
    This function allows for the manipulation of hashtable headings.
    This function allows for the manipulation of Hashtable headings. The output
    is an Array -- not a Hashtable. All object data will be lost on output.
    .PARAMETER HashtableIn
    This paramater is the input object. It must be of the type [Hashtable].
    .PARAMETER KeyHeading
    Type: [String]
    The new left side heading value.
    .PARAMETER ValueHeading
    Type: [String]
    The new right side heading value.
    Format-Hashtable -HashtableIn @{'one'=1;'two'=2} -KeyHeading LeftHeading -ValueHeading RightHeading
    The output of the Hashtable in HashTableIn before formatting is:
    PS C:\> @{'one'=1;'two'=2}
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    one 1
    two 2
    The output of the command above is:
    PS C:\> Format-Hashtable -Hashtable @{'one'=1;'two'=2} -KeyHeading LeftHeading -ValueHeading RightHeading
    LeftHeading RightHeading
    ---------- -----------
    one 1
    two 2
    This function is meant to make the output of a hashtable more readable by changing the Heading values to
    be more descriptive.
    Hashtable, String

function Format-Hashtable
    $KeyHeading = 'Name',
    $ValueHeading = 'Value',

  $Output = $HashtableIn.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -Property @{
    Label      = $KeyHeading
    Expression = {
  }, @{
    Label      = $ValueHeading
    Expression = {

  if ($OutString) {
    $OutputStringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    foreach ($KeyValuePair in $Output) {
      $ThisValue = '{0} : {1}{2}' -f $KeyValuePair.Name.Trim(),$KeyValuePair.Value.Trim(),"`n"
      $null = $OutputStringBuilder.Append($ThisValue)
    $Output = $OutputStringBuilder.ToString()
  } elseif ($OutCsv) {
    $null = $OutputStringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    $null = $OutputNameLineStringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    $null = $OutputValueLineStringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    foreach ($KeyValuePair in $Output) {
      if($KeyValuePair.Name -like "*,*"){
        $KeyValuePair.Name = "`"$($KeyValuePair.Name)`""
      if($KeyValuePair.Value -like "*,*"){
        $KeyValuePair.Value = "`"$($KeyValuePair.Value)`""
      $ThisNameLineString = '{0},' -f $KeyValuePair.Name.Trim()
      $OutputNameLineStringBuilder.Append($ThisNameLineString) | Out-Null
      $ThisValueLineString = '{0},' -f $KeyValuePair.Value.Trim()
      $OutputValueLineStringBuilder.Append($ThisValueLineString) | Out-Null
    $OutputStringBuilder.Append($OutputNameLineStringBuilder.ToString()) | Out-Null
    $OutputStringBuilder.AppendLine() | Out-Null
    $OutputStringBuilder.Append($OutputValueLineStringBuilder.ToString()) | Out-Null
    $null = $Output = $OutputStringBuilder.ToString()
  } elseif ($OutJson) {
    $Output = $Output | ConvertTo-Json
