.SYNOPSIS WARA Runbook module. .DESCRIPTION Enables developers to consume WARA runbook files. #> function Read-Runbook { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $RunbookPath ) # First, check to make sure the runbook actually exists... if (!(Test-Path $RunbookPath -PathType Leaf)) { # If not, fail early. Write-Error "[-RunbookPath]: No runbook found at [$RunbookPath]." $null } else { # If so, let's read this runbook! $runbook = @{ Parameters = @{} Selectors = @{} Checks = @{} QueryOverrides = @() } # Read the runbook JSON $runbookJson = Get-Content -Raw $RunbookPath | ConvertFrom-Json # Try to load parameters $runbookJson.parameters.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $runbook.Parameters[$_.Name] = $_.Value } # Try to load selectors $runbookJson.selectors.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $runbook.Selectors[$_.Name.ToLower()] = $_.Value } # Try to load checks $runbookJson.checks.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $runbook.Checks[$_.Name.ToLower()] = $_.Value } # Try to load query overrides $runbookJson.query_overrides | ForEach-Object { $runbook.QueryOverrides += [string]$_ } return [PSCustomObject]$runbook } } |