
    AllNodes = @(
        #Settings in this section will apply to all nodes. For the purposes of this demo,
        #the only thing that will be configured in here is how credentials will be stored
        #in the compiled MOF files.
            NodeName        = '*'

            #This is the preferred method for passing credentials, as they are not stored in plain text. See:
            # The path to the .cer file containing the
            # public key of the Encryption Certificate
            # used to encrypt credentials for this node
            CertificateFile = 'C:\publickey.cer' 

            # The thumbprint of the Encryption Certificate
            # used to decrypt the credentials on target node
            Thumbprint      = '39bef4b2e82599233154465323ebf96a12b60673' 

        #Each individual server that will be configured needs to be defined next.
            NodeName      = 'e15-1'

            #DB's that should be on the same disk must be in the same string, and comma separated. In this example, DB1 and DB2 will go on one disk, and DB3 and DB4 will go on another
            DiskToDBMap   = 'DB1,DB2','DB3,DB4'

            NodeName      = 'e15-2'

            DiskToDBMap   = 'DB1,DB2','DB3,DB4'