
    AllNodes = @(
            #region Common Settings for All Nodes
            NodeName        = '*'

            #CertificateFile and Thumbprint are used for securing credentials. See:
            #The location on the compiling machine of the public key export of the certfificate which will be used to encrypt credentials
            CertificateFile = 'C:\Certificates\DSCCertificate-Public.cer' 

            #Thumbprint of the certificate being used for encrypting credentials
            Thumbprint      = '49930c16428c9e5fdc8461d551eae19d9eb3670c'

            #The product key to license Exchange 2013
            ProductKey = '12345-12345-12345-12345-12345'

            #The paths to the CSV files generated by the Server Role Requirements Calculator
            ServersCsvPath               = "C:\Demo\Calculators\Lab\Servers.csv"
            MailboxDatabasesCsvPath      = "C:\Demo\Calculators\Lab\MailboxDatabases.csv"
            MailboxDatabaseCopiesCsvPath = "C:\Demo\Calculators\Lab\MailboxDatabaseCopies.csv"

            #DiskToDBMap used by xExchAutoMountPoint specifically for Jetstress purposes
            JetstressDiskToDBMap = 'DB1,DB2,DB3,DB4','DB5,DB6,DB7,DB8'

            #The base file server UNC path that will be used for copying things like certificates, Exchange binaries, and Jetstress binaries
            FileServerBase = '\\rras-1.mikelab.local\Binaries'


        #region Individual Node Settings
        #region DAG01 Nodes
            NodeName        = 'e15-1'
            Fqdn            = 'e15-1.mikelab.local'
            Role            = 'AdditionalDAGMember'
            DAGId           = 'DAG01'
            CASId           = 'Site1CAS'
            ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-1'          

            NodeName        = 'e15-2'
            Fqdn            = 'e15-2.mikelab.local'
            Role            = 'AdditionalDAGMember'
            DAGId           = 'DAG01'
            CASId           = 'Site1CAS'
            ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-2'

            NodeName        = 'e15-3'
            Fqdn            = 'e15-3.mikelab.local'
            Role            = 'FirstDAGMember'
            DAGId           = 'DAG01'
            CASId           = 'Site2CAS'
            ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-3'       

            NodeName        = 'e15-4'
            Fqdn            = 'e15-4.mikelab.local'
            Role            = 'AdditionalDAGMember'
            DAGId           = 'DAG01'
            CASId           = 'Site2CAS'
            ServerNameInCsv = 'e15-4'

    #region DAG Settings
    DAG01 = @(
            DAGName                              = 'DAG01'           
            AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers          = 12
            AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume       = 4
            DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAddresses = '',''
            WitnessServer                        = 'e14-1.mikelab.local'
            DbNameReplacements                   = @{"nn" = "01"}
            Thumbprint                           = "0079D0F68F44C7DA5252B4779F872F46DFAF0CBC"

    #region CAS Settings
    #Settings that will apply to all CAS
    AllCAS = @(
            ExternalNamespace = 'mail.mikelab.local'

    #Settings that will apply only to Quincy CAS
    Site1CAS = @(
            InternalNamespace          = 'mail-site1.mikelab.local'
            AutoDiscoverSiteScope      = 'Site1'
            InstantMessagingServerName = 'l15-1.mikelab.local'
            DefaultOAB                 = "Default Offline Address Book (Site1)"

    #Settings that will apply only to Phoenix CAS
    Site2CAS = @(
            InternalNamespace          = 'mail-site2.mikelab.local'
            AutoDiscoverSiteScope      = 'Site2'
            InstantMessagingServerName = 'l15-2.mikelab.local'
            DefaultOAB                 = "Default Offline Address Book (Site2)"