Write-FormatView -TypeName Git.Stash.Apply -Action { Write-FormatViewExpression -Text "On Branch: " Write-FormatViewExpression -ScriptBlock { $_.BranchName } -if { $_.BranchName -notin 'main', 'master' } -ForegroundColor Verbose Write-FormatViewExpression -ScriptBlock { $_.BranchName } -if { $_.BranchName -in 'main', 'master' } -ForegroundColor Warning Write-FormatViewExpression -Newline Write-formatviewExpression -If { $_.Staged } -ScriptBlock { "Changes Staged For Commit: (use git commit -m to commit)" + [Environment]::NewLine } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.Staged } -ScriptBlock { (@(foreach ($line in $($_.Staged | Select-Object ChangeType, Path | Out-String -Width ($host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 8)) -split '(?>\r\n|\n)') { (" " * 4) + $line }) -join [Environment]::NewLine) + [Environment]::NewLine } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.Unstaged } -ScriptBlock { "Changes Not Staged For Commit: (use git add <file> to add, git restore <file> to discard changes)" + [Environment]::NewLine } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.Unstaged} -ScriptBlock { (@(foreach ($line in $($_.Unstaged | Select-Object ChangeType, Path | Out-String -Width ($host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 8)) -split '(?>\r\n|\n)') { (" " * 4) + $line }) -join [Environment]::NewLine) + [Environment]::NewLine } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.Untracked } -ScriptBlock { "Untracked Files: (use git add <file> to include in commit)" + [Environment]::NewLine } Write-FormatViewExpression -If { $_.Untracked} -ScriptBlock { @(foreach ($line in $($_.Untracked | Out-String -Width ($host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 8)) -split '(?>\r\n|\n)') { (" " * 4) + $line }) -join [Environment]::NewLine } } -GroupByProperty GitRoot |