using module ../utils/utils.psd1 <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves recent support tickets. .DESCRIPTION This module contains functions related to the capturing and collecting to recent service tickets. It includes the following functions: - Get-WAFSupportTicket - New-WAFSupportTicketObject .EXAMPLE PS> $serviceTiketObjects = Get-WAFSupportTicket -SubscriptionIds '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' .NOTES Author: Takeshi Katano Date: 2024-11-08 #> <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves recent service tickets for a given Azure subscription. .DESCRIPTION The Get-WAFSupportTicket function queries the Azure Resource Graph to retrieve recent service tickets for a specified Azure subscription. It filters the service tickets to include only those that have created in the last three months. .PARAMETER SubscriptionIds The subscription ID for the Azure subscription to retrieve service tickets. .OUTPUTS Returns a list of service tickets, including the name and properties of each tickets. .EXAMPLE PS> $serviceTiketObjects = Get-WAFSupportTicket -SubscriptionIds '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' This example retrieves the recent service tickets for the specified Azure subscription. .NOTES Author: Takeshi Katano Date: 2024-11-08 #> function Get-WAFSupportTicket { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ Test-WAFIsGuid -StringGuid $_ })] [string[]] $SubscriptionIds ) $argQuery = @' SupportResources | where type =~ "Microsoft.Support/supportTickets" | where properties.Severity !~ "Minimal" // Exclude severity C | extend createdDateAsDateTime = todatetime(properties.CreatedDate), // UTC modifiedDateAsDateTime = todatetime(properties.ModifiedDate) // UTC | where createdDateAsDateTime >= datetime_add("Month", -3, now()) // Last 3 months (not 90 days) | project supportTicketId = properties.SupportTicketId, severity = properties.Severity, status = properties.Status, supportPlanType = properties.SupportPlanType, createdDate = createdDateAsDateTime, modifiedDate = modifiedDateAsDateTime, title = properties.Title, technicalTicketDetailsResourceId = iif(isnull(properties.TechnicalTicketDetails.ResourceId), "", properties.TechnicalTicketDetails.ResourceId) | order by createdDate desc '@ $supportTickets = Invoke-WAFQuery -SubscriptionIds $SubscriptionIds -Query $argQuery $supportTicketObjects = foreach ($supportTicket in $supportTickets) { $cmdletParams = @{ SupportTicketId = $supportTicket.supportTicketId Severity = $supportTicket.severity Status = $supportTicket.status SupportPlanType = $supportTicket.supportPlanType CreatedDate = $supportTicket.createdDate ModifiedDate = $supportTicket.modifiedDate Title = $supportTicket.title TechnicalTicketDetailsResourceId = $supportTicket.technicalTicketDetailsResourceId } New-WAFSupportTicketObject @cmdletParams } return $supportTicketObjects } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a service ticket object. .DESCRIPTION The New-WAFSupportTicketObject function creates a service ticket based on the specified parameters. .PARAMETER SupportTicketId The ID of the support ticket. It's usually sixteen digits of number. .PARAMETER Severity The severity of the support ticket such as Minimal, Moderate, etc. .PARAMETER Status The status of the support ticket. It's usually Open or Closed. .PARAMETER SupportPlanType The support plan type of the support ticket such as Unified Enterprise, etc. .PARAMETER CreatedDate The created date of the support ticket. .PARAMETER ModifiedDate The modified date of the support ticket. .PARAMETER Title The title of the support ticket. .PARAMETER TechnicalTicketDetailsResourceId The resource ID of the related Azure resource to the support ticket if it's available. .OUTPUTS Returns a SupportTicketObject as a PSCustomObject. .EXAMPLE PS> $serviceTiketObject = New-WAFSupportTicketObject -SupportTicketId '0123456789012345' -Severity 'Moderate' -Status 'Open' -SupportPlanType 'Unified Enterprise' -CreatedDate $createdDate -ModifiedDate $modifiedDate -Title $title -TechnicalTicketDetailsResourceId $resourceId .NOTES Author: Takeshi Katano Date: 2024-11-08 #> function New-WAFSupportTicketObject { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $SupportTicketId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Severity, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Status, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $SupportPlanType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [datetime] $CreatedDate, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [datetime] $ModifiedDate, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $TechnicalTicketDetailsResourceId ) return [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Ticket ID' = $SupportTicketId 'Severity' = $Severity 'Status' = $Status 'Support Plan Type' = $SupportPlanType 'Creation Date' = $CreatedDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') 'Modified Date' = $ModifiedDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') 'Title' = $Title 'Related Resource' = $TechnicalTicketDetailsResourceId } } |