
.VERSION 2.1.0
.GUID 2c76e9e9-12e9-40ae-ae7e-c3dbe786d7c9
.AUTHOR Mayank Goyal
.PROJECTURI https://github.com/imtrinity94/vRODoc

 This script converts vRO Package directly into JSDoc website by connecting to vRO. Requires nodejs and jsdoc module installed. Create new files *.html & *.js directly from vRO with JSDoc annotation. It consumes a package name which should exist in vRO with all the Actions you want to document and creates .js files with JSDoc Annotations under $exportPath\$packageName\Actions\*module names*\ and converted .html files under $exportPath\$packageName\docs..

vRODoc - Converts vRO Code directly into JSDoc website.
The FQDN of vRO host
for 7.x = 8281 and for 8.x = 443
Username to connect to vroHost
Password to connect to vroHost
.PARAMETER exportPath
Specify full path of a folder location for all the action to happen.
.PARAMETER packageName
Specify the package name in vroHost which contains the actions to be documented.
Reboot the device after the Autopilot profile has been assigned (necessary to download the profile and apply the computer name, if specified).
./vrodoc_script.ps1 -vroHost vro.domain -vroPort 443 -user user@domain -pass pa$$word -exportPath "c:\users\user" -packageName com.package.name

  [string]$fileName=$packageName + ".package"

######################### Showdown ###############################

add-type @"
    using System.Net;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
        public bool CheckValidationResult(
            ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
            WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
            return true;

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

function ConvertTo-Base64($string) {
   $bytes  = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($string);
   $encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes); 

   return $encoded;

$vcoUrl = "https://$($vroHost):$($vroPort)/vco/api";

# Authentication token
$token = ConvertTo-Base64("$($user):$($pass)");
$auth = "Basic $($token)";

$headers = @{"Authorization"= $auth;'Accept'='Application/zip'; 'Accept-Encoding'='gzip, deflate'; };
$expPackageURI = "https://$($vroHost):$($vroPort)/vco/api/packages/$($packageName)/?exportConfigurationAttributeValues=true";
$ret = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $expPackageURI -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/zip;charset=utf-8" -Method Get

$ret.Content | Set-Content -Path  $exportPath\$fileName -Encoding Byte

write-host "";
write-host "$expPackageURI";
write-host "Exported to: $exportPath\$fileName";
Rename-Item $exportPath\$fileName $packageName'.zip'
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $exportPath\$packageName'.zip' -DestinationPath $exportPath\$packageName
write-host "Extracted to: $exportPath\$packageName";

#Changing Default UTF-16 LE Encoding to UTF-8 for JSDoc compatibility. You can also change jsdoc config to consume UTF-16 .js files
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'

## Inputs:
#Element Folder Path after package unzipped
$ElementsFolder = $exportPath+'\'+$packageName+'\elements'
# Path to save all new Modules and Actions
$savePath = $exportPath+'\'+$packageName

#Set Slash
$slash = "\"

# Enter the folder path
cd $ElementsFolder
$dir = dir $ElementsFolder | ?{$_.PSISContainer}
foreach ($d in $dir){
    # Enter subfolder path
    cd $d
    ## Do Tasks copying from Element folder and formatting to javascript with Parameters commented/scripts to .js
    #Get the categories file to determine vRO Module
        Select-Xml -Path .\categories -XPath 'categories'
        [xml]$xmlElm = Get-Content -Path .\categories
        #this getthe action name
        $catNameFolder = $xmlElm.categories.category.name.'#cdata-section'
        write-host "Module name: " $catNameFolder
        [xml]$xmlElm = Get-Content -Path .\info
        $elementType = $xmlElm.properties.entry.'#text'
        #Get the Actions
        if ($elementType -contains "ScriptModule") {
            ## if module contains space or more than 1 categorie = It's a workflow Folder or Configuration Element type
             #Create module folder
             if ($osType -eq 'mac'){
                mkdir -p $savePath$slash'Actions'$slash$catNameFolder
             } else {
                mkdir $savePath$slash'Actions'$slash$catNameFolder
             #Get the data file to determine vRO Action
             Select-Xml -Path .\data -XPath 'dunes-script-module/script'
             [xml]$xmlElm = Get-Content -Path .\data
             #this get the action name
             $actionName = $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.name
             $actionName = $actionName+".js"
             # This returns all parameters
             $actionParams = $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.param
             #This return all script part
             $actionScript = $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.script.'#cdata-section'
             # creating file javascript
             New-Item -Name  $actionName -ItemType File
             # adding Metadata in JSDoc Style
             echo "/**" >> $actionName
             #echo " * @author Mayank Goyal [mayankgoyalmax@gmail.com]" >> $actionName
             $function = " * @function "+ $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.name
             #$memberOf = " * @memberof "+ $catNameFolder
             $actionVersion = " * @version "+ $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.version
             if ($xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.description.'#cdata-section') {
                $description = " * @description" + $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.description.'#cdata-section'
             echo $function >> $actionName
             # echo $memberOf >> $actionName not showing up actions under global - not usable
             echo $actionVersion >> $actionName
             echo $decription  >> $actionName
             $params = $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.param
             $paramTypes = $params.t
             $paramNames = $params.n
             $paramDescriptions = $params.'#cdata-section'
         foreach ($param in $params) {
            $params = " * @param {" + $param.t + '} ' + $param.n + ' ' + $param.'#cdata-section'
            echo $params >> $actionName
             if ($xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.'result-type'){
                $return = " * @returns {" + $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.'result-type' + "}"
             echo $return >> $actionName
             echo " */" >> $actionName
             # adding function and script content
             $functionHeader = "function " + $xmlElm.'dunes-script-module'.name + "("
             $functionHeader += ($paramNames) -join ","
             $functionHeader += ") {"
             echo $functionHeader >> $actionName
             if ($actionScript) {
                foreach ($line in $actionScript.split([System.Environment]::NewLine)) {
                    echo `t$line >> $actionName
             ##echo `t$actionScript >> $actionName
             echo "};" >> $actionName
             # Copy to final upload location
             mv -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $actionName $savePath$slash'Actions'$slash$catNameFolder$slash$actionName 
            write-host "Skipping Workflows, Configuration Elements & Resource Elements"
    #Go back root level
    cd ..

jsdoc --recurse $savePath$slash'Actions' -d $savePath$slash'docs'
write-host "Actions(.js) converted to .html at $savePath\docs";