
data LocalizedData
    # culture="en-US"
    ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    CreateDatabaseLoginError=Failed to create SQL Login '{0}'.
    TestDatabaseLoginError=Failed to test SQL Login '{0}'.
    CreateDatabaseLoginSuccess=Success: SQL Login '{0}' either already existed or has been successfully created.
    RemoveDatabaseLoginError=Failed to remove SQL Login '{0}'.
    RemoveDatabaseLoginSuccess=Success: SQL Login '{0}' either does not existed or has been successfully removed.


Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\xDatabase_Common

function Get-TargetResource #Not yet working
        $Ensure = "Present",
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    if($SqlAuthType -eq "SQL")
         $Connection = Construct-SqlConnection -credentials $SqlConnectionCredential -sqlServer $SqlServer
         $Connection = Construct-SqlConnection -sqlServer $SqlServer

    [string]$loginNameQuery = "SELECT * from sys.sql_logins where name='$LoginName'"

    $PresentValue = $false

    if((ReturnSqlQuery -sqlConnection $connection -SqlQuery $loginNameQuery)[0] -gt 0)
        $PresentValue = $true

    $returnValue = @{
        Ensure = $PresentValue
        LoginName = $LoginName
        AuthType = $SqlAuthType
        SqlServer = $SqlServer



#TODO: handle absent case. example "DROP Login Toothy"

function Set-TargetResource
        $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    if($SqlAuthType -eq "SQL")
         $Connection = Construct-SqlConnection -credentials $SqlConnectionCredential -sqlServer $SqlServer
         $Connection = Construct-SqlConnection -sqlServer $SqlServer

    if($Ensure -eq "Present")
            # Create login if it does not already exist.
            [string]$SqlQuery = "if not exists(SELECT name FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name='$LoginName') Begin create login $LoginName with password='$LoginPassword' END"

            $supressReturn = ExecuteSqlQuery -sqlConnection $connection -SqlQuery $SqlQuery

            Write-Verbose $($LocalizedData.CreateDatabaseLoginSuccess -f ${LoginName})
            $errorId = "CreateDatabaseLogin";
            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
            $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.CreateDatabaseLoginError -f ${LoginName})
            $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage 
            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null

    else # Ensure is absent so remove login.
            # Create login if it does not already exist.
            [string]$SqlQuery = "if exists(SELECT name FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name='$LoginName') Begin DROP LOGIN $LoginName END"

            $supressReturn = ExecuteSqlQuery -sqlConnection $connection -SqlQuery $SqlQuery

            Write-Verbose $($LocalizedData.RemoveDatabaseLoginSuccess -f ${LoginName})
            $errorId = "RemoveDatabaseLogin";
            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
            $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.RemoveDatabaseLoginError -f ${LoginName})
            $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage 
            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null


function Test-TargetResource #Not yet working
        $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

            if($SqlAuthType -eq "SQL")
                $Connection = Construct-SqlConnection -credentials $SqlConnectionCredential -sqlServer $SqlServer
                $Connection = Construct-SqlConnection -sqlServer $SqlServer
        [string]$SqlQuery = "SELECT * from sys.sql_logins where name='$LoginName'"
        $LoginsReturnedByQuery = (ReturnSqlQuery -sqlConnection $connection -SqlQuery $SqlQuery)[0]

        if((($LoginsReturnedByQuery -gt 0) -and ($Ensure -eq "Present")) -or (($LoginsReturnedByQuery -eq 0) -and ($Ensure -eq "absent")))
            $result = $true
            $result = $false

        return $result

        $errorId = "TestDatabaseLogin";
        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
        $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.TestDatabaseLoginError -f ${LoginName})
        $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage 
        $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null



Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource