
function GetSecondTuesday([int]$month, [int]$year)
    # Calculate the first day of the month
    $firstDay = Get-Date -Year $year -Month $month -Day 1

    # Calculate the day of the week for the first day of the month
    $firstDayOfWeek = $firstDay.DayOfWeek

    # Calculate the number of days until the first Tuesday of the month
    $daysUntilTuesday = [int][System.DayOfWeek]::Tuesday - $firstDayOfWeek
    if ($daysUntilTuesday -lt 0) {$daysUntilTuesday += 7}

    # Add 7 days to get the second Tuesday of the month
    $secondTuesday = $firstDay.AddDays($daysUntilTuesday + 7)

    # Return the day of the month for the second Tuesday
    return $secondTuesday

Function Exposure_Score($exposure)
  $score = 1
    "internet-unrestricted"  {$score = 4 ; break}
    "internal-unrestricted"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "vap"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "authentication-required"  {$score = 2.5 ; break}
    "local-access-required"  {$score = 2.5 ; break}
    "internal-restricted-hips"  {$score = 2 ; break}
    "internal-restricted-hbfw"  {$score = 2 ; break}
    "internal-restricted"  {$score = 1.5 ; break}
  return $score

Function Exploitability_Score($cvss)
  if ($cvss -like '*(*') {
    $cvss_value = $cvss.substring(0,$cvss.indexOf('(')-1)
    $threat_label = $cvss.substring($cvss.indexOf('('),$cvss.indexOf(')')-$cvss.indexOf('(')+1)
  else {
    $threat_label = ""

  $score = 1
    "(ZERO DAY - WORMABLE)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(ZERO DAY - UNAUTHENTICATED)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(ZERO DAY - REMOTE CODE EXECUTION)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(ZERO DAY)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(CISA EXPLOITED)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(RANSOMWARE - WORMABLE)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(RANSOMWARE - UNAUTHENTICATED)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(RANSOMWARE - REMOTE CODE EXECUTION)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(RANSOMWARE)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(ACTIVE ATTACKS - WORMABLE)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(ACTIVE ATTACKS - UNAUTHENTICATED)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(ACTIVE ATTACKS - REMOTE CODE EXECUTION)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(ACTIVE ATTACKS)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(MALWARE - WORMABLE)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(MALWARE - UNAUTHENTICATED)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(MALWARE - REMOTE CODE EXECUTION)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(MALWARE)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(PUBLIC EXPLOIT - WORMABLE)"  {$score = 2.5 ; break}
    "(PUBLIC EXPLOIT - UNAUTHENTICATED)"  {$score = 2.5 ; break}
    "(PUBLIC EXPLOIT - REMOTE CODE EXECUTION)"  {$score = 2.5 ; break}
    "(PUBLIC EXPLOIT)"  {$score = 2.5 ; break}
    "(WEAK PASSWORD)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "(END OF LIFE)"  {$score = 1.5 ; break}
    "(REVISED)"  {$score = 1.5 ; break}
    ""  {$score = 1 ; break}
  return $score

Function Criticality_Score($tier)
  $score = 5
    "FIA (Sensitive)"  {$score = 5 ; break}
    "Platinum (Sensitive)"  {$score = 4 ; break}
    "Platinum (Internal)"  {$score = 4 ; break}
    "Platinum (Public)"  {$score = 4 ; break}
    "Gold (Sensitive)"  {$score = 4 ; break}
    "Silver (Sensitive)"  {$score = 4 ; break}
    "Bronze (Sensitive)"  {$score = 4 ; break}
    "Gold (Internal)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "Silver (Internal)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
    "Bronze (Internal)"  {$score = 3 ; break}
  return $score

Export-ModuleMember -Function GetSecondTuesday
Export-ModuleMember -Function Exposure_Score
Export-ModuleMember -Function Exploitability_Score
Export-ModuleMember -Function Criticality_Score