.EXAMPLE This example shows how to configure server settings. #> $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ #region Common Settings for All Nodes NodeName = '*' <# NOTE! THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED IN PRODUCTION. This is added so that AppVeyor automatic tests can pass, otherwise the tests will fail on passwords being in plain text and not being encrypted. Because it is not possible to have a certificate in AppVeyor to encrypt the passwords we need to add the parameter 'PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword'. NOTE! THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED IN PRODUCTION. See: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2014/01/31/want-to-secure-credentials-in-windows-powershell-desired-state-configuration.aspx #> PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true <# The location of the exported public certifcate which will be used to encrypt credentials during compilation. CertificateFile = 'C:\public-certificate.cer' #> #Thumbprint of the certificate being used for decrypting credentials Thumbprint = '39bef4b2e82599233154465323ebf96a12b60673' #The base file server UNC path that will be used for copying things like certificates, Exchange binaries, and Jetstress binaries FileServerBase = '\\rras-1.contoso.local\Binaries' #endregion } #region Individual Node Settings #region DAG01 Nodes @{ NodeName = 'e15-1' Fqdn = 'e15-1.contoso.local' Role = 'AdditionalDAGMember' DAGId = 'DAG01' CASId = 'Site1CAS' ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-1' } @{ NodeName = 'e15-2' Fqdn = 'e15-2.contoso.local' Role = 'AdditionalDAGMember' DAGId = 'DAG01' CASId = 'Site1CAS' ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-2' } @{ NodeName = 'e15-3' Fqdn = 'e15-3.contoso.local' Role = 'FirstDAGMember' DAGId = 'DAG01' CASId = 'Site2CAS' ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-3' } @{ NodeName = 'e15-4' Fqdn = 'e15-4.contoso.local' Role = 'AdditionalDAGMember' DAGId = 'DAG01' CASId = 'Site2CAS' ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-4' } #endregion ); #region DAG Settings DAG01 = @( @{ DAGName = 'DAG01' AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers = 12 AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume = 4 DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses = '','' WitnessServer = 'e14-1.contoso.local' DbNameReplacements = @{"nn" = "01"} Thumbprint = "0079D0F68F44C7DA5252B4779F872F46DFAF0CBC" } ) #endregion #region CAS Settings #Settings that will apply to all CAS AllCAS = @( @{ ExternalNamespace = 'mail.contoso.local' } ) #Settings that will apply only to Quincy CAS Site1CAS = @( @{ InternalNamespace = 'mail-site1.contoso.local' AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site1' InstantMessagingServerName = 'l15-1.contoso.local' DefaultOAB = "Default Offline Address Book (Site1)" } ); #Settings that will apply only to Phoenix CAS Site2CAS = @( @{ InternalNamespace = 'mail-site2.contoso.local' AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site2' InstantMessagingServerName = 'l15-2.contoso.local' DefaultOAB = "Default Offline Address Book (Site2)" } ); #endregion } Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ExchangeAdminCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ExchangeCertCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ExchangeFileCopyCredential ) #Import required DSC Modules Import-DscResource -Module xExchange Import-DscResource -Module xWebAdministration Node $AllNodes.NodeName { $dagSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.DAGId] #Get DAG settings for this node $casSettingsAll = $ConfigurationData.AllCAS #Get CAS settings for all sites $casSettingsPerSite = $ConfigurationData[$Node.CASId] #Get site specific CAS settings for this node #Copy an certificate .PFX that had been previously exported, import it, and enable services on it File CopyExchangeCert { Ensure = 'Present' SourcePath = "$($Node.FileServerBase)\Certificates\ExchangeCert.pfx" DestinationPath = 'C:\Binaries\Certificates\ExchangeCert.pfx' Credential = $ExchangeFileCopyCredential } xExchExchangeCertificate Certificate { Thumbprint = $dagSettings.Thumbprint Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential Ensure = 'Present' AllowExtraServices = $true CertCreds = $ExchangeCertCredential CertFilePath = 'C:\Binaries\Certificates\ExchangeCert.pfx' Services = 'IIS','POP','IMAP','SMTP' DependsOn = '[File]CopyExchangeCert' } ###CAS specific settings### #The following section shows how to configure commonly configured URL's on various virtual directories xExchClientAccessServer CAS { Identity = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml" AutoDiscoverSiteScope = $casSettingsPerSite.AutoDiscoverSiteScope } xExchActiveSyncVirtualDirectory ASVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" } xExchEcpVirtualDirectory ECPVDir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\ecp (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/ecp" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/ecp" } xExchMapiVirtualDirectory MAPIVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\mapi (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/mapi" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/mapi" IISAuthenticationMethods = 'Ntlm','OAuth','Negotiate' } xExchOabVirtualDirectory OABVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\OAB (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/oab" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/oab" } xExchOutlookAnywhere OAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Rpc (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Negotiate' ExternalClientsRequireSSL = $true ExternalHostName = $casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace IISAuthenticationMethods = 'Basic', 'Ntlm', 'Negotiate' InternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Ntlm' InternalClientsRequireSSL = $true InternalHostName = $casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace } #Configure OWA Lync Integration in the web.config xWebConfigKeyValue OWAIMCertificateThumbprint { WebsitePath = "IIS:\Sites\Exchange Back End\owa" ConfigSection = "AppSettings" Ensure = "Present" Key = "IMCertificateThumbprint" Value = $dagSettings.Thumbprint } xWebConfigKeyValue OWAIMServerName { WebsitePath = "IIS:\Sites\Exchange Back End\owa" ConfigSection = "AppSettings" Ensure = "Present" Key = "IMServerName" Value = $casSettingsPerSite.InstantMessagingServerName } #Sets OWA url's, and enables Lync integration on the OWA front end directory xExchOwaVirtualDirectory OWAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\owa (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/owa" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/owa" InstantMessagingEnabled = $true InstantMessagingCertificateThumbprint = $dagSettings.Thumbprint InstantMessagingServerName = $casSettingsPerSite.InstantMessagingServerName InstantMessagingType = 'Ocs' DependsOn = '[xExchExchangeCertificate]Certificate' #Can't configure the IM cert until it's valid } xExchWebServicesVirtualDirectory EWSVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\EWS (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsAll.ExternalNamespace)/ews/exchange.asmx" InternalNLBBypassUrl = "https://$($Node.Fqdn)/ews/exchange.asmx" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettingsPerSite.InternalNamespace)/ews/exchange.asmx" } } } |