.EXAMPLE This example shows how to configure virtual directories. #> $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = '*' <# NOTE! THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED IN PRODUCTION. This is added so that AppVeyor automatic tests can pass, otherwise the tests will fail on passwords being in plain text and not being encrypted. Because it is not possible to have a certificate in AppVeyor to encrypt the passwords we need to add the parameter 'PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword'. NOTE! THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED IN PRODUCTION. See: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2014/01/31/want-to-secure-credentials-in-windows-powershell-desired-state-configuration.aspx #> PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true }, #Individual target nodes are defined next @{ NodeName = 'e15-1' CASID = 'Site1CAS' } @{ NodeName = 'e15-2' CASID = 'Site2CAS' } ); #CAS settings that are unique per site will go in separate hash table entries. Site1CAS = @( @{ InternalNLBFqdn = 'mail-site1.mikelab.local' ExternalNLBFqdn = 'mail.mikelab.local' #ClientAccessServer Settings AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site1','Site3','Site5' #OAB Settings OABsToDistribute = 'Default Offline Address Book - Site1' } ); Site2CAS = @( @{ InternalNLBFqdn = 'mail-site2.mikelab.local' ExternalNLBFqdn = 'mail.mikelab.local' #ClientAccessServer Settings AutoDiscoverSiteScope = 'Site2','Site4','Site6' #OAB Settings OABsToDistribute = 'Default Offline Address Book - Site2' } ); } Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $ExchangeAdminCredential ) Import-DscResource -Module xExchange Node $AllNodes.NodeName { $casSettings = $ConfigurationData[$Node.CASId] #Look up and retrieve the CAS settings for this node ###CAS specific settings### xExchClientAccessServer CAS { Identity = $Node.NodeName Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml" AutoDiscoverSiteScope = $casSettings.AutoDiscoverSiteScope } #Install features that are required for xExchActiveSyncVirtualDirectory to do Auto Certification Based Authentication WindowsFeature WebClientAuth { Name = 'Web-Client-Auth' Ensure = 'Present' } WindowsFeature WebCertAuth { Name = 'Web-Cert-Auth' Ensure = 'Present' } #This example shows how to enable Certificate Based Authentication for ActiveSync xExchActiveSyncVirtualDirectory ASVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential AutoCertBasedAuth = $true AutoCertBasedAuthThumbprint = '49bef4b2e82599233154465323ebf96a12b60673' BasicAuthEnabled = $false ClientCertAuth = 'Required' ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" WindowsAuthEnabled = $false AllowServiceRestart = $true DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]WebClientAuth','[WindowsFeature]WebCertAuth' #NOTE: If CBA is being configured, this should also be dependent on the cert whose thumbprint is being used. See EndToEndExample. } #Ensures forms based auth and configures URLs xExchEcpVirtualDirectory ECPVDir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\ecp (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential BasicAuthentication = $true ExternalAuthenticationMethods = 'Fba' ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/ecp" FormsAuthentication = $true InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/ecp" WindowsAuthentication = $false AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Configure URL's and for NTLM and negotiate auth xExchMapiVirtualDirectory MAPIVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\mapi (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/mapi" IISAuthenticationMethods = 'NTLM','Negotiate' InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/mapi" AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Configure URL's and add any OABs this vdir should distribute xExchOabVirtualDirectory OABVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\OAB (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/oab" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/oab" OABsToDistribute = $casSettings.OABsToDistribute AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Configure URL's and auth settings xExchOutlookAnywhere OAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\Rpc (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Ntlm' ExternalClientsRequireSSL = $true ExternalHostName = $casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn IISAuthenticationMethods = 'Ntlm' InternalClientAuthenticationMethod = 'Ntlm' InternalClientsRequireSSL = $true InternalHostName = $casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Ensures forms based auth and configures URLs and IM integration xExchOwaVirtualDirectory OWAVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\owa (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential BasicAuthentication = $true ExternalAuthenticationMethods = 'Fba' ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/owa" FormsAuthentication = $true InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/owa" WindowsAuthentication = $false AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Turn on Windows Integrated auth for remote powershell connections xExchPowerShellVirtualDirectory PSVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\PowerShell (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential WindowsAuthentication = $true AllowServiceRestart = $true } #Configure URL's xExchWebServicesVirtualDirectory EWSVdir { Identity = "$($Node.NodeName)\EWS (Default Web Site)" Credential = $ExchangeAdminCredential ExternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.ExternalNLBFqdn)/ews/exchange.asmx" InternalUrl = "https://$($casSettings.InternalNLBFqdn)/ews/exchange.asmx" AllowServiceRestart = $true } } } |