
# Localized resources for MSFT_xAdcsCertificationAuthority

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GettingAdcsCAStatusMessage = Getting ADCS {0} Status.
    TestingAdcsCAStatusMessage = Testing ADCS {0} Status.
    AdcsCAInstalledButShouldNotBeMessage = ADCS {0} is installed but should not be. Change required.
    AdcsCAInstalledAndShouldBeMessage = ADCS {0} is installed and should be. Change not required.
    AdcsCANotInstalledButShouldBeMessage = ADCS {0} is not installed but should be. Change required.
    AdcsCANotInstalledAndShouldNotBeMessage = ADCS {0} is not installed and should not be. Change not required.
    SettingAdcsCAStatusMessage = Setting ADCS {0} Status.
    InstallingAdcsCAMessage = Installing ADCS {0}.
    UninstallingAdcsCAMessage = Uninstalling ADCS {0}.