
4.1.131 1,749 7/21/2022
4.1.130 1,546 7/21/2022
4.1.129 2,092 7/19/2022
4.1.128 1,901 7/18/2022
4.1.127 5,240 7/15/2022
4.1.126 1,371 7/14/2022
4.1.125 2,367 7/13/2022
4.1.124 1,703 7/12/2022
4.1.123 1,521 7/11/2022
4.1.122 3,748 7/8/2022
4.1.120 2,236 7/6/2022
4.1.119 1,448 7/5/2022
4.1.118 4,817 7/1/2022
4.1.117 1,421 6/30/2022
4.1.116 1,913 6/29/2022
4.1.115 1,860 6/28/2022
4.1.114 3,082 6/27/2022
4.1.113 8,354 6/24/2022
4.1.112 3,337 6/23/2022
4.1.111 3,615 6/22/2022
4.1.110 3,214 6/21/2022
4.1.109 2,797 6/20/2022
4.1.108 33,552 6/17/2022
4.1.107 2,656 6/16/2022
4.1.106 3,462 6/15/2022
4.1.105 3,352 6/14/2022
4.1.104 2,509 6/13/2022
4.1.103 8,465 6/10/2022
4.1.102 2,909 6/9/2022
4.1.101 3,785 6/8/2022
4.1.100 3,380 6/7/2022
4.1.99 2,718 6/6/2022
4.1.98 9,063 6/2/2022
4.1.97 2,313 6/1/2022
4.1.96 2,815 5/31/2022
4.1.95 10,653 5/27/2022
4.1.94 2,527 5/26/2022
4.1.93 3,389 5/25/2022
4.1.92 2,724 5/24/2022
4.1.91 2,430 5/23/2022
4.1.90 7,006 5/20/2022
4.1.89 2,358 5/19/2022
4.1.88 2,661 5/18/2022
4.1.87 2,444 5/17/2022
4.1.86 2,221 5/16/2022
4.1.85 6,054 5/13/2022
4.1.84 2,049 5/12/2022
4.1.83 2,980 5/11/2022
4.1.82 2,043 5/10/2022
4.1.81 2,083 5/9/2022
4.1.80 5,063 5/6/2022
4.1.79 1,576 5/6/2022
4.1.78 2,489 5/4/2022
4.1.77 1,923 5/4/2022
4.1.76 2,502 5/2/2022
4.1.75 5,672 4/29/2022
4.1.74 16,796 4/28/2022
4.1.73 2,449 4/27/2022
4.1.72 2,653 4/26/2022
4.1.71 2,511 4/25/2022
4.1.70 7,682 4/22/2022
4.1.69 2,309 4/21/2022
4.1.68 2,565 4/20/2022
4.1.67 2,471 4/19/2022
4.1.66 8,768 4/15/2022
4.1.65 2,330 4/14/2022
4.1.64 3,809 4/13/2022
4.1.63 3,671 4/12/2022
4.1.62 3,412 4/11/2022
4.1.61 8,559 4/8/2022
4.1.60 2,506 4/8/2022
4.1.59 3,407 4/6/2022
4.1.58 3,339 4/5/2022
4.1.57 3,275 4/4/2022
4.1.56 8,310 4/1/2022
4.1.55 3,141 3/31/2022
4.1.54 2,590 3/31/2022
4.1.53 4,366 3/29/2022
4.1.52 2,164 3/28/2022
4.1.51 5,981 3/25/2022
4.1.50 2,250 3/24/2022
4.1.49 1,863 3/24/2022
4.1.48 3,192 3/22/2022
4.1.47 2,081 3/22/2022
4.1.46 5,539 3/18/2022
4.1.45 3,814 3/17/2022
4.1.44 2,008 3/16/2022
4.1.43 2,020 3/14/2022
4.1.42 5,482 3/11/2022
4.1.41 1,781 3/10/2022 2,523 3/10/2022 5,279 3/9/2022
4.1.38 2,531 3/7/2022
4.1.37 4,955 3/4/2022
4.1.36 1,926 3/4/2022
4.1.35 2,349 3/3/2022
4.1.34 2,424 3/1/2022
4.1.33 2,389 2/28/2022
4.1.32 7,182 2/26/2022
4.1.31 2,457 2/25/2022 3,385 2/23/2022 3,084 2/22/2022 2,203 2/21/2022 3,959 2/18/2022 2,173 2/17/2022 2,100 2/16/2022 3,235 2/15/2022 5,431 2/11/2022 1,391 2/11/2022 2,121 2/10/2022 2,344 2/8/2022 1,189 2/8/2022 20,001 1/27/2022 20,945 1/5/2022 56,670 11/19/2021 40,937 10/2/2021 74,262 6/25/2021 23,883 6/1/2021 15,841 4/23/2021 3,967 4/15/2021 10,516 3/23/2021 9,132 2/26/2021 13,414 2/3/2021 10,988 1/6/2021 3,641 12/23/2020 155,256 11/17/2020 6,991 11/7/2020 13,333 10/7/2020 4,915 10/1/2020 25,190 8/19/2020 43,380 6/11/2020 23,014 3/13/2020 5,914 2/5/2020 1,752 1/22/2020 2,280 12/13/2019 2,172 11/26/2019 116 11/25/2019 1,391 11/21/2019
3.3.618.1 (current version) 152 11/18/2019
3.3.618.0 669 11/4/2019
3.3.604.0 427 10/11/2019
3.3.590.0 174 9/23/2019
3.3.563.1 302 8/9/2019
3.3.563.0 214 8/9/2019
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