"pin": "Pin your project's runtime or package manager\neg: volta pin node@lts", "pin --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "pin --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "pin -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "list": "Display the current toolchain", "list -c": "Alias: --current\nShow the currently-active tool(s)", "list -d": "Alias: --default\nShow your default tool(s)", "list --format": "Specify the output format [possible values: human, plain]\neg: volta list --format human\n volta list --format plain", "list --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "list --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "list -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "install": "Command: volta install <node|npm|yarn|...>\nInstall a tool in your toolchain\neg: volta install node@lts\n volta install yarn@1", "install --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "install --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "install -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "fetch": "Command: volta fetch <node|npm|yarn|...>\nFetch a tool to the local machine\neg: volta install node@lts\n volta install yarn@1", "fetch --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "fetch --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "fetch -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "uninstall": "Command: volta uninstall <node|npm|yarn|...>\nUninstall a tool in your toolchain\neg: volta uninstall node@lts", "uninstall --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "uninstall --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "uninstall -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "which": "Command: volta which <node|npm|yarn|...>\nLocate the actual binary that will be called by Volta", "which --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "which --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "which -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "run": "Run a command with custom node/npm/pnpm/yarn versions", "run --node": "Set the custom Node version\neg: volta run --node <version> <command>", "run --npm": "Set the custom Npm version\neg: volta run --npm <version> <command>", "run --yarn": "Set the custom Yarn version\neg: volta run --yarn <version> <command>", "run --env": "Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)\neg: volta run --env <NAME=value>", "run --no-yarn": "Disable Yarn", "run --bundled-npm": "Force npm to be the version bundled with Node", "run --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "run --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "run -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "-v": "Alias: --version\nPrint the current version of Volta", "help": "Show official help\neg: volta help pin", "help pin": "Show official help -- pin", "help list": "Show official help -- list", "help install": "Show official help -- install", "help fetch": "Show official help -- fetch", "help uninstall": "Show official help -- uninstall", "help which": "Show official help -- which", "help run": "Show official help -- run", "help setup": "Show official help -- setup", "help completions": "Show official help -- completions", "setup": "Enable Volta for the current user / shell", "setup --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "setup --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "setup -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "completions": "Generate Volta completions\nYou already have completions. You don't need it", "completions --verbose": "Enables verbose diagnostics", "completions --quiet": "Prevents unnecessary output", "completions -h": "Alias: --help\nPrints help information", "volta_info":{ "warn":"Module Warning(volta-tab-completion): It's no longer maintained and improved!", "tip":"You should install and import the PSCompletions module, and run \"psc add volta\" to add volta completion\nFor more information: https://github.com/abgox/PSCompletions" } } |