.SYNOPSIS Well-Architected Reliability Assessment Report Generator Function .DESCRIPTION The function `Start-WARAReport` processes the Excel file created by the `Start-WARAAnalyzer` command and generates the final PowerPoint and Word reports for the Well-Architected Reliability Assessment. .PARAMETER Help Switch to display help information. .PARAMETER CustomerName Name of the customer for whom the report is being generated. .PARAMETER WorkloadName Name of the workload being assessed. .PARAMETER includeLow Option to also consider Low Impact recommendations. .PARAMETER ExpertAnalysisFile Path to the Excel file created by the "2_wara_data_analyzer" script. .PARAMETER PPTTemplateFile Path to the PowerPoint template file. .EXAMPLE Start-WARAReport -ExpertAnalysisFile 'C:\WARA_Script\WARA Action Plan 2024-03-07_16_06.xlsx' -CustomerName 'ABC Customer' -WorkloadName 'SAP On Azure' -Heavy -PPTTemplateFile 'C:\Templates\Template.pptx' .LINK #> function Start-WARAReport { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [switch] $Help, #[switch] $csvExport, [switch] $includeLow, [string] $CustomerName, [string] $WorkloadName, [Parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string] $ExpertAnalysisFile, [string] $AssessmentFindingsFile, [string] $PPTTemplateFile ) Write-host "Checking Version.." -ForegroundColor Cyan $LocalVersion = $(Get-Module -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName).Version $GalleryVersion = (Find-Module -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName).Version if($LocalVersion -lt $GalleryVersion){ Write-Host "A newer version of the module is available. Please update the module to the latest version and re-run the command." -ForegroundColor Cyan - Write-host "You can update by running 'Update-Module -Name $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName)'" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Local Install Version: $LocalVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "PowerShell Gallery Version: $GalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Green throw 'Module is out of date.' } Write-host Wrapping Report Generator -ForegroundColor Cyan & "$PSScriptRoot/3_wara_reports_generator.ps1" @PSBoundParameters Write-Host Report Generator Complete -ForegroundColor Cyan } |