
### Module - zWindowsUpdate

# Task settings

$WU_TaskName = 'zWindowsUpdate'

$WU_TaskDescription = 'Windows update task created by zWindowsUpdate PowerShell module'

$WU_TaskWorkingDirectory = 'C:\Program Files\zWindowsUpdate' # Folder is deleted when running Remove-zWUTask

# File names

$WU_ScriptFileName = 'zWUScript.ps1'

$WU_XmlLogFileName = 'zWUScriptLog.xml'

$WU_LogFileName = 'zWUScript-Error.log'

# zWU Functions

function Get-zWULog {

        Get the log entires for a windows update task.
        Returns one or more lines from the log file generated when the task is run. By default the last 1 line is returned.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the computers on which the command runs.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
        Return the full log.
        Specifies the network port on the remote computer that is used for this command. To connect to a remote computer, the remote computer must be listening on the port that the connection uses. The default ports are 5985, which is the WinRM port for HTTP, and 5986, which is the WinRM port for HTTPS.
    .PARAMETER PSSessionOption
        Specifies advanced options for the session. Enter a SessionOption object, such as one that you create by using the New-PSSessionOption cmdlet, or a hash table in which the keys are session option names and the values are session option values.
        Retrun the last n entries of the log.
    .PARAMETER ThrottleLimit
        Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that can be established to run this command.
        Indicates that this cmdlet uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to establish a connection to the remote computer. By default, SSL is not used.
        PS C:\>Get-zWULog 'SRV01', 'SRV02', 'SRV03', 'SRV04', 'SRV05', 'SRV06', 'CLIENT01'
        ComputerName Timestamp Level Message
        ------------ --------- ----- -------
        SRV06 29/07/2017 04:38:40 Warning Finished - Reboot required - 24 of 24 update(s) installed
        SRV02 29/07/2017 03:20:55 Info Finished - Download only - 3 update(s) downloaded
        SRV01 29/07/2017 03:14:16 Info Searching for updates
        SRV04 29/07/2017 03:20:55 Info Finished - Search only - 3 update(s) found
        SRV03 29/07/2017 03:14:19 Info Downloading update 9 of 24 - Update for Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB2883200) (226.9MB)
        CLIENT01 29/07/2017 03:14:31 Info Installing update 4 of 10 - Feature update to Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1703 (0B-2.7GB)
        SRV05 29/07/2017 03:14:17 Info Finished - No reboot required - 1 of 1 update(s) installed
        Get the last line from the update task log on the specified remote computers.
        PS C:\>Get-zWULog SRV04 -Full | Out-GridView
        Get-the full update task log from the computer SRV04 and display the results in Out-GridView.
        PS C:\>$cred = Get-Credential
        PS C:\>$PSSessionOption = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck
        PS C:\>Get-zWULog -Credential $cred -UseSSL -PSSessionOption $PSSessionOption -Full
        ComputerName Timestamp Level Message
        ------------ --------- ----- ------- 02/03/2018 16:13:45 Info ## zWindowsUpdate ## 02/03/2018 16:13:45 Info Parameter - AutoSelect = True 02/03/2018 16:13:45 Info Parameter - SearchOnly = True 02/03/2018 16:13:45 Info Parameter - Service = WindowsUpdate 02/03/2018 16:13:45 Info Starting windows update session 02/03/2018 16:13:45 Info Searching for updates 02/03/2018 16:13:53 Info Found 3 update(s) (0B-1.2GB) 02/03/2018 16:13:53 Info Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - February 2018 (KB890830) (0B-38.4MB) 02/03/2018 16:13:53 Info 2018-02 Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2016 for x64-based Systems (KB4074590) (0B-1.1GB) 02/03/2018 16:13:53 Info Update for Windows Defender antimalware platform - KB4052623 (Version 4.12.17007.18022) (0B-3.1MB) 02/03/2018 16:13:53 Info Finished - Search only - 3 update(s) found
        Get the full update task log from the computer with the Ip address The connection will use SSL and the PSSessionOptions provided.

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Tail')]

        [Alias('Name', 'PSComputerName')]


        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Full')]

        [ValidateRange(1, 65535)]


        [parameter(Position=1,ParameterSetName = 'Tail')]
        [uint32]$Tail = 1,


    begin {

        $Command = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        $ComputerNames = @()

        $sb = {

            $Task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $using:WU_TaskName -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

            if ($Task) {

                $Path = Join-Path -Path $Task.Actions.WorkingDirectory -ChildPath $using:WU_XmlLogFileName
                if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf) {
                    $Import = Import-Clixml -Path $Path -ErrorAction 'Stop'

                    if ($using:Full) {$Import}

                    else {$Import | Select-Object -Last $using:Tail}

                else {Write-Warning "[$env:COMPUTERNAME] $using:Command - No log file found."}

            else {Write-Warning "[$env:COMPUTERNAME] $using:Command - No task named $using:WU_TaskName."}

    process {$ComputerNames += $ComputerName}

    end {

        $Invoke_Params = @{ScriptBlock = $sb ; ComputerName = $ComputerNames}
        if ($Credential) {$Invoke_Params += @{Credential = $Credential}}

        if ($ThrottleLimit) {$Invoke_Params += @{ThrottleLimit = $ThrottleLimit}}

        if ($Port) {$Invoke_Params += @{Port = $Port}}

        if ($UseSSL) {$Invoke_Params += @{UseSSL = $UseSSL}}

        if ($PSSessionOption) {$Invoke_Params += @{SessionOption = $PSSessionOption}}

        Invoke-Command @Invoke_Params | Select-Object @{l='ComputerName';e={$_.PSComputerName}}, TimeStamp, Level, Message
Set-Alias -Name gzl -Value Get-zWULog

function Get-zWUTask {

        Get a windows update task.
        Gets details of a windows update task. The details returned are the task State, LastRunTime and Parameters.
    .PARAMETER CimSessionOption
        Sets advanced options for the new CIM session. Enter the name of a CimSessionOption object created by using the New-CimSessionOption cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the computers on which the command runs.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
        Specifies the network port on the remote computer that is used for this connection. To connect to a remote computer, the remote computer must be listening on the port that the connection uses. The default ports are 5985 (the WinRM port for HTTP) and 5986 (the WinRM port for HTTPS).
        PS C:\>Get-zWUTask SRV01
        ComputerName State LastRunTime Parameters
        ------------ ----- ----------- ----------
        SRV01 Ready 29/07/2017 03:14:16 -AcceptEula -DownloadOnly
        This command returns the details for the update task on SRV01.
        PS C:\>Get-zWUTask 'SRV01', 'SRV02', 'SRV03', 'SRV04', 'SRV05', 'SRV06', 'CLIENT01'
        ComputerName State LastRunTime Parameters
        ------------ ----- ----------- ----------
        SRV05 Ready 29/07/2017 03:14:17 -SearchOnly -UpdateType SecurityUpdates,CriticalUpdates
        SRV06 Ready 29/07/2017 03:14:15 -AcceptEula -AutoSelect -DownloadOnly
        CLIENT01 Ready 29/07/2017 03:14:17 -AcceptEula -SearchOnly -Service WindowsUpdate
        SRV02 Ready 29/07/2017 03:14:24 -SearchOnly -UpdateType SecurityUpdates,CriticalUpdates
        SRV01 Ready 29/07/2017 03:14:16 -AcceptEula -ExcludeKB KB2267602,KB890830 -Reboot
        SRV04 Ready 29/07/2017 03:14:19 -AcceptEula -AutoSelect -DownloadOnly
        SRV03 Ready 29/07/2017 03:14:19 -AcceptEula -ExcludeOptional -Reboot



        [Alias('Name', 'PSComputerName')]


        [ValidateRange(1, 65535)]

    begin {$Command = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name}

    process {

        $Cim_Params = @{ComputerName = $ComputerName ; Name = ("$WU_TaskName-" + [guid]::NewGuid().Guid)}
        if ($Credential) {$Cim_Params += @{Credential = $Credential}}

        if ($Port) {$Cim_Params += @{Port = $Port}}

        if ($CimSessionOption) {$Cim_Params += @{SessionOption = $CimSessionOption}}

        $CimSession = New-CimSession @Cim_Params

        foreach ($Session in $CimSession) {

            $Task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $WU_TaskName -CimSession $Session -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

            if ($Task) {

                $Task | Select-Object `
                    @{l='ComputerName';e={$_.PSComputerName}}, `
                    State, `
                    @{l='LastRunTime';e={($_ | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo).LastRunTime}}, `
                    @{l='Parameters';e={($_.Actions.Arguments -split ".ps1' ")[1].TrimEnd("`" > $WU_LogFileName 2>&1")}}
            else {Write-Warning "[$($Session.ComputerName)] $Command - No task named $WU_TaskName."}

    end {Get-CimSession -Name "$WU_TaskName*" | Remove-CimSession}
Set-Alias -Name gzt -Value Get-zWUTask

function New-zWUTask {

        Creates a new windows update task.
        Copies the zWUScript.ps1 script from this module to the remote or local computer and creates a scheduled task to run it. The task is created without a trigger. By default when the task is run the script will search for, download and install all software updates but will not reboot the computer if required.
    .PARAMETER AcceptEula
        Accept update EULA if needed.
    .PARAMETER AutoSelect
        Only include updates that are flagged to be automatically selected by Windows Update.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the computers on which the command runs.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
    .PARAMETER DownloadOnly
        Download updates but do not install them.
    .PARAMETER ExcludeKB
        Exclude updates by KB number.
    .PARAMETER ExcludeOptional
        Exclude updates that are considered optional.
    .PARAMETER IncludeKB
        Include updates by KB number.
        Specifies the network port on the remote computer that is used for this command. To connect to a remote computer, the remote computer must be listening on the port that the connection uses. The default ports are 5985, which is the WinRM port for HTTP, and 5986, which is the WinRM port for HTTPS.
    .PARAMETER PSSessionOption
        Specifies advanced options for the session. Enter a SessionOption object, such as one that you create by using the New-PSSessionOption cmdlet, or a hash table in which the keys are session option names and the values are session option values.
    .PARAMETER Reboot
        Attempt to reboot the computer if required after installing updates.
    .PARAMETER SearchOnly
        Search for updates only, do not download or install them.
    .PARAMETER Service
        Select update service. Possible values are 'MicrosoftUpdate', 'WindowsUpdate', 'WSUS'. When not specified the system default is used. The script will attempt to add the MicrosoftUpdate service if it is not registered.
    .PARAMETER SmtpFrom
        From address for the email report.
    .PARAMETER SmtpServer
        Smtp server used to send the email report.
        To address for the email report.
    .PARAMETER ThrottleLimit
        Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that can be established to run this command.
        Indicates that this cmdlet uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to establish a connection to the remote computer. By default, SSL is not used.
    .PARAMETER UpdateType
        Specify which update types to search for, such as CriticalUpdates or SecurityUpdates. Possible values are 'Application', 'CriticalUpdates', 'Definitions', 'FeaturePacks', 'SecurityUpdates', 'ServicePacks', 'Tools', 'UpdateRollups', 'Updates'. The default is all software updates.
        PS C:\>New-zWUTask -ComputerName SRV01 -UpdateType CriticalUpdates,SecurityUpdates -Reboot | Start-zWUTask
        ComputerName TaskName
        ------------ --------
        SRV05 zWindowsUpdate
        This example shows how to create a windows update task on the remote computer SRV01 and start it. The task will search for, download and install security and critical updates then reboot the computer if needed.
        PS C:\>$Computers = (Get-ADComputer -Filter "name -like 'srv*'").Name
        PS C:\>$cred = Get-Credential
        PS C:\>New-zWUTask -ComputerName $Computers -Credential $cred -AutoSelect -SearchOnly
        ComputerName TaskName
        ------------ --------
        SRV05 zWindowsUpdate
        SRV01 zWindowsUpdate
        SRV02 zWindowsUpdate
        SRV03 zWindowsUpdate
        SRV04 zWindowsUpdate
        In this example tasks are created on multiple computers and are set to search for updates only.
        The first command uses the Get-ADComputer cmdlet to gather a list of computers and saves them in the variable $Computers.
        The Second command gets a credential object and saves it to the variable $cred
        The last command creates the tasks on the computers specified in the $Computers variable and uses the credentials specified in the $cred variable to authenticate the remote session.
        PS C:\>$Computers = 'srv01', 'srv02', 'srv03'
        PS C:\>New-zWUTask $Computers -AutoSelect -Reboot
        PS C:\>$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -At 03:00 -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Wednesday
        PS C:\>Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName zWindowsUpdate -Trigger $Trigger -CimSession $Computers
        In the above example a windows update task is created on the computers srv01, srv02 and srv03 and set to reboot the computer automatically if required. The builtin ScheduledTask cmdlets are then used to create and apply a trigger to the tasks so they run on a schedule. In this case every Wednesday at 3:00am.
        PS C:\>New-zWUTask $Computers -Confirm:$false -AutoSelect -ExcludeKB KB2267602,KB890830 -SearchOnly
        PS C:\>Start-zWUTask $Computers -Confirm:$false | Wait-zWUTask -Delay 30

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,ConfirmImpact = 'High', DefaultParameterSetName = 'Install')]


        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DownloadOnly')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Install')]


        [Alias('Name', 'PSComputerName')]


        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DownloadOnly')]

        [ValidateScript({$_ -match 'kb[0-9]{6,}'})]


        [ValidateScript({$_ -match 'kb[0-9]{6,}'})]
        [ValidateRange(1, 65535)]


        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Install')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SearchOnly')]

        [ValidateSet('MicrosoftUpdate', 'WindowsUpdate', 'WSUS')]



        [ValidateSet('Application', 'CriticalUpdates', 'Definitions', 'FeaturePacks', 'SecurityUpdates', 'ServicePacks', 'Tools', 'UpdateRollups', 'Updates')]

    begin {

        $Command = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        if (($SmtpFrom -or $SmtpTo -or $SmtpServer) -and -not ($SmtpFrom -and $SmtpTo -and $SmtpServer)) {throw "$Command : Provide all -Smtp* parameters"}

        $ScriptFilePath = Join-Path -Path $WU_TaskWorkingDirectory -ChildPath $WU_ScriptFileName

        $ModulePath = (Get-Module $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName).ModuleBase

        $UpdateScript = Get-Content "$ModulePath\$WU_ScriptFileName"

        $Argument = "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command `"& '$ScriptFilePath'"

        switch ($true) {

            $AcceptEula {$Argument += ' -AcceptEula'}

            $AutoSelect {$Argument += ' -AutoSelect'}

            $DownloadOnly {$Argument += ' -DownloadOnly'}

            ($ExcludeKB -as [bool]) {$Argument += ' -ExcludeKB ' ; $ExcludeKB | ForEach-Object {$Argument += "$_,"} ; $Argument = $Argument.TrimEnd(',')}

            $ExcludeOptional {$Argument += ' -ExcludeOptional'}

            ($IncludeKB -as [bool]) {$Argument += ' -IncludeKB ' ; $IncludeKB | ForEach-Object {$Argument += "$_,"} ; $Argument = $Argument.TrimEnd(',')}

            $Reboot {$Argument += ' -Reboot'}

            $SearchOnly {$Argument += ' -SearchOnly'}
            ($Service -as [bool]) {$Argument += " -Service $Service"}

            ($SmtpFrom -as [bool]) {$Argument += " -SmtpFrom $($SmtpFrom.Address)"}

            ($SmtpTo -as [bool]) {$Argument += " -SmtpTo $($SmtpTo.Address)"}

            ($SmtpServer -as [bool]) {$Argument += " -SmtpServer $SmtpServer"}

            ($UpdateType.Count -gt 0) {$Argument += ' -UpdateType ' ; $UpdateType | ForEach-Object {$Argument += "$_,"} ; $Argument = $Argument.TrimEnd(',')}

        $Argument += "`" > $WU_LogFileName 2>&1"

        $sb = {

            $Task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $using:WU_TaskName -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

            if ($Task.State -ne 'Running') {
                if (-not(Test-Path $using:WU_TaskWorkingDirectory -PathType Container)) {mkdir $using:WU_TaskWorkingDirectory -Force | Out-Null}

                $using:UpdateScript | Out-File $using:ScriptFilePath -Force

                $Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'PowerShell.exe' -Argument $Using:Argument -WorkingDirectory $using:WU_TaskWorkingDirectory

                Register-ScheduledTask -Action $Action -User 'System' -TaskName $using:WU_TaskName -Description $using:WU_TaskDescription -RunLevel Highest -Force

            else {Write-Warning "[$env:COMPUTERNAME] $using:Command - Task is running."}

    process {$ComputerNames += $ComputerName}

    end {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ComputerNames,'Create new windows update task')) {

            $Invoke_Params = @{ScriptBlock = $sb ; ComputerName = $ComputerNames}
            if ($Credential) {$Invoke_Params += @{Credential = $Credential}}

            if ($ThrottleLimit) {$Invoke_Params += @{ThrottleLimit = $ThrottleLimit}}

            if ($Port) {$Invoke_Params += @{Port = $Port}}

            if ($UseSSL) {$Invoke_Params += @{UseSSL = $UseSSL}}

            if ($PSSessionOption) {$Invoke_Params += @{SessionOption = $PSSessionOption}}

            Invoke-Command @Invoke_Params | Select-Object @{l='ComputerName';e={$_.PSComputerName}}, TaskName
Set-Alias -Name nzt -Value New-zWUTask

function Remove-zWUTask {

        Removes a windows update task.
        Removes the scheduled task and deletes the task working directory.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the computers on which the command runs.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
        Specifies the network port on the remote computer that is used for this command. To connect to a remote computer, the remote computer must be listening on the port that the connection uses. The default ports are 5985, which is the WinRM port for HTTP, and 5986, which is the WinRM port for HTTPS.
    .PARAMETER PSSessionOption
        Specifies advanced options for the session. Enter a SessionOption object, such as one that you create by using the New-PSSessionOption cmdlet, or a hash table in which the keys are session option names and the values are session option values.
    .PARAMETER ThrottleLimit
        Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that can be established to run this command.
        Indicates that this cmdlet uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to establish a connection to the remote computer. By default, SSL is not used.
        PS C:\>Remove-zWUTask SRV01
        PS C:\>Remove-zWUTask -ComputerName (Get-ADComputer -Filter "name -like 'srv*'").Name -Confirm:$false

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,ConfirmImpact = 'High')]

        [Alias('Name', 'PSComputerName')]


        [ValidateRange(1, 65535)]



    begin {
        $Command = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        $sb = {

            $Task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $using:WU_TaskName -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

            if ($Task) {

                if ($Task.State -ne 'Running') {

                    Remove-Item $Task.Actions.WorkingDirectory -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false

                    $Task | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false

                else {Write-Warning "[$env:COMPUTERNAME] $using:Command - Task is running."}

            else {Write-Warning "[$env:COMPUTERNAME] $using:Command - No task named $using:WU_TaskName."}

    process {$ComputerNames += $ComputerName}

    end {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ComputerNames,'Remove windows update task')) {

            $Invoke_Params = @{ScriptBlock = $sb ; ComputerName = $ComputerNames}
            if ($Credential) {$Invoke_Params += @{Credential = $Credential}}

            if ($ThrottleLimit) {$Invoke_Params += @{ThrottleLimit = $ThrottleLimit}}

            if ($Port) {$Invoke_Params += @{Port = $Port}}

            if ($UseSSL) {$Invoke_Params += @{UseSSL = $UseSSL}}

            if ($PSSessionOption) {$Invoke_Params += @{SessionOption = $PSSessionOption}}

            Invoke-Command @Invoke_Params
Set-Alias -Name rzt -Value Remove-zWUTask

function Start-zWUTask {

        Start a windows update task.
        Start a windows update task.
    .PARAMETER CimSessionOption
        Sets advanced options for the new CIM session. Enter the name of a CimSessionOption object created by using the New-CimSessionOption cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the computers on which the command runs.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
        Specifies the network port on the remote computer that is used for this connection. To connect to a remote computer, the remote computer must be listening on the port that the connection uses. The default ports are 5985 (the WinRM port for HTTP) and 5986 (the WinRM port for HTTPS).
        Start-zWUTask -Credential $cred
        New-zWUTask 'srv01', 'srv02' -Confirm:$false | Start-zWUTask -Confirm:$false

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,ConfirmImpact = 'High')]

        [Alias('Name', 'PSComputerName')]


        [ValidateRange(1, 65535)]

    begin {$Command = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name}
    process {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ComputerName,'Start windows update task')) {

            $Cim_Params = @{ComputerName = $ComputerName ; Name = ("$WU_TaskName-" + [guid]::NewGuid().Guid)}
            if ($Credential) {$Cim_Params += @{Credential = $Credential}}

            if ($Port) {$Cim_Params += @{Port = $Port}}

            if ($CimSessionOption) {$Cim_Params += @{SessionOption = $CimSessionOption}}

            $CimSession = New-CimSession @Cim_Params

            foreach ($Session in $CimSession) {

                $Task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $WU_TaskName -CimSession $Session -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

                if ($Task) {

                    if ($Task.State -ne 'Running') {

                        $Task | Start-ScheduledTask | Out-Null

                        $Task | Get-ScheduledTask | Select-Object @{l='ComputerName';e={$_.PSComputerName}}, State

                    else {Write-Warning "[$($Session.ComputerName)] $Command - Task is already running."}
                else {Write-Warning "[$($Session.ComputerName)] $Command - No task named $WU_TaskName."}

    end {Get-CimSession -Name "$WU_TaskName*" | Remove-CimSession}
Set-Alias -Name szt -Value Start-zWUTask

function Stop-zWUTask {

        Stop a windows update task.
        Stop a windows update task.
    .PARAMETER CimSessionOption
        Sets advanced options for the new CIM session. Enter the name of a CimSessionOption object created by using the New-CimSessionOption cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the computers on which the command runs.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
        Specifies the network port on the remote computer that is used for this connection. To connect to a remote computer, the remote computer must be listening on the port that the connection uses. The default ports are 5985 (the WinRM port for HTTP) and 5986 (the WinRM port for HTTPS).
        Stop-zWUTask -ComputerName -Credential $cred
        Stop-zWUtask $Computers -Confirm:$false

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,ConfirmImpact = 'High')]


        [Alias('Name', 'PSComputerName')]


        [ValidateRange(1, 65535)]

    begin {$Command = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name}
    process {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ComputerName,'Stop windows update task')) {

            $Cim_Params = @{ComputerName = $ComputerName ; Name = ("$WU_TaskName-" + [guid]::NewGuid().Guid)}
            if ($Credential) {$Cim_Params += @{Credential = $Credential}}

            if ($Port) {$Cim_Params += @{Port = $Port}}

            if ($CimSessionOption) {$Cim_Params += @{SessionOption = $CimSessionOption}}

            $CimSession = New-CimSession @Cim_Params

            foreach ($Session in $CimSession) {

                $Task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $WU_TaskName -CimSession $Session -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

                if ($Task) {

                    if ($Task.State -eq 'Running') {

                        $Task | Stop-ScheduledTask | Out-Null

                        $Task | Get-ScheduledTask | Select-Object @{l='ComputerName';e={$_.PSComputerName}}, State

                    else {Write-Warning "[$($Session.ComputerName)] $Command - Task is not running."}
                else {Write-Warning "[$($Session.ComputerName)] $Command - No task named $WU_TaskName."}

    end {Get-CimSession -Name "$WU_TaskName*" | Remove-CimSession}
Set-Alias -Name spzt -Value Stop-zWUTask

function Wait-zWUTask {

        Waits for a windows update task to finish.
        Checks the state of the windows update tasks on the specified computers and waits until they are all complete before continuing the pipeline.
    .PARAMETER CimSessionOption
            Sets advanced options for the new CIM session. Enter the name of a CimSessionOption object created by using the New-CimSessionOption cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the computers on which the command runs.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
    .PARAMETER Delay
        The interval between checking the state of the task in seconds. The default is 60 seconds.
        Specifies the network port on the remote computer that is used for this connection. To connect to a remote computer, the remote computer must be listening on the port that the connection uses. The default ports are 5985 (the WinRM port for HTTP) and 5986 (the WinRM port for HTTPS).
    .PARAMETER Silent
        Hide the progress bar.
        PS C:\>$Computers = (Get-ADComputer -Filter "name -like 'srv*'").Name
        PS C:\>Wait-zWUTask -ComputerName $Computers
        ComputerName State
        ------------ -----
        SRV01 Ready
        SRV02 Ready
        SRV03 Ready
        SRV04 Ready
        New-zWUTask $Computers -SearchOnly | Start-zWUTask | Wait-zWUTask -Delay 30 | Get-zWULog -Full | Out-GridView




        [Alias('Name', 'PSComputerName')]


        [uint32]$Delay = 60,

        [ValidateRange(1, 65535)]


    begin {$ComputerNames = @()}

    process {$ComputerNames += $ComputerName}

    end {

        $TotalCount = ($ComputerNames | Measure-Object).Count

        $RunningCount = $TotalCount

        $Cim_Params = @{ComputerName = $ComputerNames ; Name = ("$WU_TaskName-" + [guid]::NewGuid().Guid)}
        if ($Credential) {$Cim_Params += @{Credential = $Credential}}

        if ($Port) {$Cim_Params += @{Port = $Port}}

        if ($CimSessionOption) {$Cim_Params += @{SessionOption = $CimSessionOption}}

        $CimSession = New-CimSession @Cim_Params

        if ($CimSession) {

            $Waiting = $true

            while ($Waiting) {

                if (-not $Silent) {
                    Write-Progress `
                        -Activity 'Wait-zWUTask' -CurrentOperation 'Checking task state' `
                        -Status "$($TotalCount - $RunningCount) of $TotalCount complete" `
                        -PercentComplete ((($TotalCount - $RunningCount) / $TotalCount) * 100)
                $Tasks = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $WU_TaskName -CimSession $CimSession

                if ($Tasks.State -contains 'Running') {
                    $RunningCount = ($Tasks | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Running'} | Measure-Object).Count

                    if (-not $Silent) {
                        Write-Progress `
                            -Activity 'Wait-zWUTask' -CurrentOperation "Waiting $Delay seconds" `
                            -Status "$($TotalCount - $RunningCount) of $TotalCount complete" `
                            -PercentComplete ((($TotalCount - $RunningCount) / $TotalCount) * 100)

                    Start-Sleep $Delay

                else {$Waiting = $false}

            if (-not $Silent) {Write-Progress -Activity 'Wait-zWUTask' -Completed}

            $Tasks | Select-Object @{l='ComputerName';e={$_.PSComputerName}}, @{l='State';e={$_.State.ToString()}} | 
            Sort-Object ComputerName

            Get-CimSession -Name "$WU_TaskName*" | Remove-CimSession
Set-Alias -Name wzt -Value Wait-zWUTask

Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias *