
[System.String]$script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent

###NOTE: This test module requires use of credentials. The first run through of the tests will prompt for credentials from the logged on user.

Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'Tests' -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'TestHelpers' -ChildPath 'xExchangeTestHelper.psm1'))) -Force
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'Modules' -ChildPath 'xExchangeHelper.psm1')) -Force

# Remove any existing Remote PowerShell sessions created by xExchange and verify they are gone
function RemoveExistingPSSessions
    Context 'Remove existing Remote PowerShell Session to Exchange' {

        $Session = $null
        $Session = GetExistingExchangeSession

        It 'Session Should Be Null' {
            $Session | Should BeNullOrEmpty

# Check if Exchange is installed on this machine. If not, we can't run tests
[System.Boolean]$exchangeInstalled = IsSetupComplete

if ($exchangeInstalled)
    # Get required credentials to use for the test
    if ($null -eq $Global:ShellCredentials)
        [PSCredential]$Global:ShellCredentials = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter credentials for connecting a Remote PowerShell session to Exchange'

    Describe 'Test Exchange Remote PowerShell Functions' {
        # Remove any existing Remote PS Sessions to Exchange before getting started

        # Verify we can setup a new Remote PS Session to Exchange
        Context 'Establish new Remote PowerShell Session to Exchange' {
            GetRemoteExchangeSession -Credential $Global:ShellCredentials -CommandsToLoad 'Get-ExchangeServer'

            $Session = $null
            $Session = GetExistingExchangeSession

            It 'Session Should Not Be Null' {
                ($null -ne $Session) | Should Be $true

        # Remove sessions again before continuing

        # Simulate that setup is running (using notepad.exe), and try to establish a new session. This should fail
        Context 'Make sure PS session is not established when setup process is running' {
            Start-Process Notepad.exe

            $caughtException = $false

                GetRemoteExchangeSession -Credential $Global:ShellCredentials -CommandsToLoad 'Get-ExchangeServer' -SetupProcessName 'notepad'
                $caughtException = $true

            It 'GetRemoteExchangeSession Should Throw Exception' {
                $caughtException | Should Be $true

            $Session = $null
            $Session = GetExistingExchangeSession

            It 'Session Should Be Null' {
                ($null -eq $Session) | Should Be $true

            Test for issue (https://github.com/PowerShell/xExchange/issues/211)
            Calling CompareUnlimitedWithString when the Unlimited is of type [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited`1[System.Int32]]
            and the string value contains a number throws an exception.

        Context 'Test CompareUnlimitedWithString with Int32 Unlimited and String Containing a Number' {
            $caughtException = $false

            [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited`1[System.Int32]]$unlimitedInt32 = 1000

                CompareUnlimitedWithString -Unlimited $unlimitedInt32 -String '1000'
                $caughtException = $true

            It 'Should not hit exception trying to test CompareUnlimitedWithString' {
                $caughtException | Should Be $false
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Tests in this file require that Exchange is installed to be run.'