
#Requires -Version 3.0

#-- Helper Functions --#

Get encoding from the file your tried to read.
You can specify what is the encoding used in the file you want to check.
Will return encoding name used in PowerShell, it means you can pass returned value to Get-Content or other.
Author: guitarrapc
Created: 19/Nov/2013
Get-ValentiaFileEncoding -Path hogehoge.ps1
Get encoding of hogehoge.ps1

function Get-ValentiaFileEncoding
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, position = 0)]

    if (Test-Path $path)
        $bytes = [byte[]](Get-Content $Path -Encoding byte -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4)

        if(-not $bytes)
            return 'utf8'

        switch -regex ('{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}' -f $bytes[0],$bytes[1],$bytes[2],$bytes[3])
            '^efbbbf'   {return 'utf8'}
            '^2b2f76'   {return 'utf7'}
            '^fffe'     {return 'unicode'}
            '^feff'     {return 'bigendianunicode'}
            '^0000feff' {return 'utf32'}
            default     {return 'ascii'}
        throw ("path '{0}' not exist excemption." -f $path)