<# .Synopsis git clone extension .Description Clones a repository, and returns the result as an object. .Example git clone https://github.com/StartAutomating/ugit.git .EXAMPLE # Clone a large repo. # When --progress is provided, Write-Progress will be called. git clone https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates --progress #> [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Out","Git")] [ValidatePattern('^git clone')] [OutputType('git.clone')] param() begin { $gitCloneLines = @() $progId = 0 $cloningIntoDest = "^Cloning into '(?<dest>[^']+)'" $dest = '' $progressMsg = "cloning" } process { $gitCloneLines += $gitOut if ($gitOut -match $cloningIntoDest) { $dest = $matches.dest $progressMsg = $matches.0 if (-not $progId) { $progId = Get-Random } Write-Progress $progressMsg " " -Id $ProgId } if ($gitOut -match '(?<p>\d+)%\s\((?<c>\d+)/(?<t>\d+)\)') { $status = $gitOut -replace '(?<p>\d+)%\s\((?<c>\d+)/(?<t>\d+)\)' if (-not $progId) { $progId = Get-Random } Write-Progress $progressMsg " $status $($matches.c) / $($matches.t)" -PercentComplete $matches.p -Id $ProgId } } end { if ($progId) { Write-Progress $progressMsg "$status $($matches.c) / $($matches.t)" -Completed -Id $ProgId } if ($dest) { $destPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($dest) $gitUrl = $gitArgument | Where-Object { ($_ -as [uri]).Authority} [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'git.clone' GitRoot = "$destPath" Directory = Get-Item -LiteralPath $destPath GitUrl = $gitUrl } } else { $gitCloneLines } } |