
[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("xVMHyperV")]
class MSFT_xVMHyperV : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("Name of the VM")] String Name;
    [Required, Description("VHD associated with the VM")] String VhdPath;
    [Write, Description("Virtual switch associated with the VM")] String SwitchName;
    [Write, Description("State of the VM."), ValueMap{"Running","Paused","Off"}, Values{"Running","Paused","Off"}] String State;
    [Write, Description("Folder where the VM data will be stored")] String Path;
    [Write, Description("Associated Virtual disk format - Vhd or Vhdx"), ValueMap{"Vhd","Vhdx"}, Values{"Vhd","Vhdx"}] String Generation;
    [Write, Description("Startup RAM for the VM.")] Uint64 StartupMemory;
    [Write, Description("Minimum RAM for the VM. This enables dynamic memory.")] Uint64 MinimumMemory;
    [Write, Description("Maximum RAM for the VM. This enable dynamic memory.")] Uint64 MaximumMemory;
    [Write, Description("MAC address of the VM.")] String MACAddress;
    [Write, Description("Processor count for the VM")] Uint32 ProcessorCount;
    [Write, Description("Waits for VM to get valid IP address.")] Boolean WaitForIP;
    [Write, Description("If specified, shutdowns and restarts the VM as needed for property changes")] Boolean RestartIfNeeded;
    [Write, Description("Should the VM be created or deleted"), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] String Ensure;
    [Write, Description("Notes about the VM.")] String Notes;
    [Read, Description("VM unique ID")] String ID;
    [Read, Description("Status of the VM")] String Status;
    [Read, Description("CPU Usage of the VM")] Uint32 CPUUsage;
    [Read, Description("Memory assigned to the VM")] Uint64 MemoryAssigned;
    [Read, Description("Uptime of the VM")] String Uptime;
    [Read, Description("Creation time of the VM")] DateTime CreationTime;
    [Read, Description("Does VM has dynamic memory enabled")] Boolean HasDynamicMemory;
    [Read, Description("Network adapters of the VM")] String NetworkAdapters[];