.EXAMPLE This example shows how to configure Internet facing Site. #> $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = '*' }, # Individual target nodes are defined next @{ NodeName = 'e15-1' CASID = 'Site1CAS' } @{ NodeName = 'e15-2' CASID = 'Site2CAS' } ); # CAS settings that are unique per site will go in separate hash table entries. Site1CAS = @( @{ ExternalUrlActiveSync = 'https://mail.contoso.local/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync' ExternalUrlECP = 'https://mail.contoso.local/ecp' ExternalUrlMAPI = 'https://mail.contoso.local/mapi' ExternalUrlOAB = 'https://mail.contoso.local/oab' ExternalUrlOA = 'mail.contoso.local' ExternalUrlOWA = 'https://mail.contoso.local/owa' ExternalUrlEWS = 'https://mail.contoso.local/ews/exchange.asmx' InternalNLBFqdn = 'mail-site1.contoso.local' AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site1' } ); Site2CAS = @( @{ ExternalUrlActiveSync = '' ExternalUrlECP = '' ExternalUrlMAPI = '' ExternalUrlOAB = '' ExternalUrlOA = '' ExternalUrlOWA = '' ExternalUrlEWS = '' InternalNLBFqdn = 'mail-site2.contoso.local' AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site2' } ); } Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ExchangeAdminCredential ) Import-DscResource -Module xExchange Node $AllNodes.NodeName { # Look up and retrieve the CAS settings for this node $casSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.CASId] xExchClientAccessServer CAS { Identity = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml" AutoDiscoverSiteScope = $casSettings.AutoDiscoverSiteScope } xExchActiveSyncVirtualDirectory ASVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = $casSettings.ExternalUrlActiveSync InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" } xExchEcpVirtualDirectory ECPVDir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\ecp (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = $casSettings.ExternalUrlECP InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/ecp" } xExchMapiVirtualDirectory MAPIVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\mapi (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = $casSettings.ExternalUrlMAPI InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/mapi" # IISAuthenticationMethods is a required parameter for Set-MapiVirtualDirectory IISAuthenticationMethods = 'NTLM', 'Negotiate' # Since we are changing the default auth method, we allow the app pool to be restarted right away so the change goes into effect immediately AllowServiceRestart = $true } xExchOabVirtualDirectory OABVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\OAB (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = $casSettings.ExternalUrlOAB InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/oab" } xExchOutlookAnywhere OAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Rpc (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalHostName = $casSettings.ExternalUrlOA # ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod is a required parameter for Set-OutlookAnywhere if ExternalHostName is specified ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Ntlm' # ExternalClientsRequireSsl is a required parameter for Set-OutlookAnywhere if ExternalHostName is specified ExternalClientsRequireSsl = $true InternalHostName = $casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn # ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod is a required parameter for Set-OutlookAnywhere if InternalHostName is specified InternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Ntlm' # ExternalClientsRequireSsl is a required parameter for Set-OutlookAnywhere if InternalHostName is specified InternalClientsRequireSSL = $true # Since we are changing the default auth method, we allow the app pool to be restarted right away so the change goes into effect immediately AllowServiceRestart = $true } xExchOwaVirtualDirectory OWAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\owa (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = $casSettings.ExternalUrlOWA InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/owa" } xExchWebServicesVirtualDirectory EWSVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\EWS (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = $casSettings.ExternalUrlEWS InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/ews/exchange.asmx" } } } |