
function Add-VerkadaAccessGroup{
        Creates an Access group in an organization using

        Create an access group within the given organization using the given name. The name of the access group must be unique within the organization. This returns the Access Group Metadata Object for the created Access Group.
        The org_id and reqired token can be directly submitted as parameters, but is much easier to use Connect-Verkada to cache this information ahead of time and for subsequent commands.


        Add-VerkadaAccessGroup -name 'Newgroup'
        This will add the access group with the name "NewGroup". The org_id and tokens will be populated from the cached created by Connect-Verkada.
        Add-VerkadaAccessGroup -name 'NewGroup' -org_id '7cd47706-f51b-4419-8675-3b9f0ce7c12d' -x_api_key 'sd78ds-uuid-of-verkada-token'
        This will add the access group with the name "NewGroup". The org_id and tokens are submitted as parameters in the call.

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $true)]
    param (
        #The name of the group
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        #The UUID of the organization the user belongs to
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [String]$org_id = $Global:verkadaConnection.org_id,
        #The public API key to be used for calls that hit the public API gateway
        [String]$x_api_key = $Global:verkadaConnection.token,
        #Switch to write errors to file
    begin {
        $url = ""
        #parameter validation
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($org_id)) {throw "org_id is missing but is required!"}
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($x_api_key)) {throw "x_api_key is missing but is required!"}
        $myErrors = @()
    } #end begin
    process {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($name)){
            Write-Error "name is required"

        $body_params = @{
            'name'        = $name
        $query_params = @{}
        try {
            $response = Invoke-VerkadaRestMethod $url $org_id $x_api_key $query_params -body_params $body_params -method POST
            return $response
        catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException] {
            $err = $_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json
            $errorMes = $_ | Convertto-Json -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            $err | Add-Member -NotePropertyName StatusCode -NotePropertyValue (($errorMes | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Exception.Response.StatusCode) -Force
            $msg = "$($err.StatusCode) - $($err.message)"
            $msg += ": $(($query_params + $body_params) | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)"
            Write-Error $msg
            $myErrors += $msg
            $msg = $null
        catch [VerkadaRestMethodException] {
            $msg = $_.ToString()
            $msg += ": $(($query_params + $body_params) | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)"
            Write-Error $msg
            $myErrors += $msg
            $msg = $null
    } #end process
    end {
        if ($errorsToFile.IsPresent){
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myErrors)){
                Get-Date | Out-File ./errors.txt -Append
                $myErrors | Out-File ./errors.txt -Append
    } #end end
} #end function