
    Git Commit Input
    Makes Git Commit easier to use from PowerShell by providing parameters for the -Message, -Title, -Body, and -Trailers
    git commit -Title "Fixing Something"
    git commit -Title "Changing Stuff" -Trailers @{"Co-Authored-By"="SOMEONE ELSE <Someone@Else.com>"}

[ValidatePattern('^git commit')]
# The message used for the commit

# The title of the commit. If -Message is also provided, this will become part of the -Body

# The body of the commit.

# Any git trailers to add to the commit.
# git trailers are key-value pairs you can use to associate metadata with a commit.
# As this uses --trailer, this requires git version 2.33 or greater.

# If set, will amend an existing commit.

if ($Message) {

if ($Title) {

if ($Body) {

if ($Trailers) {    
    foreach ($kv in $Trailers.GetEnumerator()) {
        foreach ($val in $kv.Value) {
            "--trailer=$($kv.Key -replace ':','_colon_' -replace '\s', '-')=$val"

if ($amend) {