
function GetSecondTuesday([int]$month, [int]$year)
    # Calculate the first day of the month
    $firstDay = Get-Date -Year $year -Month $month -Day 1

    # Calculate the day of the week for the first day of the month
    $firstDayOfWeek = $firstDay.DayOfWeek

    # Calculate the number of days until the first Tuesday of the month
    $daysUntilTuesday = [int][System.DayOfWeek]::Tuesday - $firstDayOfWeek
    if ($daysUntilTuesday -lt 0) {$daysUntilTuesday += 7}

    # Add 7 days to get the second Tuesday of the month
    $secondTuesday = $firstDay.AddDays($daysUntilTuesday + 7)

    # Return the day of the month for the second Tuesday
    return $secondTuesday

Export-ModuleMember -Function GetSecondTuesday