
        This configuration will wait for disk 2 with Unique Id '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' to become
        available, and then make the disk available as two new formatted volumes, 'G' and 'J', with 'J'
        using all available space after 'G' has been created. It also creates a new ReFS formated
        volume on disk 3 with Unique Id '5E1E50A4010000000029AB39450AC9A5' attached as drive letter 'S'.

Configuration Example

    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xStorage

    Node localhost
        xWaitforDisk Disk2
             DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2
             DiskIdType = 'UniqueId'
             RetryIntervalSec = 60
             RetryCount = 60

        xDisk GVolume
             DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2
             DiskIdType = 'UniqueId'
             DriveLetter = 'G'
             Size = 10GB
             DependsOn = '[xWaitForDisk]Disk2'

        xDisk JVolume
             DiskId = '5E1E50A401000000001517FFFF0AEB84' # Disk 2
             DiskIdType = 'UniqueId'
             DriveLetter = 'J'
             FSLabel = 'Data'
             DependsOn = '[xDisk]GVolume'

        xWaitforDisk Disk3
             DiskId = '5E1E50A4010000000029AB39450AC9A5' # Disk 3
             DiskIdType = 'UniqueId'
             RetryIntervalSec = 60
             RetryCount = 60

        xDisk SVolume
             DiskId = '5E1E50A4010000000029AB39450AC9A5' # Disk 3
             DiskIdType = 'UniqueId'
             DriveLetter = 'S'
             Size = 100GB
             FSFormat = 'ReFS'
             AllocationUnitSize = 64KB
             DependsOn = '[xWaitForDisk]Disk3'