ConvertFrom-StringData @'
checkingHostsFileEntry=Checking if the hosts file entry exists. hostsFileEntryFound=Found a hosts file entry for {0} and {1}. hostsFileEntryNotFound=Did not find a hosts file entry for {0} and {1}. hostsFileShouldNotExist=Hosts file entry exists while it should not. hostsFileEntryShouldExist=Hosts file entry does not exist while it should. creatingHostsFileEntry=Creating a hosts file entry with {0} and {1}. removingHostsFileEntry=Removing a hosts file entry with {0} and {1}. hostsFileEntryAdded=Created the hosts file entry for {0} and {1}. hostsFileEntryRemoved=Removed the hosts file entry for {0} and {1}. anErrorOccurred=An error occurred while creating hosts file entry: {1}. innerException=Nested error trying to create hosts file entry: {1}. '@ |