.EXAMPLE This example shows how to configure ongoing configuration. #> $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ #region Common Settings for All Nodes NodeName = '*' <# The location of the exported public certificate which will be used to encrypt credentials during compilation. CertificateFile = 'C:\public-certificate.cer' #> # Thumbprint of the certificate being used for decrypting credentials Thumbprint = '39bef4b2e82599233154465323ebf96a12b60673' # The paths to the CSV files generated by the Server Role Requirements Calculator ServersCsvPath = "$($PSScriptRoot)\Calculators\Lab\Servers.csv" MailboxDatabasesCsvPath = "$($PSScriptRoot)\Calculators\Lab\MailboxDatabases.csv" MailboxDatabaseCopiesCsvPath = "$($PSScriptRoot)\Calculators\Lab\MailboxDatabaseCopies.csv" # The base file server UNC path that will be used for copying things like certificates, Exchange binaries, and Jetstress binaries FileServerBase = '\\rras-1.contoso.local\Binaries' #endregion } #region Individual Node Settings #region DAG01 Nodes @{ NodeName = 'e15-1' Fqdn = 'e15-1.contoso.local' Role = 'AdditionalDAGMember' DAGId = 'DAG01' CASId = 'Site1CAS' ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-1' } @{ NodeName = 'e15-2' Fqdn = 'e15-2.contoso.local' Role = 'AdditionalDAGMember' DAGId = 'DAG01' CASId = 'Site1CAS' ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-2' } @{ NodeName = 'e15-3' Fqdn = 'e15-3.contoso.local' Role = 'FirstDAGMember' DAGId = 'DAG01' CASId = 'Site2CAS' ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-3' } @{ NodeName = 'e15-4' Fqdn = 'e15-4.contoso.local' Role = 'AdditionalDAGMember' DAGId = 'DAG01' CASId = 'Site2CAS' ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-4' } #endregion ); #region DAG Settings DAG01 = @( @{ DAGName = 'DAG01' AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers = 12 AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume = 4 DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses = '', '' WitnessServer = 'e14-1.contoso.local' DbNameReplacements = @{"nn" = "01"} Thumbprint = "0079D0F68F44C7DA5252B4779F872F46DFAF0CBC" } ) #endregion #region CAS Settings # Settings that will apply to all CAS AllCAS = @( @{ ExternalNamespace = 'mail.contoso.local' } ) # Settings that will apply only to Quincy CAS Site1CAS = @( @{ InternalNamespace = 'mail-site1.contoso.local' AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site1' InstantMessagingServerName = 'l15-1.contoso.local' DefaultOAB = "Default Offline Address Book (Site1)" } ); # Settings that will apply only to Phoenix CAS Site2CAS = @( @{ InternalNamespace = 'mail-site2.contoso.local' AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site2' InstantMessagingServerName = 'l15-2.contoso.local' DefaultOAB = "Default Offline Address Book (Site2)" } ); #endregion } Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ExchangeAdminCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ExchangeCertCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ExchangeFileCopyCredential ) # Import required DSC Modules Import-DscResource -Module xExchange Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot)) -ChildPath 'Modules\xExchangeCalculatorHelper.psm1') Node $AllNodes.NodeName { $dagSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.DAGId] # Get DAG settings for this node $casSettingsAll = $ConfigurationData.AllCAS # Get CAS settings for all sites $casSettingsPerSite = $ConfigurationData[$Node.CASId] # Get site specific CAS settings for this node # Copy an certificate .PFX that had been previously exported, import it, and enable services on it File CopyExchangeCert { Ensure = 'Present' SourcePath = "$($Node.FileServerBase)\Certificates\ExchangeCert.pfx" DestinationPath = 'C:\Binaries\Certificates\ExchangeCert.pfx' Credential = $ExchangeFileCopyCredential } xExchExchangeCertificate Certificate { Thumbprint = $dagSettings.Thumbprint Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential Ensure = 'Present' AllowExtraServices = $true CertCreds = $ExchangeCertCredential CertFilePath = 'C:\Binaries\Certificates\ExchangeCert.pfx' Services = 'IIS', 'POP', 'IMAP', 'SMTP' DependsOn = '[File]CopyExchangeCert' } ###CAS specific settings### # The following section shows how to configure commonly configured URL's on various virtual directories xExchClientAccessServer CAS { Identity = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml" AutoDiscoverSiteScope = $casSettingsPerSite.AutoDiscoverSiteScope } xExchActiveSyncVirtualDirectory ASVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" } xExchEcpVirtualDirectory ECPVDir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\ecp (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/ecp" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/ecp" } xExchMapiVirtualDirectory MAPIVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\mapi (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/mapi" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/mapi" IISAuthenticationMethods = 'Ntlm', 'OAuth', 'Negotiate' } xExchOabVirtualDirectory OABVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\OAB (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/oab" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/oab" } xExchOutlookAnywhere OAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Rpc (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Negotiate' ExternalClientsRequireSSL = $true ExternalHostName = $casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace IISAuthenticationMethods = 'Basic', 'Ntlm', 'Negotiate' InternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Ntlm' InternalClientsRequireSSL = $true InternalHostName = $casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace } # Configure OWA Lync Integration in the web.config xWebConfigKeyValue OWAIMCertificateThumbprint { WebsitePath = 'IIS:\Sites\Exchange Back End\owa' ConfigSection = 'AppSettings' Ensure = 'Present' Key = 'IMCertificateThumbprint' Value = $dagSettings.Thumbprint } xWebConfigKeyValue OWAIMServerName { WebsitePath = 'IIS:\Sites\Exchange Back End\owa' ConfigSection = 'AppSettings' Ensure = 'Present' Key = 'IMServerName' Value = $casSettingsPerSite.InstantMessagingServerName } # Sets OWA url's, and enables Lync integration on the OWA front end directory xExchOwaVirtualDirectory OWAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\owa (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/owa" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/owa" InstantMessagingEnabled = $true InstantMessagingCertificateThumbprint = $dagSettings.Thumbprint InstantMessagingServerName = $casSettingsPerSite.InstantMessagingServerName InstantMessagingType = 'Ocs' DependsOn = '[xExchExchangeCertificate]Certificate' # Can't configure the IM cert until it's valid } xExchWebServicesVirtualDirectory EWSVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\EWS (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/ews/exchange.asmx" InternalNLBBypassUrl = "https://$($Node.Fqdn)/ews/exchange.asmx" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/ews/exchange.asmx" } ###Mailbox Server settings### $dbMap = Get-DBMapFromServersCsv -ServersCsvPath $Node.ServersCsvPath ` -ServerNameInCsv $Node.ServerNameInCsv ` -DbNameReplacements $dagSettings.DbNameReplacements $primaryDbList = Get-DBListFromMailboxDatabasesCsv -MailboxDatabasesCsvPath $Node.MailboxDatabasesCsvPath ` -ServerNameInCsv $Node.ServerNameInCsv ` -DbNameReplacements $dagSettings.DbNameReplacements $copyDbList = Get-DBListFromMailboxDatabaseCopiesCsv -MailboxDatabaseCopiesCsvPath $Node.MailboxDatabaseCopiesCsvPath ` -ServerNameInCsv $Node.ServerNameInCsv ` -DbNameReplacements $dagSettings.DbNameReplacements # Create all mount points on the server xExchAutoMountPoint AMP { Identity = $Node.NodeName AutoDagDatabasesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeDatabases' AutoDagVolumesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeVolumes' DiskToDBMap = $dbMap SpareVolumeCount = 1 VolumePrefix = 'EXVOL' } # Create primary databases foreach ($DB in $primaryDbList) { # Need to define a unique ID for each database $resourceId = "MDB_$($DB.Name)" xExchMailboxDatabase $resourceId { Name = $DB.Name Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential EdbFilePath = $DB.DBFilePath LogFolderPath = $DB.LogFolderPath Server = $Node.NodeName CircularLoggingEnabled = $true DatabaseCopyCount = $dagSettings.AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume OfflineAddressBook = $casSettingsPerSite.DefaultOAB SkipInitialDatabaseMount = $true DependsOn = '[xExchAutoMountPoint]AMP' # Can't create databases until the mount points exist } } # Configure the copies foreach ($DB in $copyDbList) { # Unique ID for the xWaitForMailboxDatabase resource $waitResourceId = "WaitForDB_$($DB.Name)" # Unique ID for the xMailboxDatabaseCopy resource $copyResourceId = "MDBCopy_$($DB.Name)" # Need to wait for a primary copy to be created before we add a copy xExchWaitForMailboxDatabase $waitResourceId { Identity = $DB.Name Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential } xExchMailboxDatabaseCopy $copyResourceId { Identity = $DB.Name Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential MailboxServer = $Node.NodeName ActivationPreference = $DB.ActivationPreference # ReplayLagTime = $DB.ReplayLagTime #Note that ReplayLagTime is being excluded for the ongoing configuration so that it's easier to disable lags, if necessary AllowServiceRestart = $false DependsOn = "[xExchWaitForMailboxDatabase]$($waitResourceId)" } } } # This first section only configures a single DAG node, the first member of the DAG. # The first member of the DAG will be responsible for DAG creation and maintaining its configuration Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq 'FirstDAGMember'}.NodeName { $dagSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.DAGId] # Look up and retrieve the DAG settings for this node # Create the DAG xExchDatabaseAvailabilityGroup DAG { Name = $dagSettings.DAGName Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers = $dagSettings.AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume = $dagSettings.AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume AutoDagDatabasesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeDatabases' AutoDagVolumesRootFolderPath = 'C:\ExchangeVolumes' DatacenterActivationMode = 'DagOnly' DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses = $dagSettings.DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses ManualDagNetworkConfiguration = $false ReplayLagManagerEnabled = $true SkipDagValidation = $true WitnessDirectory = 'C:\FSW' WitnessServer = $dagSettings.WitnessServer } } } |