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By: | 725 downloads | Last Updated: 5/13/2017 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

Full Metal Gnome cmdlets to make working with SQL and ADO.NET easier in PowerShell so that you can focus on the data rather than writing code. The code is database agnostic and defaults to using the SQLClient provider.

By: | 620 downloads | Last Updated: 3/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.2

Gainz: Sql Db Deprecated: Renaming to Gz-Sql Database agnostic Powershell functions over ADO.NET. The primary functions are Invoke-DbCmd, Read-DbData, and Write-DbData. If a connection or connectionString is not provided to the functions, the functions will attempt to use the default connection set by Set-DbConnectionString. Any fun... More info