<# .SYNOPSIS git shortlog extension .DESCRIPTION Outputs git shortlog as objects .EXAMPLE git shortlog # Get a shortlog .EXAMPLE git shortlog --email # Get a shortlog with email information .EXAMPLE git shortlog --summary # Get a shortlog summary .EXAMPLE git shortlog --sumary --email # Get a shortlog summary, with email. #> [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Out","Git")] # It's an extension for Out-Git [ValidatePattern("^git shortlog",Options='IgnoreCase')] # when the pattern is "git branch" param() begin { $shortlogLines = @() $SummaryLineRegex = [Regex]::new(@' ^\s{1,}(?<Count>\d+)\s{1,}(?<Name>[^\<]+)(?:\<(?<Email>[^\>]+)\>){0,1}$ '@,'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace') $CommitterLineRegex = [Regex]::new(@' ^(?<Name>\S[^\<\()]+)(?:\<(?<Email>[^\>]+)\>){0,1}\s{0,}\((?<Count>\d+)\)\:$ '@,'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace') $CommitMessageLineRegex = [Regex]::new('^\s{4,}(?<CommitMessage>.+)$') } process { $shortlogLines += $gitOut } end { $currentCommitter = $null $hadSummaries = $false foreach ($shortLogLine in $shortlogLines) { if ($shortLogLine -match $SummaryLineRegex) { $hadSummaries = $true $shortLogExtract = [Ordered]@{} + $matches $shortLogExtract.Remove(0) $shortLogExtract.GitRoot = $GitRoot $shortLogExtract.PSTypeName = 'Git.Shortlog.Summary' [PSCustomObject]$shortLogExtract } elseif ($shortlogLine -match $CommitterLineRegex) { if ($currentCommitter) { [PSCustomObject]$currentCommitter } $shortLogExtract = [Ordered]@{} + $matches $shortLogExtract.Remove(0) $shortLogExtract.Commits = @() $shortLogExtract.GitRoot = $GitRoot $shortLogExtract.PSTypeName = 'Git.Shortlog' $currentCommitter = $shortLogExtract } elseif ($currentCommitter -and $shortlogLine -match $CommitMessageLineRegex) { $currentCommitter.Commits += $matches.CommitMessage } } if ($currentCommitter) { [PSCustomObject]$currentCommitter } elseif (-not $hadSummaries) { $shortlogLines } } |