
class SlackMessage
    #region Fields
    [string] $channel
    [string] $text
    [string] $icon_emoji
    [string] $icon_url
    [string] $username
    [SlackAttachment[]] $attachments
    [bool]$unfurl_links = $true

    #region Public Methods
    AddAttachment([Object] $input)            
        $a = New-Object SlackAttachment
        if($input.GetType().IsValueType -or $input.GetType().ToString() -eq "System.string")
            $a.text = $input
    AddAttachment([Object[]] $input)
        foreach($i in $input)
    AddAttachment([Object] $input, [String[]] $names)
        $a = New-Object SlackAttachment
    AddAttachment([Object[]] $input, [String[]] $names)
        foreach($i in $input)
    AddAttachment([SlackAttachment] $input)
        $this.attachments += $input
        if($this.Attachments.Count -ge 100)
            {throw new "No more than 100 attachments are allowed"}
    [string] GetJson()
        return $this.GetJson(5)
    [string] GetJson([int] $Depth)
        $value = $this | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $Depth
        foreach($s in $value.Split("`n"))
            if(-not($s -match ".*null.*" ))
                $newValue += $s

        return $newValue
    SetChannel([string] $input)
        if($input[0] -eq '@' -or $input[0] -eq '#')
            $this.channel = $input
            $this.channel = '#'+$input

    SetColor([string] $input)
        foreach($a in $this.attachments)

        Set-StrictMode -Off
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
        $Site = $Global:SlackWebHookUri
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    Send([string] $site)
        if(-not($site)){Throw New-Object System.ArgumentNullException "`$URI Parameter must be provided or `$Global:SlackWebHookUri must be set."}
        $json =$this.GetJson()
        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" -Body $json -Uri $site

class SlackAttachment
    #region Fields
    [int] $ts
    #region Public Methods
    SetTimeStamp([datetime] $value)
    { $this.ts = [int](get-date($value).ToUniversalTime() -UFormat %s) }
    SetColor([string] $input)
        if($input -match '\#?[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}')
            if($input[0] -eq '#')
                { $this.color = $input }
                { $this.color = '#'+$input }
        elseif ($input-match '^(\d{1,3}\,\d{1,3}\,\d{1,3})$')
            $RGB = $input.split(",")
            $red = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[0],16)
            $green = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[1],16)
            $blue  = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[2],16)

            if ($red.Length -eq 1)
                {$red = '0' + $red}
            if ($green.Length -eq 1)
                {$green = '0'+$green}
            if ($blue.Length -eq 1)
                {$blue = '0'+$blue}

            { $this.SetcColor($input) }
    #region Private Methods
    hidden SetProperties([Object] $input)
        $this.SetProperties($input, $null)
    hidden SetProperties([Object] $input, [String[]] $propNames)
        $this.InternalSetProperties($input, $PropNames)
    hidden InternalSetProperties([Object] $input, [String[]] $PropNames)
            {$this.SetFromMemberDefinitions(($input | get-member -Name $PropNames), $input)}
            {$this.SetFromMemberDefinitions($PropNames, $input)}
    hidden SetFromMemberDefinitions([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition[]] $props, [Object] $input)
        if($props -eq $null)
            $f = New-Object SlackField
            $f.title = $input.GetType().Name
            $f.value = $input.ToString()
        if($props.Length -gt 100)
            {Write-Warning "Some properties will be ignored,Slack max 100"} 
        foreach ($p in $props)
            $f = New-Object SlackField
            $f.title = $p.Name
            $f.value = $input | select -expand $p.Name
            $f.short = ($f.title.Length+$f.value.Length) -lt 50
    hidden SetcColor([System.Drawing.Color] $Color)
        $colorString = "#" + $Color.R.ToString("X2") + $Color.G.ToString("X2") + $Color.B.ToString("X2");
        $this.color = $colorString

class SlackField
    #region Fields

        Converts object(s) to slack messages
        The message you would like to send.
    .PARAMETER Payload
        The message you would like to send.
    .PARAMETER Properties
        The names of the properties that should be included.
    .PARAMETER UseAllProperties
        Use all properties.
        ConvertTo-Slack "My Message"

Function ConvertTo-Slack
    #region Params
        [Parameter( Position=0,ValueFromPipeline,HelpMessage="The message/object you would like to send.")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The message text.")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The names of the properties that should be included (Use of payload is required.)")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Use all properties.")]
        $ErrorActionPreference ="stop"
        $SlackMsg = New-Object SlackMessage

            { $SlackMsg.Text = $Text }

        foreach($value in $Payload)
            { $PayloadItems+=$value }
        $PayloadItems = $PayloadItems -ne $null
        if($PayloadItems.Count -eq 1 -and $PayloadItems[0].GetType() -eq [SlackMessage] )
            { $SlackMsg =$PayloadItems[0]-as [SlackMessage] }
        elseif($PayloadItems.Count -eq 1 -and ($PayloadItems[0].GetType().IsValueType -or $PayloadItems[0].GetType().ToString() -eq "System.string"))
            { $SlackMsg.Text = $PayloadItems[0] }
            foreach($value in $PayloadItems)
                    { $slackMsg.AddAttachment($value,($PayloadItems[0] | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select -Property Name -ExpandProperty Name)) }
                    { $slackMsg.AddAttachment($value,$Properties) }
                    { $slackMsg.AddAttachment($value) }
        return $slackMsg

        Writes to slack
        The message you would like to send.
    .PARAMETER Channel
        Used to provide the '#channel' or '@indivulal'.
    .PARAMETER UserName
        The sender of the message.
        The WebHook URI - alternately you can set `$Global:SlackWebHookUri
    .PARAMETER Payload
        The message you would like to send.
    .PARAMETER Properties
        The names of the properties that should be included.
    .PARAMETER UseAllProperties
        Use all properties.
    .PARAMETER Icon_Emoji
        The emoji you would like to use for the message icon.
    .PARAMETER $Icon_Url
        The Icon url.
        Write-Slack "My Message"
        Write-Slack -$Payload [OBJ] -Text "My Message" -UserName "My Robot" -Channel "@mySlackUser"

Function Write-Slack
    #region Params
        [Parameter( Position=0,ValueFromPipeline,HelpMessage="The message you would like to send.")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The message text.")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The names of the properties that should be included.")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Use all properties.")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The URL of the Slack Web Hook custom intagration - alternately you can set `$Global:SlackWebHookUri.")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Icon Emoji Text")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Icon url")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Message from name")]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The name of the channel or person you would like to send to")]
        $ErrorActionPreference ="stop"

        function Sendit ([SlackMessage] $SlkMsg)
                { $SlkMsg.Text =$Text }
                { $SlkMsg.Icon_Emoji =$Icon_Emoji }
                { $SlkMsg.Icon_Url =$Icon_Url }
                { $SlkMsg.Username =$Username }
                { $SlkMsg.SetChannel($Channel) }
                { $SlkMsg.Send($SlackWebHookUri) }
                { $SlkMsg.Send() }
        foreach($value in $Payload)
            if($value -is [SlackMessage])
                { Sendit($value -as[SlackMessage]) }
                { $PayloadItems+=$value }
        $PayloadItems = $PayloadItems -ne $null
                { $slackMsg = ConvertTo-Slack -payload $PayloadItems -Properties ($PayloadItems[0] | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select -Property Name -ExpandProperty Name) }
                { $slackMsg = ConvertTo-Slack -payload $PayloadItems -Properties $Properties }
                { $slackMsg = ConvertTo-Slack -payload $PayloadItems }


export-modulemember -function Write-Slack
export-modulemember -function ConvertTo-Slack