
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GettingMountedImageMessage = Getting Mounted Drive for image file '{0}'.
    SettingMountedImageMessage = Setting Mounted Drive for image file '{0}'.
    DismountingImageMessage = The image file '{0}' is being dismounted from drive '{1}'.
    TestingMountedImageMessage = Testing Mounted Drive for image file '{0}'.
    ImageIsNotMountedButShouldBeMessage = The image file '{0}' is not mounted to drive '{1}' but should be. Change required.
    ImageIsMountedToTheWrongDriveLetterMessage = The image file '{0}' is mounted as drive '{1}' but should be mounted as drive '{2}'. Change required.
    VHDAccessModeMismatchMessage = The image file '{0}' is mounted to drive '{1}' but the access is '{2}' and should be '{3}'. Change required.
    ImageIsMountedAndShouldBeMessage = The image file '{0}' is mounted to drive '{1}' and should be.
    ImageIsMountedButShouldNotBeMessage = The image file '{0}' is mounted to drive '{1}' but should not be. Change required.
    ImageIsNotMountedAndShouldNotBeMessage = The image file '{0}' is not mounted and should not be.
    TestingMountedImageError = Testing Mounted Drive for image file '{0}'.
    InvalidParameterSpecifiedError = Ensure is '{0}' but '{1}' was specified.
    InvalidParameterNotSpecifiedError = Ensure is '{0}' but '{1}' was not specified.
    DiskImageFileNotFoundError = The image file '{0}' could not be found.
    MountingImageMessage = The image file '{0}' is being mounted as drive '{1}'.
    ChangingImageDriveLetterMessage = The image file '{0}' mounted as drive '{1}' will be changed to '{2}'.