ConvertFrom-StringData @'
GetScheduledTaskMessage = Getting scheduled task '{0}' in '{1}'. TaskNotFoundMessage = Task '{0}' not found in '{1}'. Returning an empty task with Ensure = "Absent". TaskFoundMessage = Task '{0}' found in '{1}'. Retrieving settings, first action, first trigger and repetition settings. TriggerTypeError = Trigger type '{0}' not recognized. DetectedScheduleTypeMessage = Detected schedule type '{0}' for first trigger. SetScheduledTaskMessage = Setting scheduled task '{0}' in '{1}'. DisablingExistingScheduledTask = Disabling existing scheduled task '{0}' in '{1}'. RepetitionDurationLessThanIntervalError = Repetition duration '{0}' is less than repetition interval '{1}'. Please set RepeatInterval to a value lower or equal to RepetitionDuration. DaysIntervalError = DaysInterval must be greater than zero (0) for Daily schedules. DaysInterval specified is '{0}'. WeeksIntervalError = WeeksInterval must be greater than zero (0) for Weekly schedules. WeeksInterval specified is '{0}'. WeekDayMissingError = At least one weekday must be selected for Weekly schedule. TriggerCreationError = Error creating new scheduled task trigger. ConfigureTriggerRepetitionMessage = Configuring trigger repetition. RepetitionIntervalError = Repetition interval is set to '{0}' but repetition duration is '{1}'. CreateRepetitionPatternMessage = Creating MSFT_TaskRepetitionPattern CIM instance to configure repetition in trigger. CreateTemporaryTaskMessage = Creating temporary task and trigger to get MSFT_TaskRepetitionPattern CIM instance. CreateTemporaryTriggerMessage = Creating temporary trigger to get MSFT_TaskRepetitionPattern CIM instance. TriggerUnexpectedTypeError = Trigger object that was created was of unexpected type '{0}'. CreateScheduledTaskPrincipalMessage = Creating scheduled task principal for account '{0}' using logon type '{1}'. RemovePreviousScheduledTaskMessage = Removing previous scheduled task '{0}' from '{1}'. CreateNewScheduledTaskMessage = Creating new scheduled task '{0}' in '{1}'. SetRepetitionTriggerMessage = Setting repetition trigger settings on task '{0}' in '{1}'. RegisterScheduledTaskMessage = Registering the scheduled task '{0}' in '{1}'. RemoveScheduledTaskMessage = Removing scheduled task '{0}' from '{1}'. TestScheduledTaskMessage = Testing scheduled task '{0}' in '{1}'. GetCurrentTaskValuesMessage = Current scheduled task values retrieved. CurrentTaskValuesNullMessage = Current scheduled values were null. TestingDscParameterStateMessage = Testing DSC parameter state. '@ |