Import-Module -Name .\DSCResources\xDSCDomainjoin\xDSCDomainjoin.psm1 InModuleScope -ModuleName xDSCDomainjoin -ScriptBlock { $username = 'USER' $password = 'PASSWORD' $secureString = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $secureString $Domain = 'test.local' $JoinOU = 'ou=test,dc=test,dc=com' Describe -Name 'Testing if functions return correct objects' -Fixture { It -name 'Get-TargetResource returns a hashtable' -test { Get-TargetResource -Domain $Domain -Credential $credential -JoinOU $JoinOU | Should Be 'System.Collections.Hashtable' } It -name 'Test-TargetResource returns true or false' -test { (Test-TargetResource -Domain $Domain -Credential $credential -JoinOU $JoinOU).GetType() -as [string] | Should Be 'bool' } } Describe -Name 'Testing if Get-TargetResource returns correct values' -Fixture { Mock -CommandName Get-WMIObject -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Domain = $Domain } } It -name "Get-TargetResource returns domain $Domain" -test { (Get-TargetResource -Domain $Domain -Credential $credential -JoinOU $JoinOU).Domain | Should Be $Domain } It -name 'Get-TargetResource returns credentials' -test { (Get-TargetResource -Domain $Domain -Credential $credential -JoinOU $JoinOU).Credential | Should Be 'MSFT_Credential' } It -name "Get-TargetResource returns OU $JoinOU" -test { (Get-TargetResource -Domain $Domain -Credential $credential -JoinOU $JoinOU).joinOU | Should Be $JoinOU } } Describe -Name 'Testing Test-TargetResource' -Fixture { Mock -CommandName Get-WMIObject -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Domain = $Domain } } It -name "Test-TargetResource should return true as it matches $Domain" -test { Test-TargetResource -Domain $Domain -Credential $credential -JoinOU $JoinOU | Should Be $true } Mock -CommandName Get-WMIObject -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Domain = 'Testing fail' } } It -name "Test-TargetResource should return false as it shouldn't match $Domain" -test { Test-TargetResource -Domain $Domain -Credential $credential -JoinOU $JoinOU | Should Be $false } } } |