ConvertFrom-StringData @' GettingVMDVDDriveMessage = Getting VM DVD Drive for VM '{0}' controller number {1} location {2}. SettingVMDVDDriveMessage = Setting VM DVD Drive for VM '{0}' controller number {1} location {2}. VMDVDDriveChangePathMessage = VM '{0}' DVD Drive on controller number {1} location {2} already exists, changing the Path to '{3}'. VMDVDDriveAddMessage = Adding VM '{0}' DVD Drive on controller number {1} location {2} with path '{3}'. VMDVDDriveRemoveMessage = Removing VM '{0}' DVD Drive on controller number {1} location {2}. TestingVMDVDDriveMessage = Testing VM DVD Drive for VM '{0}' controller number {1} location {2}. VMDVDDriveExistsAndShouldPathMismatchMessage = VM '{0}' DVD Drive on controller number {1} location {2} exists and should but the desired path '{3}' does not match '{4}'. Change required. VMDVDDriveExistsAndShouldMessage = VM '{0}' DVD Drive on controller number {1} location {2} exists and should and the path '{3}' matches. Change not required. VMDVDDriveDoesNotExistButShouldMessage = VM '{0}' DVD Drive on controller number {1} location {2} does not exist but should. Change required. VMDVDDriveDoesExistButShouldNotMessage = VM '{0}' DVD Drive on controller number {1} location {2} exists but should not. Change required. VMDVDDriveDoesNotExistAndShouldNotMessage = VM '{0}' DVD Drive on controller number {1} location {2} does not exist and should not. Change not required. RoleMissingError = Please ensure that '{0}' role is installed with its PowerShell module. VMControllerDoesNotExistError = The controller number {1} does not exist on VM '{0}'. PathDoesNotExistError = The path '{0}' does not exist. ControllerConflictError = The Controller number {1} location {2} already has a hard drive attached on VM '{0}'. '@ |